Saturday, October 31, 2009


ive recently been put on paxil for anxiety. i am also a big drinker. i asked my doctor if i could drink on paxil and he said a couple of drinks wont hurt. but then i read on some websites that paxil actually makes people want to drink more. the guy who wrote the article i read said he started drinking more on paxil and didnt see any problems. my question is what are some of the consequences of drinking while on paxil? and if you take paxil do you drink?
there are no certain studies in literature that Paxil (paroxetine) can make people want to drink more... at least we can say paroxetine doesnt effect to increase need of alcohol... during abstinence or normal daily life of a person who drinks little or more beverages with alcohol... like other antidepressants especially SSRI s, after recovery of depression or just a few days between depression and improvement of depression, some peoples need take alcohol. short psychotherapy can solve this problem.
you should not drink while taking any medication.. and paxil and drinking not a good mix
don't drink on paxil. strange things tend to happen i.e. 'jerking' and 'kicking' at night, bizarre dreams, and so on..

i think they interfere with eachother... perhaps the drinking is CAUSING your anxiety.
I've been taking Paxil for 10 years. My doctor said a couple of drinks won't hurt at all. It doesn't make you drink more.
As a general rule, it's better not to mix alcohol with antidepressants; it doesn't leave you feeling too good...!
batisteroids sucks

Paxil Pooped Out; How long until Zoloft works?

Hello again everyone,

Wanted to let you all know what my Dr. said. Remember I was switching over from Paxil to Zoloft for the last six weeks. I'm up to Zoloft 100mgs for the past 2 weeks with minimal side effects. Last Friday I discontinued my Paxil (was down to 7.5mgs or 15mgs, can't remember) and starting Saturday and Sunday and felt horrible. Had extremely upset stomach, lots of bowel problems and extreme anxiety. Wasn't sure if it was due to my increase of Zoloft (went from 100mgs to 112.5 mgs past Friday) or my discontinuing of the Paxil. Well, I spoke to the Dr. before and he said it was much more likely that I was having a withdrawl from my Paxil. He said that since I took Paxil for the past 5 years my body probably needs more time to ween off of it.

It makes sense to me but what do you all think? I've heard of some people taking two different ssri's or an ssri and an ssni but I would really appreciate your opinion. Maybe I'm better staying with the really small dose of Paxil (10mgs) until my Zoloft kicks in. What do you all think?

If I started taking 100mgs. of Zoloft 2 weeks ago how long should it be until I feel better? I missed work yesterday and today (Monday and Tuesday) and really need to get back to work (need job and money to support family).

Again, thank you all for your help, concern and advice,
The side effects you experienced were most likely caused from the abrupt withdrawal from Paxil...which you should NEVER do! Always ALWAYS wean yourself off of any of those type medications slowly. And typically, most antidepressants take a minimum of 4-6 weeks before they begin to take effect on the chemicals of the brain. Be patient, and just relax. Some people have to experiment with many types of antidepressants before they find one that works for them. Lucky for us, there are many types out there for us to try. Good luck!
Steve...sounds like you need to remain on the Paxil a bit longer..(at your lower dosage), if your Dr is OK with that. Most medications such as Paxil, Zoloft and Prozac take a couple of weeks to "kick in" also sounds like you are on quite a high beginning dosage of seems to me the Dr would have begun to lower your Paxil, while introducing Zoloft and then gradually decreasing one while increasing the other to the desired dosage. And, too, Zoloft may not be right for you...if you continue to have these problems, make an appointment to go in and SEE your Dr...I, personally, am on Prozac and have been for about 7 years (began with 20mg and am now at 60mg) and have had little to no side affects and have been able to keep my dosage low (I take it for anxiety, not depression)...however, I began taking it after witnessing my 2nd husband shooting himself and then was with him when he died several days later. Was experiencing "PTSD" (although I didn't want to belive it)...and have found Prozac to be a God-send for all aspects of my mental health...It is what gets me going every you, there are days that I almost can't make it out of bed...and there are many days I feel like crawling in a hole and pulling the hole in after me...(lol !) sucks, big time. Without help (Prozac) I think I would be just a big ol' blob of jello...
I really feel if your Dr can get your dosage right, you will begin to feel better quite soon. I do know that with these meds, sometimes, it's a trial-and-error deal..
Good luck to you. There are more of "us" out there, than you know!
You need to continue to be closely monitored by your physician. Some meds can take up to 6 weeks to build up enough in your system to be effective.
Everyones body and physicological makeup are so different, it is really difficult to judge your reaction and symptoms with someone elses.
Sometimes when you get back into your normal routine, work, you feel better. Even tho you don't feel like getting up and going, once you are there and productive, it can take your mind off a lot of other things. Your choice though, you are in charge of the choices in your life.
I like the Mayo Clinic website for researching. I have learned long ago I have to be my own best patient advocate, and for me, thats knowledge.
Good luck to you ~

Paxil is Pexeva?

after deciding to go off my anxiety meds with my docs permission, he told me pexeva was NOT paxil, well i remembered quite vividly him telling me when i was given the meds that i was being given a generic brand of PAXIL, so i researched it and it seems that all i can find is what i thought he told me and then later denied giving me, was PAXIL, im i wrong or is PEXEVA not generic PAXIL? b/c everytime i look it up there it is-paxil, paxil cr and pexeva! all peroxitine, all the same same medicine, just under different names, by the way it should be called PAX-HELL, this drug was the worst thing ever, the withdrawl is worse than the condition i was given the drug for!!!!
PEXEVA is a brand product composed of paroxetine mesylate. PEXEVA is bioequivalent to GlaxoSmithKline's Paxil, which is composed of paroxetine hydrochloride. The chemical difference between the two products is the inactive salt portion of the active ingredient (PEXEVA's mesylate vs. PAXIL's hydrochloride). The inactive salt is separated from the active paroxetine molecule in the gastrointestinal tract, leaving only the active paroxetine molecule to be absorbed into the bloodstream and provide the intended therapeutic effect.

I personally don't think SSRI's do anyting for depression. No one has been able to successfully explain to me how exactly seratonin plays a role in depressive disorder. Even in the drug commercials they carefully state that serotonin "is believed" to play a role in depression. Basically they are selling you something that changes brain chemistry when they have no idea if that is the problem. A doctor does no medical examination nor do they "measure" quantitative values of seratonin so why on earth would they start fudging with it. So many people I have encountered have had nightmares with SSRI's. I'm no doctor, chemist or expert, but I've seen the results of bad medicine up close and personal. I agree, they are BAD NEWS!

EXACTLY! But don't blame your doctor, most of them have no idea what it even is. Whichever drug company whore that gives them the box seats wins the "prescription of the month" prize. I have rarely met an MD who has any idea the pathophysiology of the drugs they prescribe.
what was the withdrawl like. I have just started taking it a week ago, and it seems to be helping my anxiety ok BUT i do get a nervously shaky feeling, followed by a bit of nausea that goes away after about a half hour(not too severe)... Fill me in Im actually taking what says PEROXITINE on the bottle, what is supposed to be generic. Im sorry I dont know what to say as far as your question goes, i wanted to help, but if you wouldnt mind writing me back and filling me in about it more, id really appreciate it. THANK YOU!

Paxil is leaving me sleepy and lathargic, how about you?

I've been real moody and quick tempered lately so I've been given paxil 25cr and feel sleepy and uninterested in exercise or hanging out. I am however more easy going and patient. When reducing to paxil 12.5, i'm more alert, but my PMS takes over again. Please help.
Talk to your doctor about switching to another medication. That usually does the trick. I've taken different kinds of anti depressants and never had any problems, some just worked better than others. Medicines affect people differently. There's also some bi-polar medications like Seroquel and Abilify that help out moods, but I never could take them because it made me too lethargic. I always thought that Paxil was more for people who had panic disorder and anxiety. It's still an anti-depressant, but my doctor told me some help out more for specific things. I thought I had recently heard about a medication that was specifically for those symptoms of PMS. If your doctor decides to try you on something new, ask if he/she has any samples. That way you can try it first.
I was on Paxil CR, and I won't go back! It made me feel really wierd, I was more depressed and moody when I was on it. I have had no luck with anti-depresants yet.. I hope you and your doctor can find what is right for you, I haven't been that lucky yet. Good Luck!
I think you should consider speaking to your doctor about switching to another antidepressant. When I was on Citalopram/Celexa, I was also very sleepy and it was awful.

Prozac is more stimulating, and helps enormously with PMS.

The whole point of an antidepressant is that you're meant to have MORE, not less energetic! Speak to your doctor.

Paxil and Xanax?

After pregnancy my wife starting experiencing some mild depression and panic attacks. Her ob-gyn put her on paxil and xanax about 1 month ago. Lately she has been having panic attacks that were more sever than before she started. Last night she was screaming and clutching her head saying she felt like she was having a stroke and her head was going to explode. This lasted about 10 minutes, after which she become very quiet and calm and would not talk or respond to me. Also lately, she has started having some wierd body movements like rocking back and forth while watching tv or furiously tapping her legs. Are these normal for paxil/xanax? which of the two are the more likely culprit, and should she stop taking the medication?
Likely it is an adverse reaction to paxil. She can consult her doctor and see if s/he will raise the dose of xanax to .5mg three times a day until she stabilizes. Also, psychotherapy will help with this as well.

