Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ok can anyone do this interview about alcoholism?

How many times a day did you drink?
Why do you look to alcohol for your support?
How do you feel after you drink?
How is your mood before you drink?
How does alcoholism affect your daily life?
Do you drink alone?
Do you feel angry abut your problem?
Are you worried you cannot control your problems
How did your problem start?
Have you ever tried getting help?
1-3 times daily
because it never tells me im wrong
no, makes it quicker and stress free
8th grade
no, don't need any
once or less
never for support only social occasions
no problem

Is'nt this the questionaire for alcholics why do you want to answer us all?
This has nothing to do with has more to do with being an alcoholic %26 recognizing the symptoms of alcoholism. Don't confuse the two words, as they are misused quite often %26 cause a lot of ill-will in the area of the actual healing process when a person decides that they have had enough %26 want to change their lives. The "problem" starts in the womb. I no longer drink for reasons that are personal. In the AA meetings the motto is "WHAT IS SAID HERE...STAYS HERE". You can't help anyone who doesn't seek help. This is a sensitive subject. I suspect that the asker might be in need of answering the questions on a personal level with their own personal "higher power"! Yes, I'm doing an inventory %26 for very good reasons!!!! This is against what the questionaire was designed to be about %26 I feel it does not belong in this forum. It is counter-productive to saving lives %26 causes alienation by those who would benefit the most by completing a survey of this type.
1.Once after work 2. I like the way I feel 3.Great 4. Bitchy or happy it depends on my day 5. I doesn't 6.Sometimes 7. No 8.No 9. I had a beer and I like it 10. No
I drank non stop from waking up to passing out I turned to alcohol in the early years because then I had friends and was funny and felt like I was worthwhile and not the defective creature I felt I was before alcohol. I didn't care how I felt after drinking I just drank some more. I was usually argumentive untill I got some alcohol in me then I usually mellowed out but not always just mostly always. My daily life was CRAP during my drinking carreer. Drink because things didn't go right. Drink because they did go right. Had to celebrate. Drink because I woke up. drink if the sun came up or if it went down or if I was with someone or if I was alone or if I had money or if I didn't have money. Drink enough and the day would be over. Drink alone or with somebody even somebody I didn't like just drink. I am not angry because I drank. It was the only way I knew how to cope with life. It saved my life untill I could learn better coping skills. The only way i can control my problem is don't drink. One is too much and one hundred is never enough. if I don't drink I don't have to worry about being out of control of my drinking. I started drinking when a friend. The only friend I had brought home flavored brandy from his dads bar when he spent the weekend with his dad. I liked how it made me feel. I was an alcoholic by my teens and I knew it. I stopped drinking shortly after my moms death. My sobriety date is Sept 6th 1986. She died August 17th 1986. My mom had begged me to stop drinking for years but I wouldn't listen. She didn't see me get sober. I got out of the drunk tank and went back to the party and drew a glass of beer from the keg and before I could drink it I stopped and looked at it and set it down and told the hosts of the party I had to go home and never drank again. I had tried to stop several times over the years but couldn't seem to manage a full year. then I finally stopped and 4 years later I took a friends husband to AA because he needed it after the 3rd mtg he stopped going and the 4th mtg I went expecting to see him and as the meeting progressed the tears started to fall uncontrollably because I realized I was finally home. I had found a place where people accepted and understood me unconditionally. I am now sober 20 1/2 years thanks to the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. God, Grant me the Serinity to accept the things I cannot change. The Courage to change the things I can. And the Wisdom to know the difference. Hope I answered your interview to your expectations. Want more then e-mail me. Anyone who wants help to not drink anymore can also e-mail me. That's the beauty of the 12 steps one drunk or addict helping another.
5 times a week
energy levels higher
wt gain
having a drink to cure hangover i think
0 (ok, so I drink 1 drink maybe every 3 months)
Hmmm, sometimes I look to it to relax, but not for support
I was raised by an alcoholic so was always aware of the risk factors
I never drink alone, only socially
No problem
Don't need help
I am an alcoholic with almost five years of sobriety.

When I was drinking, I drank heavily at least five nights a week.

I drank to get drunk.

Before I started drinking, I wanted to drink. Sounds trite but it's very true.

My alcohol consumption caused fewer problems than many but more than others. I wrecked some cars and had more than one DUI. I did not lose my job, my marriage or my health. I was close though and recognized this and sought help.

I only wanted to drink alone so I could drink the way I wanted to drink.

In some ways my alcoholism has been a blessing. I wish I didn't need to go through it, but it is part of who I am and I'm fine with this.


I started drinking as a teenager. I don't remember when or how. But, I drank with an alcoholic pattern when I could drink. Because of limited access to alcohol, my alcoholism didn't really evidence itself until college.

I did get help in the form of out patient treatment and AA. I would not have been able to stop otherwise.

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