Saturday, October 31, 2009

Paranoier people?

if someone has paranoier what are they like.
Very suspicious. btw it's paranoia
Paranoier (der)
n. paranoiac, person suffering from paranoia, person suffering from delusions of persecution and distrust of others.
Why are you asking that question, do you know me, I think you're stalking me. Why do you and you're friends whisper about me?
It's paranoia by the way
A simple wqay to explain paranoia is to think of someone talking on the telephone and the paranoid person is in the same room.They might have imagingined that the someone was talking about them.and most probably start abusing that person.
they are not nice to be around because they usually think that someone is following the or getting into their drawers...not a pleasant person to be around but it is an illness so be kind to them
I think they would be suspicious of people %26 frightened.Have you tried typing paranoid in google.Good Luck
You see a bunch of people talking together. They are saying something about somebody, you don't know who they are talking about but you are convinced it is about you. Even if they are most probably not talking about you.

You walk into somebody, they ask if you are ok, you think someone else may have had told them about your depression, they are showing undue attention to you, they think you are weak, crazy, when in all probably they just walk by you, whilst you looked nervous when you went to take your seat in an exam.

Somebody who is paranoid will be suspicious, will automatically think people are talking about them even if they know that this is very unlikely the case. They always be wary of what people are saying, or doing and will think that others think the worse in themselves.
Paranoia, and it's the feeling that nothing can be taken at face value. It's not just that everyone is out to get you, but that there's a whole lot of stuff going on right around you that you're not involved in. You hear a bump in the night and wonder if that was the cat or if there's someone awake. The girl next door is sitting on her porch and you wonder if she's stalking you, or if she's checking you out, or if she's afraid to go inside for any number of reason. Paranoia is the realization that absolutely anything could be going on that you're not paying attention to, and then entertaining those ideas compulsively. Unfortunately, most people with paranoia are also depressed so they jump to the bad possibilities.
Like this.. What? When? Where? Who? Why? Are they looking at me?.
Try this link to the Mind website:

Understanding Paranoia

Understanding Psychotic Experiences

they are easy to read and understand, and should give you the information that you want.

Hope this helps.

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