Paramedic in SC
If anything, it's the paxil, get her off that stuff before she becomes a whale and loses all her emotions, it's no good, the xanax is ok in moderation..but can lead to more depression, something to watch out for. Paxil causes weight gain in many cases.

EDIT: I had a boyfriend on that stuff and once in a while he would get very weird like that..especially if he missed a dose.
Hell no man! These are not good reactions. Xanax is the most worthless crap ever created. It's highly addictive and an accidental overdose can be deadly. Get her off Xanax. The Paxil may be making things worse because of a bad mix between the two. Get a 2nd opinion.
Hi There,
Wow, her condition must be a mood swing over %26 over! I am taking 30mg. of Paxil for years, I strongly reccomend Paxil either 1 or the other defentatly not both! As this is why she's flipping out. (over medicated) Please get her off one "NOW" preferably Xanax, ASP You can't take two "mood stabilizers!"
All the Best to your Wife,
Care %26 Concern,
Diana D
P.S. I hope she's not breast feeding with these medications
It also could be Post Pardom Symptoms!!!
It sounds like she could have postpartum depression. I am also a mother of two children and at one time I was on paxil for depression and xanax for panic attacks. I never experienced an reaction like she is having. I would take her back to her doctor as soon as possible and he can take her off the paxil immediately and give her a different antidepressant.
She has to get off the paxil! The xanax helped me greatly with my panic attacks. But you have to be very care full that she dosen`t abuse it. It is very addicting. I sought help from a wonderfull physiologist and once a month I go to a psychiatrist to monitor my medications. I feel so sorry for your wife. Give her love and as much support as you can and in time she can get through this trying time. I was just weened off xnax last week. She really needs to go to a doctor that can find out what is causing her to feel this way. It will take time but it`s important that she finds someone that she feels totally comfortable with and ca n trust this person. If they are good she will be taught the skills to learn how to cope with whats bothering her. It`s going to take time but in the end it`s worth it. My doctor taught me the tools to use and coping mechanisms to deal with the stress of everyday life, and after suffering for years I am was finally able to overcome my depression. I really wish her the best, please get her to a doctor asap! Good Luck:)
I would guess that either it's the Paxil, or it's happening for the same reason that the original panic attacks did - prior to the Paxil.

You must tell your wife's prescribing doctor and get his advice; if she must stop the Paxil she should do so slowly. I would also suggest that your wife be referred to a psychiatrist to tackle the original cause of the panic attacks and also these new and more severe problems. She needs to be evaluated properly and a psychiatrist is the right person to do this.

If your wife can manage without the Xanax too, it might be an idea for her to stop both medicines and see how she feels - but only if her doctor advises this is OK.

Paxil and moodiness?

Paxil is the only med ive tryed that helps control my panic attack but i swear while im on it im so moody. i have no paitence and i get angery over nothing. what should i do? ive asked my dr they have no other opions for me bc ive tryed all other ssris and they dont work for my panic disorder.
Maybe you should talk to your doctor about putting you on a mild tranquilizer. Right now I'm on Cymbalta and generic Xanax. Seems to work with me..But when I told my doctor about having moodiness he also put me on birth control as well. Hm.
Paxil should keep you from have any mood problems so you need to get off of it and try something else.
Try Lexapro
Seroquel + Zoloft = Happy
try counting to 10

or yoga/meditation

or relaxation program
I would make an "I am moody" shirt and wear it when you take your Paxil. I would buy that shirt if you sell it.
I had mood swings on Effexor and now I'm on and NDRI i think its called. Anyway it's a different type from Paxil. It's Wellbutrin that I take everyday. It has the same effects for me as Effexor had but without the mood swings.
I was on welbutrain and the same thing happened to me it was like i was a crazy woman, i could not control my anger. I knew how i was acting but its like i couldn't stop.My doctor took me off of it and said i no longer needed it. I have only had 3 panic attacks in the last 2 years. But i am in no way shape or form telling you to go off your meds. This is something that you really need to set down with your doctor and tell him about until he understands.
Be very careful weaning yourself off paxil, if you decide to switch to something else...I literally had to take an exacto knife and whittle away just a little bit more of each tablet each dose, or else I had horrible dizziness, tremors and jolting brain zaps...I would never take this scary medication again, turned me into an uncaring zombie-like person with no emotions while I was on it, and it made me gain 20 lbs in a month...all I did was sit around, like a catatonic person almost. Bad stuff. Celexa worked great for me, but then it just stopped working. I decided not to go with any prescription meds after that but just try diet, exercise, yoga, meditation, herbs, stress reduction instead and I feel much better doing things this way.
how long have you been on the Paxil? If you are new to it, then it will cause moodiness. However don't stop taking it cold turkey or you will go downhill fast. I recommend either talking to a psychiatrist ( I had to do this ) or seeking a second opinion from a different doctor.
I have been taking paxil for 11 years with no problems, weight gain ect...but the doctor added clonazapam to it right away as he knows it causes moodiness and i have been fine, speak to your doctor and tell him what is going on, i am sure he will help you out...
SSRIs don't work for a lot of people. But there are several newer antidepressants that deal with anxiety.

Effexor is one; you might not feel too good on it for the first few weeks; I didn't. But if you get the dose right, it's very effective. My dose had to be increased three times before it started working - so if you take this, do stay in touch with your doctor and keep checking back with them if you don't feel any better.

There's also Cymbalta, another antidepressant; like Effexor, it's an SNRI, it works on two neurotransmitters, as opposed to the SSRIs which only work on one.

There's also Wellbutrin; if you take this be sure that your doctor increases the dose gradually. In higher doses it's linked with risk of seizure.

If you haven't yet been seen by a psychiatrist, get an appointment with one; they are the experts with medications and they will evaluate you properly. You don't need to worry about the SSRIs - they prove ineffective for lots and lots of people!

NOTE: if you do opt for the Effexor, remember that it must NOT ever be stopped abruptly, because of withdrawal problems. It must be stopped very, very gradually.
have you seen the ads on tv for paxil,lots of problems with it,
didn't work for me at all for anything.ask your dr. to try a
different medication like zoloft or maybe some other medica-tion might work.if your dr.doesn't have any other opinions time
to change dr's,i did several times. also try therapy,there are
some good ones%26bbad ones.therapy%26medication helps a lot.
good therapist are hard to find.GOOD LUCK.

Pathological friend -- help?

What do I do about a friend who will call you five times in one day? She has no concept of boundaries. What does this kind of behavior typify?? I have told her it is inappropriate. She is bipolar and I am wondering if this is typical for people with bipolar. She seems to think the world revolves around her.
yes i am bipolar and that is what i usually do and friends think the same of me as you think of your friend... i wiould usually do it whenever i had an episode.. i felt like i needed to talk to someone.. or whenever i'm in a stressful situation, i tended to want to talk to others and poor out my feelings to them.. i's typical behavior, is she on medication? that really helps...
I know someone as you are describing with definite undiagnosed disorders! It is difficult to deal with them I agree. I myself am still searching for why she does it. You must have boundaries with her, but to her there are no boundaries that she cant cross. It is very frustrating.

I am sorry this is really not an answer to your question but what I really wanted to say was that I have extreme BiPolar and when in mania or manic, I still do not cross boundaries.

Take Care and Be Well
She sounds like she's very immature. When she calls more than once, just don't answer the phone. After a while she'll get the hint and move on to someone else that she can call 50 million times a day.
You might be the only one she can turn to. She might need to call and talk to people to help relieve stress, but you're the only one available. The worst thing you could do would be to try and get her to stop, because then who could she trust? The best thing is probably to introduce her to some other people that she can call on. If you're the only one, then she's calling you five times a day, but if there's two people she can talk to, then she'll only need to call you two and a half times a day.
Find out if she is taking her medication or just turn the phone off.
Clingy. Type in Dependant Personality Disorder into google and read up on it.

Paris Hilton - does she have a mental illness?

If she has a pre-existing mood disorder, why wasn't she treated for it before? Her partying would suggest she does not because alcohol and heavy drugs would make her crash, and she's been going strong for a long time. If she's suddenly suicidal, wouldn't it make more sense to treat her with antidepressants than pull her out of jail? Me-thinks she's playing her cards to manipulate the system.
Look, as a person with experience with mental illness, if she had a preexisting condition, it should have been documented and provided to the judge at her trial/sentencing.

If she is in serious trouble due to an sudden onset of a mysterious insanely coincidental outbreak, could not the court order an independent psychiatric evaluation?

