Saturday, October 31, 2009

Panic attacks are so frequent! Please help me figure out how to stop them!?

I'm only thirteen, but whenever I wake up in the morning on school days, I feel nervous and sometimes it gets to a point where I feel dizzy and naucious. School is great, I get good grades, teachers like me and I have wonderful friends and a lot of them. Home is great too and I love my family more than anything in the world. So why am I getting these attacks? I hate them and want them to stop so badly! Please help me!
The good news, is that what you are experiencing are not panic attacks. Further good news, is that you are most certainly not alone. Yet MORE good news is that you can learn to soothe yourself effecitvely and manage these feelings.

During adolescence, MANY kids experience some anxiety when transitioning from a relaxing evening at home to facing demands of school for the day. It is a tumultuous time in your life, just generally speaking. Hormones are raging, the social scene at school can be filled with pressure, your body is changing, and your respsibilities are changing.

You've got a lot on your plate.

I really encourage you to learn some simple relaxation techniques. Start by googling "progressive muscle relaxation" . Get up about 15 minutes early for school tomorrow, and take yourself through some progressive muscle relaxation if you feel yourself becoming nervous or feeling nauseaus. You might be surprised at just you adept you will becoming at calming yourself down.

Best of luck,
Go see a doctor! I had to
You should see a neurologist. You're not going to get the right diagnosis on this site. Good luck!
You should talk to your parents and have them make an appt at the MD.
Even tho everything seems ok on the outside- you could have some chemical imbalance in the inside that could be easily solved with medication. It doesn't mean your crazy-(so don't worry about that)- just that the chemical levels in your body need to be tweaked a little.
Don't let yourself worry Your doctor can help you.
Good luck.
My friend used to pop a couple Klonopins every time she felt a panic attack coming on... Worked like a charm!
okay allison. what kind of panic attacks.?? I used to get nervous every morning before school on some days. but what is the reason email me and Ill find a way to help you
there really shouldn't be a reason for you to be suffering panic attacks if all is well at home and at school, go to the doctor, as it could be something mentally that happened to you a long time ago, the doctor should help, maybe you need to see a physcologist
See a doctor to determine what you may have. It could be situational anxiety, social anxiety, general anxiety, panic disorder, or a number of other things. Early detection and treatment help much better than letting it go unchecked and fighting it as you will build up a mountain of fear concerning the attacks and it can spiral down. Learning early what to do to pass through an attack gives you greater control when one does occur. Good luck.
You need to look at what is bad... then go crazy, let it alllllll out. I love to sit there and YELL! It is so easy and fun! Then look at the good things, and remember to keep a good goal ahead...
Well, I used to have them.

I have a fear of dieing from a poisonous gas or something. One day in burger king, I thought I smelled CO2 or something and I got all dizzy and ran out. Turns out it was nothing, but I kept getting them a lot after that.

Try to find out what your fear is (if any) and just don't let it bother you. Now, whenever I smell A weird smell, I look all around and see if anyone else is reacting to it. When i see that everything is fine, I relax.

If you don't know why your getting panic attacks, you should see a doctor if the problem persists. But, if you feel one coming on, just sit down and relax. Take a drink of water. Just take some deep breathes. Hope I helped!
Raging hormones aside, you shouldn't feel this way every day. Get your mom to take you to your family doctor and go from there. You really do need professional help from someone capable of providing it.
There must be something that you can't see happening to cause this. The panic should come at any time of the day and at several places. I am sure when you see a professional you will get help in solving this . A true panic attack has had an origin in a time of severe depression when a psychosis developed and the lower brain sent a message of fear that was not real to life. This fear is later triggered by the same events and the upper brains feel panic. The logic is bypassed by a memory system.

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