Sunday, October 25, 2009

Opinions plz...?

ok here's the deal... i'm 27 ... alot of people judge me without knowing me and i hate that. i been thru having to watch dad beat moms, torturing/mentally abusive cousins, only child, moved here at 7 after divorce, dealt with racism, had to deal with seeing moms date a married guy juz to survive, middle/high school torture, fake 2 faced friends, shitty fam, not having freedom, school fuckin me over on scholorship, almost killing fuckers, heartbreak, many liars, backstabbers, all my life i try to do the right thing and i'm sick of the obstacles, there's so much one can deal with.. i ODed when i was 20 and thought about it again but ended up with crazy bills, yea people tell me all the time hey you'll only get stonger or you can only make yourself happy or u make life what it is. but i've tried and something always shuts me down... there's so much more bullshit i been thru. do i have a right to have mental issues or problems or am i being a lil ***** by thinking i had it bad
life is a game silly! of course it has to be full of obstacles! your life just happend to be on the hard level. forget about the things tha f'd you over, no life is perfect. listen to your heart and believe in yourself!! there are two faced people everywhere, you choose whether they deserve your trust or not. life can be better, do something that makes you proud and happy, and the people who judge you before they know you are insecure losers, who the fu*ck are they to judge? if you're being true to yourself, why would you care what others think about you, they can go get f'd? love yourself, and be true to yourself aswell! one word, 'respect'. be happy :)
the best thing to do is what i did when i had a lot of people phuq me over repeatedly over several years. i became so sick of it all %26 upset that i couldnt even eat anything except hamburgers %26 i had crying spells regularly because i was angry, sick %26 tired, felt like i'd been victimized, etc--i went thru this appetite problem %26 crying for about 6 months, till someone on the web said this %26 i took the advice %26 it worked: write down %26 read it a lot daily that u should now spend lots of times daily thinking on what parts of your life rite now r good (or at least not bad) %26 then repeatedly think over the fact that every bad event is temporary %26 that no bad event lasts forever %26 3rd that being upset for awhile is good but now its time to not "add to the bad in your life" by continuing to stay feeling bad since all you're now doing is making more bad events for yourself- PLUS think on this too "what good does being upset so long do? will it change life somehow? no it wont, so be upset for awhile and then move onto something better-you deserve it!" this advice was true %26 helped my out of a deeply upsetting time. (smile for you, feel better).

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