I guess what really pisses me off about this is regardless of whether she has a mental illness or not, is that society's perception of mental illness is cheapened and those who struggle with it daily have to deal with people viewing it as an excuse.
You first have to have a mind to have a mental illness.
I think she is a brainless idiot with way too much money, and too much time on her hands. But I predicted she wouldn't spend more than three days in jail and I was right. The Hilton's have way too much money to let that happen. Just goes to show, Justice in this country can be bought.
something sure stinks!!
She suffers from the disease affluenza. She's had way too much handed to her, whenever she wanted it, and things have gone her way for too long. So now, she has to pay a penalty, and it's sobered her up and she's in a bit of remission from her disease, and she's found out that the reality of life isn't all that wonderful. I think it'll be good for her to serve her time, for her crime.
Even if she does, which I dont believe..her real problem is what leads a lot of less-rich parents down a rough, rough road.

Giving your children everything they want, not teaching them to respect someone that says the ultimate cruelty. Paris actually got out of jail by putting out her lip and pouting! What a loser.
She is experiencing withdrawal from drugs and alcohol and is also suffering from spoiled brat syndrome.
1. she suffers from insomnia..not used to sleeping in the same every night.
2. she didn't like jail food...she has to watch what goes in her mouth =O
3. The ankle monitor will leave severe cuts on guy's backs :)

i think the disease is called spoiledbratitis...look to see her in trouble again real soon because i guarentee she didn't learn a thing this time around.
If she already had a mental disorder, which I seriously doubt she did, it wouldn't be at all surprising that she was not treated. Many people suffering from disorders never seek treatment. Relatives and friends can't force people to seek treatment is they do not want to.

Anyway, something fishy is going on here. Supposedly, she is "distressed" being in jail, but who is in jail that isn't distressed. It's not supposed to be a happy or easy experience.
Only if stupidity is now considered a mental illness. She is just such a joke all the way around.
You know I feel that Paris' punishment doesn't fit her crime when you consider the fact that she has to be basically put into solitary confinement for her own protection (solitary confinement is defined below).

Solitary confinement, colloquially referred to in American English as "the hole" or "the pound" (or in British English "the block"), is a punishment or special form of imprisonment in which a prisoner is denied contact with any other persons, excluding members of prison staff. Usually cited as an additional measure of protection (of society) from the criminal, it has also been called a form of torture. In some cases it is also used to protect the prisoner himself.

I would suggest that she server her sentence in a volunteer's home. One that is definately less posh than her own home. This is a difficult situation for the courts and law enforcement.
I don't know enough about her and I'm not really qualified to judge, but she might fit a lot of criteria for Narcissistic Personality DIsorder. I work in Mental Health and she does seem to fit the DSM-IV definition of that disorder at least to some extent.

Or maybe she has Spoiled Brat DIsorder (I made that one up).

Whatever she is, she is annoying, and I wish the media didn't give her so much attention. I'm tired of hearing about her.
I agree with you that she is trying to manipulate the system. But even if she is suicidal, why pull her out of jail? She's just probably suicidal because she can't stand taking showers with other women. She put herself there, she broke the law. Let her finish out her sentence. It's not right that rich/famous people think that they are above the law.
She is mental alright.

A few sandwiches shy of a picnic.

Goes to doesn't buy common sense.
Actually I quite pity this young pretty lady trying all ways to get publicity to make herself happy

I would suggest to her to use her wealth in a more meaningful

Seek happiness through inner self realisation that is a long lasting and pure things to do. Find the true meaning of life thru spirituality.
Not a mental illness. Just to much money.
she is not mental at all she is just a spolied rich brat getting her way is all it is.
Truth #1. Privileged bitches get suicidal in jail.
Truth #2. Narcisists get suicidal in jail.
Truth #3. Schizophrenics serve hard time.
Truth #4. Bipolars serve hard time.
Truth #5. Junkies serve hard time.
Truth #6. Hard time is the bottom she needs.
Truth #7. Sobriety is the first step.
Truth #8. Silence is the second step.
Truth #9. Anonymity is the third step.
Truth #10. May she never have another public moment. It is our only hope--errr, I mean her only hope.
If she has a pre-existing mental disorder that was made worse by spending a few weeks in jail, THAT"S HER OWN DUMB FAULT!! It has never been clear if she was being treated before all this. I am caught between the 2 on this case. I normally could care less about who's walking the red carpet or who's doing what in Hollywood, but I do find this a little funny and also a little disturbing. Let's look at the circumstances, she has been given everything in life most people only dream about. The down fall is she has never learned any discipline or self control. She has never had too!! That is not completely her fault, I would have to point to the parents on that one, BUT she is now an ADULT, and needs a good lesson in self- restraint and respect for other people. What she done was a danger to everyone on the road that day. Let's not forget she WAS on probation so she has already had her second chance. Instead of being thankful and taking responsibility then she goes out and does it again. HIRE A DRIVER PARIS!! It's not like she can afford it. She seem to have the mentality that she is above everyone. That's her mental illness!! She has pushed the envelope so many times and this time she is paying the price. I'm no expert in the justice system but I do believe what ever "Illness" she has could be handled by doctors or hospitals though the courts. There was no reason for releasing her for a "illness".
Now the other point, she is obviously begin made an example. I don't think that is fair. ( it never is) but if she would not had continually put herself out there and consisted with such bad behaviors this would not of happened. Hopefully, this will get the point out to all the Rich and Famous,

Parents question?

okay im 18 now and my parents owned a buisness about 5 yrs ago, but we ended up closing it. we have alot of debt due to it and are slowly recovering, but my dad is obsessed with being rich. my mom works a full time job plus another job on the weekends (7 days a week) my dad and my brothers farm and do offside things like sell meat, and goods at different markets. i also work a seperate job. i think my dad was mad a couple days ago too cause i had my graduation from high school and they were supposed to be out selling, on memorial day weekend. i felt bad that i couldnt even graduate from high school without ppl being pi**sed off! im living at home for college next yr but am not looking forward to it. then again i dont want to move out either yet. my dad thinks they work so hard, yet so do i!! i slept in til 7:00 am this morning and he thinks thats late or something. i dont know what to do! alll they care about is money.
Money isnt everything. Are they still in debt? If they are I can understand them working hard to pay it off...but they're not realizing that money has little worth when it comes to everything. If your dad was mad at you for not working when you were going to graduate, he has serious problems and doesn't realize theres more to life than working.

You need to sit down with your parents and have a serious conversation. Tell them how you feel, they might not see it and you might get more answers to why they are doing it. Are you working during the summer? I'd recommend getting a job if you don't have one already to prove your a hardworker, and I'm sure you are. Congraulations on graduating and going to college.

If all they care about is money and they refuse to see anything beyond it, then, theres nothing you can do. I'd recommend getting an apartment when you go to college, even though its expensive, or better yet moving in with friends or family and helping pay the bills that way, helping out with housework etc and 7:00am is not sleeping in late.
money isnt everything but i guess they are just trying to make sure they will always be able to support you.
just do what you can to not get stressed and hopefully they will die down a bit and stop worrying so much about how much they are earning
Go to college, get a good job and get out. Just remember, you don't have to support your parents!

if/ u can afford it/ move out / do u have friends or relatives u can stay with/ they should have been proud / u graduated from school and want to go to college/ but the law states/ if u live at home/ u abide by parents wishes/ good luck
This sounds very much like my own life at your age. I would suggest building a support network and trying to move out as soon as you can, whether it's in three months or three years. Make friends who live on their own. Do you have any scholarships for college?

Although the financial stuff is definitely part of it, a lot of parents have trouble letting their kids grow up too. I'm very proud of you for graduating from high school and going on to college and I'm sorry your family can't give you the encouragement to grow up that you deserve.
I am not a parent, however I am old enough to have fathered 20+ kids.

Do your parents pay your college fees? Do you want for anything?

I think the trick here is to try and see their side of it as well as yours. They obviously work hard for what they have and what they provide for their family, and one has to admire them for that.

Perhaps they do not see that you work hard, therefore perhaps explaining to them that you know THEY do, but also pointing out what you do (and studying is also a form of labour) may resolve matters.
It sounds like there are some finacial insecurities in this family. please note.. EVERY individual is different. Some are obsessed with things and some are not. I am the first born and I graduated, kept a steady job since I was 14 and I am no where ahead now, than I was when I started. Please take the path that will make you happy and not anyone else's path. Everyone is different and has different goals.
Go to college. Be somebody but don't consume your life with work and toil because that's not a life hon.. It's a RUT! There's more to life than that! Enjoy everything that comes your way. If you stay home.. (which I don't suggest), unless you have to, than stay AWAY from home as much a possible.
You're going to be astrong part of this nation and I'm glad you're raised in a hardworking Family like mine.. But than again... I know how you feel! Write back if you need an ear!
Congratulations on Graduating! Go to college and get yourself a degree and good job. Remember, money doesn't buy happiness. Don't let your family make you feel guilty. When you have kids of your own, let them sleep in.

Parents and stress?

My parents keep telling me to do my homework before it is due... but before like a week befor its due! and they keep holding me inside and prevent me from seeing my friends... i can't leave the premises for another day... ive gone crazy once alredy today. i have 3 big assignments and theyre all due on friday so what should i do should i tell then to bug off and let me do it or tell them to keep pressureing me into finishing it early?


