Saturday, October 31, 2009

Parents question?

okay im 18 now and my parents owned a buisness about 5 yrs ago, but we ended up closing it. we have alot of debt due to it and are slowly recovering, but my dad is obsessed with being rich. my mom works a full time job plus another job on the weekends (7 days a week) my dad and my brothers farm and do offside things like sell meat, and goods at different markets. i also work a seperate job. i think my dad was mad a couple days ago too cause i had my graduation from high school and they were supposed to be out selling, on memorial day weekend. i felt bad that i couldnt even graduate from high school without ppl being pi**sed off! im living at home for college next yr but am not looking forward to it. then again i dont want to move out either yet. my dad thinks they work so hard, yet so do i!! i slept in til 7:00 am this morning and he thinks thats late or something. i dont know what to do! alll they care about is money.
Money isnt everything. Are they still in debt? If they are I can understand them working hard to pay it off...but they're not realizing that money has little worth when it comes to everything. If your dad was mad at you for not working when you were going to graduate, he has serious problems and doesn't realize theres more to life than working.

You need to sit down with your parents and have a serious conversation. Tell them how you feel, they might not see it and you might get more answers to why they are doing it. Are you working during the summer? I'd recommend getting a job if you don't have one already to prove your a hardworker, and I'm sure you are. Congraulations on graduating and going to college.

If all they care about is money and they refuse to see anything beyond it, then, theres nothing you can do. I'd recommend getting an apartment when you go to college, even though its expensive, or better yet moving in with friends or family and helping pay the bills that way, helping out with housework etc and 7:00am is not sleeping in late.
money isnt everything but i guess they are just trying to make sure they will always be able to support you.
just do what you can to not get stressed and hopefully they will die down a bit and stop worrying so much about how much they are earning
Go to college, get a good job and get out. Just remember, you don't have to support your parents!

if/ u can afford it/ move out / do u have friends or relatives u can stay with/ they should have been proud / u graduated from school and want to go to college/ but the law states/ if u live at home/ u abide by parents wishes/ good luck
This sounds very much like my own life at your age. I would suggest building a support network and trying to move out as soon as you can, whether it's in three months or three years. Make friends who live on their own. Do you have any scholarships for college?

Although the financial stuff is definitely part of it, a lot of parents have trouble letting their kids grow up too. I'm very proud of you for graduating from high school and going on to college and I'm sorry your family can't give you the encouragement to grow up that you deserve.
I am not a parent, however I am old enough to have fathered 20+ kids.

Do your parents pay your college fees? Do you want for anything?

I think the trick here is to try and see their side of it as well as yours. They obviously work hard for what they have and what they provide for their family, and one has to admire them for that.

Perhaps they do not see that you work hard, therefore perhaps explaining to them that you know THEY do, but also pointing out what you do (and studying is also a form of labour) may resolve matters.
It sounds like there are some finacial insecurities in this family. please note.. EVERY individual is different. Some are obsessed with things and some are not. I am the first born and I graduated, kept a steady job since I was 14 and I am no where ahead now, than I was when I started. Please take the path that will make you happy and not anyone else's path. Everyone is different and has different goals.
Go to college. Be somebody but don't consume your life with work and toil because that's not a life hon.. It's a RUT! There's more to life than that! Enjoy everything that comes your way. If you stay home.. (which I don't suggest), unless you have to, than stay AWAY from home as much a possible.
You're going to be astrong part of this nation and I'm glad you're raised in a hardworking Family like mine.. But than again... I know how you feel! Write back if you need an ear!
Congratulations on Graduating! Go to college and get yourself a degree and good job. Remember, money doesn't buy happiness. Don't let your family make you feel guilty. When you have kids of your own, let them sleep in.

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