Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ok, step..?

ok i got from peoples answers that if my mom wont listen to my health concerns i need to take things into my own hands.
Is it possible for me to talk on the interent to a mental health specialist for free to try and answer some of questions?
There probably is, however, they can not take care of your needs as well, and you may get the wrong diagnosis, and you aren't sure who you are really talking to, it could be a quake, or just another kid or person sounding like they know what they are talking about. Some can sound pretty good, even the ones you pay! They can lead you down the wrong path, causing more harm then what you are already feeling.
But you can also go to the school counselor/or nurse and talk with them. Unless you are talking suicide or molestation, the school will hold it confidential.
You can also find some teen groups that are lead by adults that do know what they are talking about. (Alanon for teens/kids, even if there is no alcoholism in the family, Alanon never turns any one away).
No, not safely!Be very careful of who you talk to on the internet. i don't believe there is any free mental health specialist. Consider contacting MHMR if money is an issue..if you are uninsured they will assess you. if not, consider calling NAMI.
They are a local and nationwide organization (just google it) and they have mega resources to put you in touch with someone who might be able to help you.
Good luck...scratch the idea of looking online for free mental health assisitance.

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