Your parents are trying to get you to do things ahead for good reason. It is a sign of maturity for one thing. For another, if something special comes up that you'd like to do, you still can if you have done your homework ahead of time instead of waiting for the laslt minute.

What should you do?
Set a schedule... do the one you like least first. Once that's done, do the next one. Save the best for last.

Telling your parents to "bug off" would only show:
1) they are right to worry about how you fail to plan ahead
2) you're immature and need lots of direction.

Doing it so you have one finished every other day starting with Sunday would show your parents:
1) they don't need to worry about how you'll do at school and in life
2) you're becoming more mature.

So the choice is yours ... and
the choice is "do I act mature and responsible and get this out of the way" -or-
"do I act like the defiant toddler and insist on waiting till the last minute so I can show them I'm in control by doing a poor report on all three"
i am a parent and we never give in. just do, get it over and get the heck out of their face. it works for me son and we usually don't grip after that. until it is time for his funky behind to shower and he wants to wait
Regardless of what you think, your parents are concerned about your education. External stimulus can take away from your concentration on your studies. Why not just do the assignments and I would be willing to bet that once they are complete you can see your friends. Procrastination only puts off the inevitable. Do it and get it over with for goodness sakes.
start working on them and tell your parents that you can handle it (not in a disrespectful way), then do it. once they see you can handle things on your own they should loosen up and get off your back...

Paranoier people?

if someone has paranoier what are they like.
Very suspicious. btw it's paranoia
Paranoier (der)
n. paranoiac, person suffering from paranoia, person suffering from delusions of persecution and distrust of others.
Why are you asking that question, do you know me, I think you're stalking me. Why do you and you're friends whisper about me?
It's paranoia by the way
A simple wqay to explain paranoia is to think of someone talking on the telephone and the paranoid person is in the same room.They might have imagingined that the someone was talking about them.and most probably start abusing that person.
they are not nice to be around because they usually think that someone is following the or getting into their drawers...not a pleasant person to be around but it is an illness so be kind to them
I think they would be suspicious of people %26 frightened.Have you tried typing paranoid in google.Good Luck
You see a bunch of people talking together. They are saying something about somebody, you don't know who they are talking about but you are convinced it is about you. Even if they are most probably not talking about you.

You walk into somebody, they ask if you are ok, you think someone else may have had told them about your depression, they are showing undue attention to you, they think you are weak, crazy, when in all probably they just walk by you, whilst you looked nervous when you went to take your seat in an exam.

Somebody who is paranoid will be suspicious, will automatically think people are talking about them even if they know that this is very unlikely the case. They always be wary of what people are saying, or doing and will think that others think the worse in themselves.
Paranoia, and it's the feeling that nothing can be taken at face value. It's not just that everyone is out to get you, but that there's a whole lot of stuff going on right around you that you're not involved in. You hear a bump in the night and wonder if that was the cat or if there's someone awake. The girl next door is sitting on her porch and you wonder if she's stalking you, or if she's checking you out, or if she's afraid to go inside for any number of reason. Paranoia is the realization that absolutely anything could be going on that you're not paying attention to, and then entertaining those ideas compulsively. Unfortunately, most people with paranoia are also depressed so they jump to the bad possibilities.
Like this.. What? When? Where? Who? Why? Are they looking at me?.
Try this link to the Mind website:

Understanding Paranoia

Understanding Psychotic Experiences

they are easy to read and understand, and should give you the information that you want.

Hope this helps.

Paranoid? social events? groups of people? what are they thinking?

it is pretty easy for me to socialize with one person but when the group gets larger sometimes i have problems, for a solution to paranoia someone said "you would quit worrying about what other people think of you when you realize how seldom they do" i wish this was true but i have felt things about people and through another person i found out what i felt about the person was all true. if they "seldom do" then what do people in general think about during a social event or in the course of a day say at their job? it would be a great relief to me if they were not bothered or offended by something i did or said. i myself think alot about other people. my question i guess is if people are not thinking about other people (maybe me) than what are they thinking about? Thanks for reading this
I think that they usally think about their families, their past, their stuff , trying to have a good time. unless they r dangerous people then they want 2 misbehave and possibly be dangerous. nothing wrong with using your instincts. some r better off than u and can't understand why u aren't like them and some of them may imagine they r worse off than you or actually be and be into things that you aren't,which may be something u can't understand, and some may be around your level and want to help u with your hang-ups
This has nothing to do with paranoia. This presents as Social Anxiety Disorder and would be helped by either meds/o Cognitive Behavior Therapy or both. Good Luck.
AHHH I am the same way!! I do not know what to say, because ... yeah...blind leading the blind doesn't work...But I wanted to let you know you are not the only one!
I am not a mind reader and neither are you.I suppose they are thinking about anything just stuff.It is not always about you.Your friend is right it is true.It is only your perception what they are thinking.Sounds to me like you have an anxiety disorder.If you want to know what they are thinking why not ask them.It is a social setting.This is how people get to know one another.If you did or said something to offend someone then apologize.If you didn't forget it.You need more practice at this socializing thing.Read a book on the topic or go to some group therapy sessions,where there is no judgements.Check out the mental health in your area and see what workshops are available.

Paranoid? Diagnosed by psych... Am I crazy?

Last wk the doc diagnosed me as paranoid. I translate that to crazy. I have only told my mom %26 husband, which I think is a big mistake. What is other's find out? Does this mean I am crazy? He said I'd have to take meds forever? I don't want this label. I don't want the meds, but have noticed a change in everything when I take. Life isn't as bad or overwhelming. Not like things are great either, but manageable, whereas before too much.

I am unwilling to give in to the diagnosis. What should I do? Seek natural cures?

Everything so far makes me tired, all the time. I sleep 12hours of everyday, and I have kids, not good. I've tried 3 different meds already. I don't want to be a zombie or sleep my life away. How am I going to go to work like this? Any Advice/Suggestions
If you have the diagnosis of being paranoid, there are only two reasons for the diagnosis...severe anxiety and paranoid schizophrenia. In either case, the meds are your best bet. Paranoia makes a person feel as if others are out to get them. If your diagnosis is paranoid schizophrenia, this is happening because there is damage occurring in the brain and it will worsen over time. For some people with this condition, the damage gets so severe that they will actually harm others because they think they're being harmed or going to be harmed, when nothing could be further from the truth.

The meds in turn help your brain to perceive reality more normally so you are better able to judge others' actions and realize that you're not going to be harmed.

Take the diagnosis the doctor gave you and look it up online. Read about it in books from a library.

I have a cousin who has the diagnosis and for years he didn't want to take the meds either because the made him groggy. Then, as the disease progressed and he felt more paranoid, he took a butcher knife to his wife who just barely escaped their apartment. He left hack marks in the brickwork outside their door. That helped him wake up to the realization that the meds really are a fact of life for him and he's been on them (and stable) ever since.

Give the meds some time. Usually your body has to adjust to them, and that can take a few weeks. Keep trying different meds and different dose levels until you find one that works for you. It's a lot better than striking out at someone you love when that's the last thing you'd do when you're feeling well or on the meds.
stop being retarted. The point of having a nuerological condition is that it is nuerological. Its in your head. YOu control yourself. not paranoia. Try this if you are paranoid and you have to kiss your kid goodnight in the same place every day, then kiss him in a different place and see what happens. Pyschic prediction = Nothing will happen.
if its psychological only you can be treated by a therapist, but if its part of some brain pathology you will need meds, paranoid is not being crazy
Some medicines will make you tired at first but your body will get used to them. And if they don't get better then tell your doctor. Being that tired all the time is not good. There are so many different meds out there, don't give up hope that there aren't any that will work for you without making you so tired.

Taking the medicine they give you is important - you will notice a better quality of life which will enable you to give your children a better quality of life!

You can always seek a second opinion about what the dr put you on and about your diagnosis. You don't have to go just on that one doctor's word alone.

There's nothing wrong with taking the meds forever - I'm on antidepressants and will be always, and let me tell you I would never ever want to be without them, it's so much better with them! :)

And don't worry about a label - it's not like you walk around with a big sign on you that announces your diagnosis. Tell only those you are closest to and the rest can mind their own business. :)
Turn his diagnoses to your own,if ya don't like paranoid try bi- polar.Or even anti-social.Keep taking your meds because you will get used to them. It usually takes about 2 weeks and those symptoms will go away.No one needs to know your dio except those closest to you.It's nobody at works business or anyone else for that matter.You do need a support staff-your wife father, best friend.It helps to be able to talk to those close to you.Wish you happiness in the near future.
You said your a mother. Have you had your thyroid checked? Before you accept a diagnosis of paranoia, please make sure that everything else is ruled out. You could have a thyroid disorder that could be causing you some paranoia. What exactly does the dr. mean by paranoid? Have you asked him that? Are you schizophrenic? Also remember, with the meds, you need to give them at least 6 weeks to hit their full potential. Good luck.
you're only as crazy as you let yourself be. i don't think you're crazy. everyones got problems. and you're trying to deal with yours so good for you. you should get on a better sleep pattern though. and yes with your meds also try natural remedies such as eating healthy, exercising, meditating, avoiding caffeine and getting enough rest (but not more than you need) and other things to reduce stress
take care
I have a brother who was diagnosed as paranoid/schizophrenic. The medication initially made him very sleepy. Through time though, his body adjusted and he seems quite "normal" now. He still takes his meds daily but, like I said before, he has adjusted and is quite well. Try to give it time and, hopefully, the support of your family and loved ones will get you through this troubling situation.
My heart goes out to you.

