Saturday, October 31, 2009

Panic attacks! Looking for other ways to subside the anxiety besides taking effexor and zoloft & klonopin?

Looking for ways to remove the panic and anxiety feelings. Herbs, certain methods or anything else
Hi. I am a long-term panic attack sufferer. Effexor is a great help but notwithstanding, you could try Bach's Rescue Remedy which is a natural tincture. You can find in in Holland and Barrett or Boots (UK). It really, really helps. My panic attacks are to do with "being trapped", in any kind of environment, inside or outside. I was getting attacks on public transport and it was really limiting. Someone told me that what the fear really is, is of having a panic attack itself. It is a fear of fear. Once you realize this, it does tend to subside. It isn't the spider or enclosed space that is panicking you, it is the fear of panic itself. That coupled with breathing slowly helps me. I hope you feel better soon.
Try breathing into a paper bag, take long deep breaths, it will calm you down
How open-minded are you? If you're willing to try something that's relatively new in the field of psychology, there's a fantastically effective new acupressure technique called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). I've had personal experience with this method -- and another one that's very similar but even more effective, called the REMAP process -- and have had excellent success with it. I'd highly recommend either to you. If you'd like to read more about it, here's the link to the official EFT website

and to the website of the therapist who developed the REMAP process

I hope these are helpful to you and that you have success in your search, wherever it takes you.
You can try several different technics to releive anxiety
You can take deep slow breaths in with your eyes closed until the feeling goes away and picture your self in a peaceful place or something that you enjoy.
You can journal. A lot of times people bottle up all the stress and feerlings inside. It works wonders when you let them out on paper, you feel like you have released something and you're not feeling like you have to explode.
You can also listen to calming music and meditate.
Try some of these simple things and see if any work for you.
There are several remedies that you can try:

- Herbs like St John's wort, valerian root and kava kava.

- EFT as in emotional freedom technique

- Traditional Chinese Medicine

- Massage therapy to relieve your stress

- Meditation techniques

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