Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Please Help I Need Advice no mean answers please?

well yesturday i wuz really really mad at my mom [[im 14]] and i dont like crying idk why itz jus not sumthing i do often ne wayz i wuznt only mad at hur itz jus all these thingz hav been going on ane ne wayz i cut myself and i did it again 2 day idk why but it jus makes me not want 2 cry about thingz but ne wayz ive seen a phsyciatrist before wen i wuz like 12 or sumthing cuz i wuz stressed out and also ive seem 2 find out that i dont believe in god ne more i think itz nuthing but bs iddk why i jus think itz all fake and i feel like ive fallen and im reaching out 4 help and every1 iz jus there laughing at me.and also this iznt a cry 4 attention i hate attention i dont like people being in my buisness and i stay in my room all day cuz i dont really talk 2 my family only friendz and if im not home and sum1 iz in my room i get mad like i had went 2 corpus and my mom came in my room 2 get my dirty cloths and i got mad at hur cuz she didnt ask 2 go in my room why am i being like this?
you sound a lot like me when i was 14. i know you hate crying but it sounds like thats what you need. seems to me that you see crying as a weakness. i use to think the same thing. i hated to cry. so instead of crying i got mad. would yell scream cut myself throw stuff curse and hurt people and break stuff. what we do when we are like this is we mask anger because we are in pain. so when we cut we take that emotional pain into physical pain. its like a distraction. i dont cut anymore i havent for awhile. you sound to me your in a lot of pain for what reason i am not sure only you can answer that. this is what i did to get over it. i wrote a lot. it was an escape for me. every time i felt angry sad hurt scared. i wrote about it. i remember i use to write suicide notes. to tell everyone what i wanted to say. and i mean they would 5 pages long sometimes longer. and i would let it all out. then i would burn the letter or shred it or something. because i felt better. i wrote poetry and stories. i use to get made fun at school. bullied kids threw full soda cans at my head push me down the stairs and then when i got home from school. i would be yelled at by my parents saying i was nothing be hit in the face thrown up the stairs be thrown down the hall way. there was never a way out. i wasnt safe at home i wasnt safe at school. i was safe no where. so i would act like this. until i discovered writing. i dont write as much anymore as i use to because i have left my parents house and dont have to deal with them. but i am still angry and mask my anger when i am in pain. but i find away to talk about it instead of acting out on it. finally one day i just starting crying and i mean i cried for hours. and it felt so good and it was such a release. all of that hurt and pain when i was a child was let out. since then i am a much happier person today. i smile more. and i realized i dont have to deal with anyones nonsense anymore. and i dont. i hope this helps you dear and if you wish to talk to me then send me an email anytime. my email is amative_unity@yahoo.com. take care dear.
I'm not trying to be mean, but it sounds like you're a typical teen. You didn't say one thing that would indicate a medical or mental problem. Things WILL get better if you train yourself to think in a more positive light.

P.S. I seriously mean no offense. I used to be the exact same way. We can all be very self-destructive when we're frustrated. You with cutting, others with drugs or eating disorders, or violence towards others. There comes a time when we have to face ourselves and admit that it's time for a change for the positive. We all have it within ourselves to make that change.
Hi, Just talk with your family and tell them whats wrong. I am sure they will help if you tell them . If you want to email me anytime to talk please email me at : need-helpw-with-life@hotmail. com. Think positive
First, stop the cutting. It only lets people stereotype you, and crying is healthier and better for you in the long run.

I have a messed up relationship with my parents, too, so I understand completely if you don't want them to know. Try going to a doctor, if you can do this by yourself, or asking a friend. I would also suggest talking to someone at your church.

When you're only fourteen, it's not worth it to have such a dramatic life. Take a breather and then figure out what YOU can do.

Hope I helped,
You're 14. It's an awkward time for just about anyone. You'll get over it, I promise. I didn't feel that great about myself at 14 either. But please stop the cutting! It is not a solution to anything. And if you don't believe in God...let's just say you're not the only one. I too feel no comfort in believing in/praying to something I can't see, so I feel the same way about it as you. Anyway, you haven't "fallen"--you sound like you might be depressed, but life is not over. Feel better soon!
You need to go back to the psychiatrist. Or a different one. Cutting yourself is NOT good at all. When you get angry try doing a physical activity. Also, your friends are temporary. Your family is forever. No one will ever love you as much as your family, aside from God. If you don't believe in God. That's your business. You need to learn self control ( for your anger and cutting yourself). You also might want to study and practice positive thinking. Disassociating is never good. I understand you are at an age you want your space from your family. However, you do need to get out, meet people and do things. Preferably people your own age. There are a lot of predators out there, as I'm sure you know. Also, when asking for help. It is better to speak or write in plain English. That way people understand you. GL
Well, being a teenager isn't easy. You've got alot of things going on physically---growing, hormones, girls stuff,..., emotionally, spiritually,... Not to mention trying to figure out who you are, who you want to be, getting along with friends, family, school, LIFE. Everyone handles these things differently.

But, when you are feeling this overwelmed that you are cutting yourself, avoiding friends %26 family, getting angry for small things.it is time to ask for help. Not JUST here at Yahoo. It's time to tell someone (parents, family member, friend, school teacher, school counsellor,...) that you WANT/NEED help. You need to go to your Psychiatrist, psychologist, or therapist. If the 1st one wasn't that helpful then you need to ask to see someone new.

This is your life. You do have control, even though I know it doesn't always feel like it. You have the option of cutting or not cutting, crying or not crying (though I DO recommend letting loose once in awhile, it is cleansing, healthy, and you will feel better. I know this is just another time that you don't feel in control. Like, if you start crying, what if you never stop? But, you will, eventually, and you will feel better when you just let it out!), telling someone you need some help or continuing on the path that you are on. If you already feel out of control on this path, why not TAKE control and get help...then you DO get some control.

And remember, you can only 'control' so much in this world. Some things you just have to realize that they are out of your control and all you CAN control is how you choose to handle it.
Your choice.

Good luck and please take care of yourself!

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