Paranoid Thoughts?

Evey time I hear strangers talk I think they are talking about me. Always saying something insulting. Are these my own thoughts being changed around in my mind? I had a serious full blown paranoid delusion a while back where I just laid on my bed and imagined crazy **** and their were voices in my head talking down on me. That was about 6 months ago though.
You are probably self-referencing - thinking things are about you when they're not. If you've been paranoid in the past, then this is probably a recurrence. Seek help - a counselor and a psychiatrist, one to talk to and one to see if any meds might help.
Meanwhile, question your automatic thoughts. If you're with friends, ask them if they're talking about you as a reality test. Tell them that's what you're doing, just checking it out so you can tell whether your brain is working as it should, or doing an old thing.
You can become in charge of your brain, once you understand how it works, and what it tells you that's true versus how it misfires and sends mental 'spam' your way.
You need find someone that can give you professional help. What you are experiencing is a problem but you can get help for it. Don't wait.
This is a sign of a serious but very treatable chemical imbalance in your brain. You need to seek medical help for this now. There is no reason for you to suffer by yourself and be frightened by your symptoms when all you need is medication. If you do not have medical insurance, get your phone book, look under your County pages. Locate the number for the Health Department. They can refer you to a sliding scale or if you qualify financially, even a free service for a psychiatrist. If you need any help with finding this information, speak with a school counselor, or a trusted official within your church, and ask them to help you find treatment. Please do not suffer anymore, you deserve to live a happy, healthy life. I wish you all the best in getting treatment quickly.
I am bi-polar and have only been diagnosed since 2001 but have suffered miserably for my whole life. Find a psychiatrist that is experienced in this area. Youy family doc dhould be able to refer you to one. Mean while if it gets bad, don't be afraid to ask a friend or family member for help. Or even go to the regular hospital. They have trained staff on duty to deal with these things. Dont let this get out of hand.
OMG! Exactly! I feel the same way every singel time some is talking around me and I'm not part of the conversation. I'm just hoping that it is something that I'll grow out of. It kinda hurts my self-esteem in a way. But like you said, it could be your own thoughts being changed around in your mind, I just never thought about it that way. I guess that with me, I just got used to it and it doesn't really bother me. It's already second nature. I wish you the same luck that I had.
You need to see a psychiatrist. Your reality testing is in serious trouble. You may be heading towards a breakdown.
i agree with marissa r. it could get worse. sounds like early signs of schizophrenia. are you on any sort of drugs, becuase drugs can do this to you. i've been through the same thing, and now i'm on medication (abilify/aripiprazole). please seek help becuase you can be a danger to yourself and others. being delusional is a serious thing. on the bright side, you're not crazy and i'm not trying to sound serious, but i've been through it. go seek help, you'll find life a lot easier while on medication. just be honest with the shrink and they'll do whatever they need to help you.

Paranoia Help?

I just wanted to know how do you get doctor certified for paranoia? Do you just say you are and trust instincts or do you talk to a doctor. And same for adhd and ocd but the paranoia is more urgent and shows itself more. PLease, educate me on this...
I understand paranoia. "Just because your paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you"! You will be fine, go to your doc and see whats going on. Be honest with the doc and he/she will get it in check. Good Luck
you seem to have been diagnosing yourself. let the doctors do that after having talked with you. if you truly believe you are those things, then bring it up. otherwise, just be honest during your sessions and if the doctor has a concern about your situation, he/she'll let you know
i'd suggest going to a psych and once you're there, they can go deeper into your symptoms and feelings you've been having. that is when they can diagnose whether or not you have paranoia and may suggest further counseling or even medication.
Trust the doctors cause you've been living with this problem for probably almost your whole life so it might seem normal to you which it might not be.

Parallel eating disorder?

This is my problem:
I think of foods to cook
i think of foods to eliminate
i think of calorie intake
i think of self control so i dont indulge in junk
i look through cook books atleast 3 times a day
~ food IS my hobby
What has it done?
It lasts a week before i begin eating more and more slowly and slowly, then one day i burst and eat literally everything in my cupboard. I may have a obsessive-compulsive disorder, im not sure.
I am genuinly a possative person, not a happy person but possative. I am not a pathetic teenage delinquient trying to loose weight i dont have, i am 10 kilos over weight and have back pain.
If you have anything about expirience, or how i can tranfer my indulgence for food for something else please help, this is my last year at school and at the moment food its my first priority, it needs to be school.
Sorry to disagree with the professional but it is more likely that you are a binge eater or compulsive over-eater and are addicted to food. You might try consulting a psychiatrist for medication to help the obsessions and unhappiness. You should consult a psychotherapist that is experienced in eating disorders (not one who is obsessed with her weight too like so many women). You might try attending Over-eaters Anonymous meetings. Find something you enjoy, maybe not as much as food, but that you enjoy. Do it instead of food. Throw out the cookbooks, buy one meal at a time, no leftovers, nothing in the cupboard, throw it out. I hope this helps.
honey it does sound like ocd and binge eating...i would seek some help more in the area of behavioral modification therapy and also for depression..i think you may be a little depressed, and its okay nothing to feel ashamed about..i to went through the same issues with food and weight loss where it just consumed me and i did what im suggesting to you, i also am in the field of mental health and help young women everyday like yourself...there may be deeper issues going on than you may realize...go talk to someome i assure you that it will me if you like

psych. mental health nurse practioner


i have a big presentation tomorrow in school and i'm really nervous and scared. can you help calm me down?
1- If you have time present it once to yourself tonight.
2- Time your presentation so you will be sure you are in the time range.
3- Have a good sleep tonight.
4- When you start your presentation, think yourself as a cool attractive knowledgeable person. Believe that nobody knows about the topic than you do.
5- If you have any overheads, PowerPoint slides are really helpful

Good luck
Do not be afraid. You know you are the best there is. And if people get to you , just think: Is that all you can do? Come on , bring it on . Is THAT all you can do? The Best.
one of the best techniques i have learned it picture people in the undies in front of you or in there pajamas etc also find a spot on the wall above somebody head and take a deep breath and present hope this helps a little at least
Take a deep breath and remember everybody else has to give one too. When I took public speaking in school I would ask to go first every time I gave a speech so I could get it over with and didn't have to spend the rest of the class panicking. I would also pick 3 people in different parts of the room to focus on when I looked around the room (helps if they are friends or people you know.) Good luck and you will do fine.
yes! I will try to! first of all dear I always ask God to help me times of uncertainity and great stress/anixety.
Remeber you can do all things in Christ who strenghtens you!! Amen!
do you have any relaxing music you can listen to ?A warm bath helps as does a glass of warm milk..

Hope it helps calm you down!
I will be praying for you and God bless!
just think of it this way. when you present your presentation the only one listening to you is the teacher.everyone else doesnt give a rats ***
Ask yourself what you are afraid of happening. What would the worst outcome be? If this did happen, what would be so bad about it? Then, look at how likely this would be to happen. Draw from past experience, common sense. Take deep breaths before your presentation. Find something distracting that will relax you before your presentation that is discreet. I find filing my nails helps.
i also get very very scared and nervous of presentations!
the last time i had to do one, i practiced it loads before.

try not to memorise the speech, because if you forget what you were 'supposed' to say, then youll get more nervous! know your topic really well, so that you can imrpvise if you have to! bring photos/pictures, and make it interactive - if other people join in then you wont feel like everyone is 'looking' at you!

Panick attacks?

i have suffered from panic attacks for roughly 6 months, i have tried medication and it has not really worked for me, i would like to try a counceller but i am quite a shy person, can i get over my attacks by myself, or will they always be a part of me?
try to figure out what's causing them..if they are not caused by any specific thing it may be hard..I have had panic attacks for over 10 years...I would definitely recommend the counselor
just keep asking questions on here. You will find a lot of people have them and the answers to your questions will make you feel better, stronger and ready to face your problem in the face. Good luck.
It can be scary to open up to a stranger but please know that trained counselors are there to help. Perhaps you could give it a try? You might also want to "practice" on a message board where you can be anonymous and yet still receive wonderful support:

Have you done any reading on panic attacks? Learning more about a condition often can help alleviate some fears:

Take care of yourself : )
I got over mine about 95%, but it took 16 years.

