Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ok, over the summer, I tried weed a few times..?

It was my first time, and I remeber feeling like sort of stupid the next morning. Like it was hard to talk or something, and everything I said came out slow and I kept stuttering. I also felt pretty zoned out. Most of those effects went away after a day, but even now, moths later, I feel kinda zoned out, and I have trouble remembering directions. I also have truoble remebering if I did something, little stuff like taking out the garbage or if I already did something or not in a videogame. Anyway, it's pretty annoying and I wanna know if its happend to anyone else and if it's *gulp* permanent. Thanks.
The short term effects of weed (listed below) address some of the symptoms you have, but these are short term. If you only smoked in the summer, you should not have them 11 months later. However, since the active ingredient of weed, THC, lodges itself in fatty tissue, maybe somehow it got deeply lodged in your's and is only now coming out.

"The short-term effects of marijuana use include problems with memory and learning; distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch); difficulty in thinking and problem solving; loss of coordination; and increased heart rate, anxiety, and panic attacks.
THC in marijuana is strongly absorbed by fatty tissues in various organs. Generally, traces of THC can be detected by standard urine testing methods several days after a smoking session. In heavy chronic users, traces can sometimes be detected for weeks after they have stopped using marijuana."
no - smoking weed a few times doesn't do that to you...maybe you're just a weirdo
you kinow taking any sort of substance is a 100% crap shoot, even prescriptions come with contraindications. people try drugs all the time and on the first try they suffer debilitating and sometimes fatal results you don't really know if the dope is laced (like withPCP or dust or what,,maybe RAT POISON) in Chicago some guys were getting their kicks lacing heroin with rat poison last summer and we had a s h i t load of deaths plus .. you don't know whats going on inside you.. you are putting a foreign substance (actually a poison cause its NOT organic to you) into your body. you took the chance now just hope it clears up maybe you will have a stroke yet why don't you go see a doctor? find a free clinic I am always honest with doctors about my former recreational substance use i am not ashamewd of it and its something they need to know as it HAS altered my body and brain chemistry... forever
No, I'm a regular weed smoker, have been for almost 2 years, and yeah I occasionally feel zoned out, but if you only did it a few times, then you probably have some other problem. I think you might be imagining a little bit of it. You hear that you'll be burnt out after smoking weed, even once, so you beleive it, but that isn't true. I highly doubt it's permanent, it's more than likely just a phase or something.
well first what do u expect is going to happen when u lose some brain cells...and # 2 i hope u did it with someone who doesn't do any kind of heavy drugs ...they could of "laced"(to lace it u need white stuff and they add it, not good for any one) the blunt..or joint wut ever u smoked out of
stuff like that can mess u up .but don't worrie u'll be fine, just say no for now on..and the way u were feeling when u did that thats the way u get when u do that thats the reaction ur body gave u . good luck ...and if u want to succeed in life dont do it again
when we do stupid things to ourselves or someone else, we pay for it eventually if not right away

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