Saturday, October 31, 2009


i have a big presentation tomorrow in school and i'm really nervous and scared. can you help calm me down?
1- If you have time present it once to yourself tonight.
2- Time your presentation so you will be sure you are in the time range.
3- Have a good sleep tonight.
4- When you start your presentation, think yourself as a cool attractive knowledgeable person. Believe that nobody knows about the topic than you do.
5- If you have any overheads, PowerPoint slides are really helpful

Good luck
Do not be afraid. You know you are the best there is. And if people get to you , just think: Is that all you can do? Come on , bring it on . Is THAT all you can do? The Best.
one of the best techniques i have learned it picture people in the undies in front of you or in there pajamas etc also find a spot on the wall above somebody head and take a deep breath and present hope this helps a little at least
Take a deep breath and remember everybody else has to give one too. When I took public speaking in school I would ask to go first every time I gave a speech so I could get it over with and didn't have to spend the rest of the class panicking. I would also pick 3 people in different parts of the room to focus on when I looked around the room (helps if they are friends or people you know.) Good luck and you will do fine.
yes! I will try to! first of all dear I always ask God to help me times of uncertainity and great stress/anixety.
Remeber you can do all things in Christ who strenghtens you!! Amen!
do you have any relaxing music you can listen to ?A warm bath helps as does a glass of warm milk..

Hope it helps calm you down!
I will be praying for you and God bless!
just think of it this way. when you present your presentation the only one listening to you is the teacher.everyone else doesnt give a rats ***
Ask yourself what you are afraid of happening. What would the worst outcome be? If this did happen, what would be so bad about it? Then, look at how likely this would be to happen. Draw from past experience, common sense. Take deep breaths before your presentation. Find something distracting that will relax you before your presentation that is discreet. I find filing my nails helps.
i also get very very scared and nervous of presentations!
the last time i had to do one, i practiced it loads before.

try not to memorise the speech, because if you forget what you were 'supposed' to say, then youll get more nervous! know your topic really well, so that you can imrpvise if you have to! bring photos/pictures, and make it interactive - if other people join in then you wont feel like everyone is 'looking' at you!

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