You should probably talk to somebody about it if you can.
sounds like you have social anxiety. some alternative therapies can help if you want to keep off traditional meds. light therapy and hypnotherapy can ease your symptoms. psychotherapy can help if you find the right doctor. I have been fighting for years it is very hard to get over by yourself but if you want to try you can try to do new things that scare you each day, talk to people even just ask them the time to start, be out and about as much as possible and it will make you more comfortable. it gets worse if you do nothing.
A counselor is the only person who will be able to sort this problem out for you properly. Dealing with it yourself is of no use now as it is too serious and it has been going on for 6 months now 鈥?you need to see someone. And yes, these attacks will probably always be a part of you if you don鈥檛 deal with it through medical professionals; they will also get progressively worse and harder to treat the longer you put this off.
Don鈥檛 let your shyness damage your health, it鈥檚 their job, go and see your GP for a referral.

Best of luck!
I used to have panic attacks alot wen i was younger. Deep breathing during an attck helps. Try meditation it helps u to relax. Did u go thru any traumatic experiences in the past? Counselling will prolly help and a counsellor is trained to take things @ your pace. Good luck and spirit bles!
You can definitely get over them! I did, by remembering that I'm always in control of my body and mind. I can tell you my experience. I used to have panic attacks that felt like heart attacks.. and I'd get them in random places for random reasons. It took about 3 years for them to subside to the point that I stopped being scared that I would have them every day.. and not being worried about getting panic attacks made me have less panic attacks!

When you feel one coming on, remember that you're still in control. You can make it die down again before it gets full-blown. Get away from whatever you're doing, start breathing really slowly and deeply, and then make yourself think specific thoughts like "this thing is going to go away" and "this feeling will not last forever" .. and "this is definitely not a heart attack, so this isn't going to hurt me". It helps to break the cycle of anxiety.. when you feel one coming on, you worry it's going to get really bad, which makes it worse, which makes you worry it's going to kill you, which makes it worse, etc. Just remember, you can control your body by thinking positive things. Try it, and once you realize you have a little bit of power over the attacks, you'll have less and less and less of them. You'll stop being so anxious about not being able to control them, so you'll have less of them!

A counselor will help too. Definitely see a counselor. They're nice people.
You have many options.

1) try different medication
2) go to a therapist (I know you said you didn't want to do this, but once you get one-on-one with somebody trying to help it might ease your worries. Hey, you could try it once atleast)
3) There are tons of books out there that really outline the disorder and give very constructive ways to overcome it.
4) I used to go to I got a really good vibe from that site and it is always nice to communicate with people who understand what you are going through.

Panic attacks are a learned behaviour and the longer you wait to get them taken care of, the harder it is to unlearn the behaviour or relearn more constructive behaviours. Take the time now and invest in yourself to ensure a better future.
I was having 5 panic attacks a day about 2 years ago. I had CBT that did not work. I am on fluoxetine 20mg a day which totally stops them. If i stop or miss the fluoxetine i get tem again. I have been on this med for 1 1/2 years. Panic attacks are the most frightening thing i have ever experianced and i can't stress this enough to my boyfriend who struggles to understand the distress i have with them. I find that after a full blown panic attack the relief that you got through it gives you a sense of well being. Also knowing that it is impossible to die from them helped. Finding the trigger or thought that causes the attacks can help if you work on solving it. A great place i found for support and that helped me get through the hardest part was
You will get through it even though now it seems impossible. All the best xx

Panic help?

i experiencing panic attacks recently and i am getting help. it is hard for me to get out of the house sometimes (but not impossible!) i have started to go back to school but only part time! things are getting easier but it doesnt help that i really dont like change! when thins change (just simple things like changing my bedroom around or getting a new sofa) i just wondered if anyone else has been through something like this and has any tips on how i can get through this period of my life happily and regain my life back! im only 14! thanks!
your hormones pay a role with you, don't er react and try to find rest in classic music or silence. a walk along the beach can do wonders
See panic attacks at on page 8.
If you are not already seeing a professional therapist, I would begin by asking your parents to allow you to go to one. Then I would seek out a facility where you can get help from both a phychologist and a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist can help by giving you medications that will lesson your anxieties while you work through your fears with the phychologist.
I have been through the same type of things (though I was in my 30s at the time), so don't think you are alone. Many people go through this, and you've do the hardest part in taking the first step to get help.

Panic Disorder: my parents want me to move out?

I came down with panic disorder during my last years in college. My parents were gracious to let me stay at their home, and I've been here for almost 10 years. I haven't been able to keep down a job, and I have mild agoraphobia. I live in a country where good support systems for PAD are non-existent, and the best meds are anti-depressants I don't care to try. I've recovered on my own quite well to the point where I don't get the attacks anymore (only when really stressed). But, I haven't regained the confidence to move out on my own. My parents are too polite to kick me out, but I can feel that they are hoping that I launch soon. What do I do?
Of course, your parents don't want you to leave - not until you are ready.

You have done very well in getting to where you are today, especially without the aid of prescription drugs (which are, to my mind, the easy option for Doctors - and they seem to create still more problems for their patients). You will have to develop a personal coping strategy for the really stressful times, but I'm sure you realised that.

I f you haven't already, might I suggest that you look up NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) on the internet or on a bookshelf near you. This common sense approach has helped so many of my friends to come to terms with their agoraphobia and panic attacks.

As far as your parents wanting you to move out - your parents really only want you to succeed in life. That's what parents are for. If you feel strong enough to go then go - but always be aware that your parents are ready to help and support you. You're extremely lucky to have them there.

I hope this helps you
Do you have any close friends? Perhaps there is a close friend that you can move in with. Job problems? You have the internet :) Its the easiest way to a job. There are telemarketing jobs and more on the net these days. If you have a problem being around groups of peeps then it would save you of having to go out to much. Good Luck!
Take care of your self..what would you do if they were dead? You need to face it, the world goes on if we are ready or not. To be quite honest, we are all depressed and have problems, but we still get by. You control you, not anyone else! Get you a nice one bedroom efficiency apartment, cheap, and easy to clean. A job where there aren't tons of people and start taking care of yourself.
Leave your crutches behind and start a new life!
After reading your question...I see you are well spoken and even though you have these problems with your mental can communicate very one knows until they have walked in your shoes what you have been through with this phobia etc. It's so hard to suggest anything knowing what a big step this is going to be for you. I have just one thought that might help you. I don't know your feelings about religious groups but many churches might have social services that they could help you out especially in the beginning of your leaving your home until you can get back on your feet. Like maybe you could work for the church in exchange for room and board...until you can see things more clearly what you want to do or what you are capable of doing..just being with other people besides your family might just be what you need. Not taking on too much at first.Here in the USA...there is a group called the YMCA...young mens Christian association.they have a place where young men can live for a period of time..especially if they are in between jobs...after you read this if you would like to talk to me more.I'd be happy to hear what you have to say..sometimes just talking things out helps you decide what to do.I'm retired and have time to of luck...
Hugs from Mama Jazzy Geri .under the's morning here.see is my id if you would like to write to me:
I think you should try to move out. I also think you should try the antidepressants, if you haven't already. I have personally used them for panic disorder, and they really do help. You may be able to find comfort in your own little apartment. You could find one close to your parents, and move out slowly, and make it a gradual move. You owe it to yourself, to try to live on your own, and your parents would probably enjoy being on their own as well. Give it a try- you can't lose for trying. Good luck!
Is there anyone else you can move in with? A friends or family member? I myself am on Prozak and have yet to have a problem with it but that is just me. Different people react different ways to anti-depressants. Though Prozak is really more for anxiety than depression from what my doctor said. My case of anxiety came from an eating disorder. Another cure for anxiety is turning to God for help.
In some ways, you are a contradiction in terms. You say, "I don't care to try (antidepressants)" and then you say, "I've recovered on my own quite well..." But if that's the case, then why are you panicking over moving out?

I have recovered from panic attacks and I have recovered from depression. And my recovery is based on two things: medication and attitude. I take medication to control the physical aspects of my panic and depression and then I've been through cognitive therapy with a qualified psychologist. I've now been released from treatment by the psychologist and I only see the psychiatrist every four months so I am now stable. So stop trying to be a martyr and going through all of this on your own without any help. I wish you the best as you grow out of your comfort zone and don't be afraid to ask for help for your panic.
Is the reason why you cant hold down a job is because you have panic attacks? That was my problem for a long time. If you can speak with a doctor that is willing to prescribe you an anti-depressant some of them have anxiety relieft effects. Also talk to them about maybe Xanax or Klonopin. I was not able to move out on my own until I got prescribed Klonopin , now everything seems "easier" like I took off a pair of broken glasses.
Also try speaking with a therapist? Panic attacks happen when you resort back to your primal state "fight or flight" and your brain kinda takes a temperaly leave hehe. But one doctor adviced me when I feel "panicky" to move around alot, touch nearby objects to regain my "depth perception" and it helped me out ALOT!
Also exercise is great for it to, maybe try running around the block a couple times a day?

I Hope this helped any :) good luck
I reckon you are doing well... but you have a little way to go.

When I had panic attacks I went through a period when I needed a lot of support ( mainly from my mum and the panic attack support group).

Rather than stay where you are which is obviously sort of comfortable for you, I think you should work towards overcoming the condition even more.

