Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Personality problem...something opposite to adhd...?help!?

I was wondering if anyone here could help me to understand what exactly is my problem, which in recent times has become more prominent.I seem to be unable to operate and focus with people around me.Any sound when I am reading, writing, working is painful.I am doing an internship with young people and today it took me 4 a hours to do a bit of research an write 1 email,a job normally for 20 min.I don't have the " shy loner syndrome" have friends and am perfectly fine chatting to strangers and finding myself in unfamiliar social circumstances, I am also fine when it comes to multitasking,the problem arises when those two are mixed up:when the "internal"-reading,dealing with objects,writing,thinking gets interrupted by the "external"-sound, overheard words,also small talk when my mind is focused on my task.When this happens i just feel like somebody has played an ultra high sound i feel almost agressive,or just like the only thing on earth that would help me would be giant soft headphones
Read the book The Highly Sensitive Person.

Also The Highly Sensitive Person in Love.

I THINK, not sure, you are like that. I am like this too and I KNOW I am an HSP.

We have sensitive neural functions...noise, etc. is very disturbing to us. There are some other components so read it and see. Go to your library. It should be there or they can order it for you through Interlibrary Loan.

You mayhave another condition though.

Good luck
I could give you a list as long as my arm of what could be wrong with you. I would go and see a doctor about it and they will be the best to get to the root of it all. for example even depression can make you very sensitive to sound and ADHD and etc etc etc the list can go on and on. see a doctor. good luck.
Wow! I thought I was alone!
I have inside ear headphones I wear at work to cut out the noise - I find though that if someone walks past with a drink, I can smell that and it disturbs me.
I did a communications course once as I had been told I wasn't a good communicator - turns out I am an EXCELLENT communicator - I am just sensitive to everything. The tutor reckoned there are 3 categories of people, those affected and disturbed by sounds, those that are irritated by sights and those to whom touch/motion are disturbing factors. We came to the conclusion I was prone to all 3!
I haven't done anything about it as it actually helps me in my career - but I do remember when studying I really needed a dimly lit room with "whale" music!
I sympathise - but maybe you can end up making use of the problem in the same way I have done!
This almost sounds like same problem I had, that was before I found out I was going through depression. Depression can linger in your system for months, years without even thinking or knowing you have it. I also had a chemical imbalance do to women problems of life's changes. (Can happen at a younger age as well as older) Talk this out with your doctor. Also get a doctor to check your ears, eyes and Thyroids checked out.

Hope some of this helped you out, take care.
(Don't be shy on this mater, at lest you are asking)
I do feel for you, as I experience this too.I don't want to suggest things to you that will worry you, but I began to have these symptoms 25 years ago.If something interrupted what I was doing, e.g.dog barking, car door slamming, someone walking past, in my "eye line", I had to start all over again. This was not well understood then %26 I was admitted (voluntarily) to a local mental health facility, where they prescribed anti-depressants and I was given electric shock therapy.This was useless. I was later diagnosed with OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.This is treatable using a combination of cognitive behavioural therapy and , sometimes, medication.I only suggest this as a possibility, because noone else has mentioned it.Please see your doctor and he will refer you to someone who can help you. This can be conquered , I still find it difficult to concentrate on a conversation if there is a TV on in the background, but I think that's quite normal! Some of the most gifted people in history have suffered from OCD, e.g.Dr. Johnson, Woody Allen and David Beckham, so you're in good company!I only offer this as a possibility, it does not mean you have this.If you are under stress it can be worse.BUT, it is MANAGABLE.Good luck to you.
I think I responded to your post, but I don't see it here, so: Check out adhd, adhd and food allergies, overactive thyroid, thyroid ana levels, hormonal problems, migraine and migraine auras, your own physician, your own counsellor. Many ADHD people are extra sensitive to outside stimulus or bothered by things that would not normally be so bothersome to others. That does not mean that this is the answer to your problems, but something to investigate.
I am also a highly sensitive person, and getting the book of the same name will help you to deal with it. I do not know if you another problem as well, but it need not be any thing to do with mental health. The only thing you can do is ask everyone you can think of for advice and help and one day you will get lucky.
ask your GP for an ear sensitivity test
it sounds like this may be a problem coming from your inner ear where small talk seems much louder than normal and causing your moods
after all the way you describe this you sound like your moods are possibly due to frustration
if this is due to your inner ear being over sensitive to sound then your GP may have the answer to the root of the problem and be able to treat you much more than just consoling alone

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