I've been there and I know its scary but you can do it.

Have a look at my website which chronicle's the ups and downs of my journey.

Good luck

Try talking to your parents and telling them how you feel. Parents can be more understanding than what you think they can.

Panic attacks??

Okay so i just started having these out of the blue and i have had 2 already today im only 14 years old my dad thinks im faking it and my mom is gone my grandma is the only one who believes me im not lying or pretending these things are awful my heart races and my hands get all shaky I feel as if I can't breathe normally and sometimes i feel dizzy or lightheaded what can i do to convinve me dad that its true??
If he is there, have him take your pulse. That might convince him. In the meantime, when you feel this happen, sit down, relax and take SLOW, DEEP breaths. Close your eyes if you can, and picture a place that is calm and happy for you -- maybe the beach lying in the sun or something like that.

These things can be triggered by hormones and shifting levels, so you might be having that happening. They are scary, but not harmful, usually. If they do not get better, try to convince someone to let you talk with a doctor about them.
Vigorous exercise might help. Try to see your school counselor, or better yet, your physician.
Well you should be in school so go see the school nurse or guidance counselor. They will ensure you are taken for treatment.

Homeschooled huh..well i don't normally advocate lying but tell your dad you think you have a yeast infection and need to see the doctor.
Dude, relax, you are having panic attacks.
But the secret is... you cause them and you are the only one that can stop them as well. Trust me, I know. I developed an audio course that teaches you how. Panic attacks will not go away on their own. You need to learn a set of simple skills that will be there when you need them and put you back in control of your life. It's great that you reconize this so early on in life. The sooner you learn how to stop them, the easier your life will be down the road.


Will you help me start a serious dialog on my new message board for people suffering from Stress and Anxiety?

I have just launched a new message board today. It's for people like you and I who just need a safe place to talk among like minded people who are going through the same thing.
I am trying to create a safe haven for anyone suffering from Anxiety, Stress and Depression and addictions.
Please visit and leave a post... it's free.

I am really hoping this new message board will become a wonderful knowledge base of support for all those suffering. Please visit and post. This is a great project that could help so many. Thank you.

Visit my website:
That's sounds exactly like a panic attack!
And if not treated properly they could get worse, and scarier, nothing will happen to you , but your brain for some reason thinks it will!
I would ask your grandmother to talk to your dad and get him to make you a Dr's appt.
If he still doesn't listen talk to a school teacher or counselor and they could set up a meeting with Dad.
In the meantime when one happens , stop and say OK i know what this is, I will be OK slow your self down, and take long deep breaths , and try to release it with each breath. ( make sure not to make those breaths fast because you could hyper ventilate and faint)...
There is probably an underlying cause for this and the goal is to figure out what that is so you can control the panic attacks.
it could be physical or emotional , stress related , a number of things seeing your Dr. is best , and tell Dad it for real ...
Good luck.
You have just pointed out a whole lot of reasons WHY you'd have panic attacks.
The problem with those attacks is that you don't have to be physically doing anything but your mind is still working on the issues.
To "convince" your dad...
When you feel an attack coming on, go sit near him and tell him, "Watch this". Then, when you start breaking out in a sweat, ask him if he knows of anyone that can sweat on command and how can you be faking it.
OMG, Im so sorry I feel bad for you, I just started having anxiety problems at 21 and I couldnt have imagined having them at 14. Has anything major changed in your life recently?! Have you noticed this happening in similar situations? Mine get bad when I am by myself, I can't stay home alone and i have to work with a family member. Believe me I know what you are going through and I am soooooooooo sorry. Tell your father you are depressed and ask him if you can go to a doc, heck lie to him if you have to. Doctors can give you something for this. I was on daily meds at first for this and now I only have to take them occasionally when needed for panic attacks and I am actually doing very well. I dont knw what to tell you to get someone to believe you I didnt have that problem, but I do think that you should go see someone soon, or it will only get worse. If you do finally go to the doc let them know EXACTLY what is going on and when it happens, let them know exactly what is happening around you when you have one, they might can find the trigger. If they put you on medication and it makes you feel funny or you feel like it is not helping LET THEM KNOW, they are already going to be leary about giving you something ue to your age, but beware medication for these types of problems can have BAD complications, but once you find something that works you will be great. Hope all works out well for you, I know how it is. GOOD LUCK! Stay strong, talk to your grandmother as much as possible about this it will help. See if she would be willing to take you to a doc.
I havve too. I am only 13years old so we are on the same boat here. How about you get your doctor to prove it? I know these things are , and they are absolutely horrible. Or you can ay to your dad " Dad we need to talk and this is something serious..." And then you tell him everything from the panic attacks to how, when, and it happens/happened the first time. Or another opnion is to tell your grandma ( since she's the only one who believes you) to talk to you dad? I am really very sorry that this is happening to you!!

Hope your dad believes you!

Good Luck!!

Panic Attacks?

I usually get like a physical symptom or physiological one which then sets me to be anxious and worried that I will die which brings fort my attack or maybe feeling week. I am 15 years old so like does this eem familiar? If so how do you deal with it other than therapy?
I have suffered with panic attacks since the age of 17, what I have learned is you need to figure out what puts you in panic mode. What helped me is that I just fought it, kept doing whatever made me get into those panic modes. Now I barely have them %26 when I do have them it does not even bother me anymore. Good luck
You wont you will go into depression. Talk to someone you trust because you probably got alot on your mind. I used to go to a therapist when I was in high school but I was lucky cause my therapist knew me since I was a baby. Talk to someone and if you dont wanna do that, take a piece of paper and write down whats wrong and write how you can make it better. I had a journal to track that I was gettin better..
You really need to get help. Tell someone about this as soon as possible. In the meantime, realize that you are young and it is not likely that you will die anytime soon. Humans are actually quite strong, and some have even fought cancer.
Panic attacks are a common occurrence among many people all over the world, including young adults as well.

The symptoms you describe, feeling like you will die or feelings of going insane or losing control, along with physical symptoms like palpitations and increased heart rate, are all part of panic attacks.

I've had minor ones myself, but have learned to control them.

Drugs may be an option for you, but since you are young, many may have undesired and harmful side-affects.

A psychological "condition" is nothing to be ashamed of. Its just part of who you are.Therapy helps a lot of people and may help you reduce the chance of another panic attack.

For me what helps best is to know that whatever is happening is happening, and by accepting it rather than trying to stop and reject it, it tends to be a lot less traumatic and begins to subside quicker. I know its hard to keep a straight mind when a panic attack occurs, and the whole world seems like its falling apart, but just try to accept whatever is happening, and listen to some comforting music and relax. Just know it will end soon and its alright.

If it ever happens some place like school (which it happened to me once), just accept it and take a walk through the hall. Moving is always a good therapeutic device as well.

Hope this helps!
If your panic attacks start to get more severe (like you can't breathe, or you pass out) you should probably talk to a doctor about it even though therapy doesn't seem like an option for you. I sometimes have panic attacks but I'm able to calm myself down (as stupid as it sounds) by just focusing on telling myself I'm okay and breathing.
I use to have panic attacks. They were the worst thing I have ever gone through. I mean. how many times can a person die? It seems like I was spending all my time in the ER and then feeling foolish.

You seem rather young for a panic attack. Do your parents know about them?

I also suffer from depression and that doesn't help. I haven't had one in years.

You must see a therapist preferably one that has a good knowledge of these attacks. It is possible that all you will need is the proper medication. If you go the medication route you could have difficulties for a while until your therapist finds the right combination and dosages of meds.

Is there anyone else in your family who has them. In some cases they are hereditary.

Don't try to handle them by yourself. See someone. I have never found a way to stop an attack once one began.

Good luck.
Do they come out of nowhere, or are they brought on by something? I have found that my symptoms (more anxiety than panic, though) come when my mind is left to wander. Like, if I'm trying to get to sleep and my heart races, I turn on the TV and the symptoms go away. I am only affected when I am really stressed out over work or something else that has me stressed, so I haven't had any professional help/therapy or meds. However, if it is really affecting your quality of life, see your doctor. There are lots of ways, other than therapy, to explore. But, if they don't do the trick, don't rule therapy out. Seeing a therapist doesn't make you makes you smart for dealing with your problems before they become too big to deal with.
I have suffered from panic attacks for many years now. I get the physical and mental crap that come along with them. What I do is breathing patterns. When you feel the panic attack coming try doing some breathing patterns until you find the one that works for you. You might need to find a secluded place and it might take a few try to find the one that works for you, but it will. Also when you are doing the breathing patterns, try and think of relaxing good times in your life or relaxing thoughts. If you are able to just clear your mind that would work too. Good luck.
I had terrible panic attacks when I was your age. Talking about it with other people will help but I don't really think therapy is a cure. The good news is that it almost always disappears as you get older. Mine only lasted a couple years.

Instead of therapy to find out what's causing it (a big maybe) you're better off learning to relieve the symptoms. If you're like most people you probably have breathing problems when you feel anxious. You can learn to control your breathing and that will help a lot.

But be careful what you read on the web. There's a lot of bogus breathing advice out there, stuff that will make you feel worse!

The answer is not "deep breathing". That causes hyperventilation. The right way is slowly and gently. Check out the website below in the resources box for good instructions and an online demo you can listen to.
I'm 18. I first started having panic attacks when I was 17 and they would usually occur after I smoked marijuana. I was at a point where I was having panic attacks everyday and constantly worrying about having another one, or if my life would ever be normal. About a month ago I realized however that worrying about panic attacks and anxiety is NOT going to help me. You have to accept your fear and realize that all it is is just fear, and cannot hurt you. I remembered what my life was like before panic attacks and why it was that way. Try not to dwell on negative thoughts, distract yourself, and when you feel like you are panicking, remember: How many times have I felt like this before and I turned out fine?

Panic attacks?

is 11 panic attacks in 2 days a bad thing?
11 panic attacks in 2 days is a lot but not unheard of. I have had panic attacks for 7 years and have come to a point where I can control them. When I first starting having them I took medication (Clonazapam) which can be addictive, then the doctor put me on seroquel which makes me sleepy. I went through this for about 2 years, taking tons of different medication which in turn had horrible side effects.

I then started trying to find alternative to medication.

The best thing that i found by far was when you are having a panic attack, Lie flat on the floor with your hands under your butt. Look directly at the ceiling and count to one hundred. this works becuase you are focusing your mind on something else and lying flat helps the tightening that you will feel in your chest.

Another thing you can try is constantly taking small sips of juice, water etc or turning up the music and singing out loud. You need to focus on something else other than the reason you are panicking.

If you are having so many panic attacks in a day I would guess that you have a lot of stress in your life. Set aside a time everyday "worry time" where you deal with the things that are upsetting you and make a plan on how to deal with them.

I hope this helps. I have tons of other tricks too. Let me know if you need more.

It is a lot better to deal with it yourself then being on medication.
ya, take some benadryl
OMG yes! Panic attacks can cause brain damage. If you are having panic attacks you need to go see someone and get on some type of medicine to supress them
Is exhausting. I've never had them that bad and my heart goes out to you. I am on Lexapro and occassionally I have to take Xanax. Panic attacks are not fun at all and many that don't have it don't understand what we go through.
oh yes. If your having these then you have some form of an anxiety disorder and you need treatment. Get to a therapist or psychologist very soon please. Take care of yourself :)

God Bless!
Oh yes! Something in your life must be causing alot of stress. You should go see a doctor so you can try and find a way to cope with that stress.
Yes Mem is allot, Some times only have one is terrible Got with your doctor.

Trileptal are for epilepsy , but helps allot with the panic. Try it
I'd say so. What is causing your panic attacks? Please see a doctor and maybe the doctor can prescribe something to help you with this. Also, it is important not to fight the panic attack. Instead, sit down in a comfortable chair or lay down, and just let the panic go through you. The more you fight it the worse it gets and the longer it lasts. Panic attacks are caused by the adrenal glands secreting adrenalin throughout the body in response to the body reacting to stress. The best thing is to get rid of the stress, but if that is not entirely possible see your doctor. Be careful about medication. I was taking Klonopin 1/2 mg. but it can be very addictive.

Panic attacks?

I am 16 years old and i suffer from panic and anxiety attacks. I just waned to make sure the things i am feeling are normal. Well here goes. When ever i have one i first feel as if i cant breathe and have to take really really deep breaths in order to breathe. I then feel really wierd like im going to faint and its even got so bad that i would have suicidal thoughts. I am now seeing a counselor now and i have even told my mom about what i think about at times. I dont know if it may be stress. I honestly think it is but not sure. Alll i know is i cant tell you my life story in just a paragraph so... I just wnat to know is if i will ever get rid of these? Like i said i am going to start going to counseling again since my mom finally got approval from the insurance agency and will hopefully get rid of these once and for all. I just hate feeling crappy about myself at times and feeling scared if i am going to do something stupid especially when i have my panic attacks.
Panic Attacks, Depersonalization and Derealization are real and are best treated with cousenling and at least some Benzos.Ativan ,Valium, Xanax and/or Antidepressants...Effexor, Paxil, Luvox, Topamax...

The main thing is to not fight the attacks. Touch a friend with someone at home. Stay in reality and self checking are important..

You are not going crazy or going to die from a Panic Attack or DP/DR.

Limit your Stress , caffeine....get proper rest, exercise really helps too.
call 1888 826 9438 axiety hotline. go to,, and, and try stress. alos talk to me i can help
It is good that you are talking to someone. you will survive but at the time it doesn't seem so..your counselor may suggest an anti-anxiety medication to help you when you feel the worst..only someone who has been there knows what you are talking about..they can be disabling but you have to make certain that you fight it all the time until you are back to have to believe that you will get better...sometimes it will take a few months...try not to get off your schedule and routine too much, no matter how difficult it must learn how to cope...take care.

Panic attacks?

I started suffering from panic attacks after a nervous breakdown a year ago. I had no previous history of them, and they are becoming more infrequent. Is it possible for them to go away completely in time?
Your attacks might go away one day. You may wake up one day and feel fine and never look back. Or you may still have them but not feel so helpless and can keep yourself calm untill they subside.
I suffered really badly from anxiety and panic attacks. I still get them occasionally but i just make sure i am in a safe place, like sitting down, or leaning on a wall or something if i am out. I just close my eyes, breath deeply and relax. If you can control them like this they should stop being so scary. I used to have attacks because i was scared of having an attack.
I hope this helps. Remember, the worst thing that happens in reality is that you get odd looks if you are sitting on the floor deep breathing in the middle of the high street.
Good luck, I am sure that you will get over them. If they are subsiding you are probably already over the worst.
While panic disorder cannot be prevented, you may be able to prevent or reduce the number of additional panic attacks with proper treatment. Simply avoiding certain situations or places does not guarantee that a panic attack will not occur under new circumstances. In fact, avoiding situations and places where panic attacks have occurred often increases your level of anxiety. You may be able to reduce the severity of future attacks by following home treatment practices such as reducing anxiety and limiting triggers like caffeine and alcohol; by continuing medical treatment and counseling, such as exposure therapy; and by calling a health professional if symptoms recur or get worse.
I have an anxiety issue, and I take medication for it. I took Zoloft for about 3 years because mine would get so bad that I felt like blacking out and fainting, or I was constantly about to throw up.

Medication helps, also, therapists help as well. I am now off my medication and so far, so good.

I pray that it all works out with you.
As with just about any psychological disorder, there is no way to precisely predict the course of your panic disorder. You could go into spontaneous remission one day and never suffer again. The course could continue to deteriorate, with panic attacks becoming more and more frequent or intense. Finally, it could either stable off or lessen. The best option to increase the chances of remission or improvement is to seek professional help. Many people are not cured on their own.
Yes panic attacks can go away, but you'll need to make some changes to your life. Usually, you'd need to take a look at your diet. If you have some of these symptoms, you might want to start with your blood sugar:
Fatigue, insomnia, mental confusion, anxiety, nervousness, mood swings, faintness, headaches, depression, phobias, heart palpitations, a craving for sweets, cold hands and feet, forgetfulness, dizziness, blurred vision, inner trembling, outbursts of temper, sudden hunger, allergies, crying spells
unfortunately it gets worse in time
I too, recently started suffering from panic attacks. The best person to give you the answer to your question is your doctor. I unfortunally, as a 13 year old don't have the answer. But hopefully they will go away completely within time.

Hope you get your answer!

Panic attacks..please help!?

How can I avoid panic attacks and overcome them? Has anyone ever overcome panic attacks and no longer has them? If so how? Also why do I usually have a lot of panic attacks during my period? Please help, I hate having them. They make me depressed and they make me feel like I am going crazy. What can I do to stop them?
It's hard to overcome this on your own, until you know the reason for your panic attacks you will keep having them. Go to your doctor, either they will track the symptoms or put you on an antidepressant and suggest seeing a therapist. I can't tell you exactly what the doctor will do but you need to see one to get the results you want. Good luck!
I suffered from paniac attacks about 8 years ago. I got off the caffeine and only drink limited amounts. I talked to my doctor and made sure that I didn't have mitral valve prolapsa (I spelled this wrong but it sounds like I wrote) because those who have this are at risk of high paniac attacks.

When I did have them, I talked myself through them. I told myself, "I'm not going to die, I'm not going to die, I can do this". A grad school professor of mine told me that the worst fear of people who suffer from this is that they are going to die and not one person has died yet from a panic attack.

I would strongly advise to see what your triggers are, use some skills such as distracting yourself, and watch out for the coffee/tea/pop items.
i suffered from panic attacks a few years ago. i did talk myself down as well, but it was more like yelling things like, "knock it the f*ck off, im gonna be ok." LOL sad, but true. cut back on sodas and sugars and go see your doctor, thats what they are there for.
Stop being so negative and panicky. No one likes losers who are anxious and negative all the time. Just relax and chill out when you are panicked. If you don't like something then change it.

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