I have been drinking red wine or burgundy sometimes to the point of blacking out...this happens maybe twice a week. ?: my last drink(s) were on Friday night, during which I did black out and now it's Sunday evening and I am having SEVERE anxiety...is the alcohol, or lack of the culprit? I haven't been drinking for long..., though.
Short answer, but something to think about...
Are you having problems with insomnia on nights you don't drink?
Don't immediately assume you are a standard issue alcoholic.
IF you black youself out for this reason, go to a doctor and ask about a sleep aid, or try to find the root of the insomnia.
This may or may not be your problem, but I had that issue for a bit of time, and fixed it all up so I no longer need to drink myself to sleep some nights.
If you feel you need to drink, don't just plain old stop, you could make yourself very ill. You would need to taper down.
Good luck, sweetie!
I can not drink wine because it makes me mean. Try other beverages that agree with you better.
yes indeed you are
If you're drinking to the point where you are blacking out, and this is happening regularly, then yes, you have a problem!!
The good thing is that you recognize that something is very wrong here - and that means you can sort it out.
You need to find out why you're drinking so much - are you depressed?
Go and speak to your doctor, and arrange some counselling. Even if you only go a few times, it can still help you clarify what's really going on. If you are suffering from some form of depression, you have the option of medication. Alcohol is not a real escape and you are damaging your health by drinking so much - stop now before the problem gets worse.
I wish you all the best.
its alcohol! I would stop drinking right now!
Well since you are asking this question then thats a good sign that you may be already or on your way to be an alcoholic.
It is not apparent to me from your description whether you are drinking because of your anxiety (this is called self medicating) or if you have anxiety because of your excessive drinking. In the first case, you want to GREATLY reduce your drinking and see a mental health counselor; if the latter, you need to GREATLY reduce your drinking and the anxiety should go away.
If you have to ask whether or not you're an alcoholic, then you probably are. If you weren't there would be no doubt in your mind. Get help quickly. Good luck.
you r not a acholic yet but u are on the verge of becoming one please quit substitue drinking with whatever lik gum
you may be an alcoholic - binge drinker - or are you drinking
to blot something out.if you have only been drinking a short time you're probably not alcoholic. various forms of it some
drink to be able to function and appear normal - others get
drunk all the time-
try for a month not to drink - if you can't may need help
how much wine ar you drinking glassed /bottles - you
may be allgeric to wine - are you drinking alone ? are you
unhappy - look at the cause and may find the solution
good luck
ask your self some questions like can i not drink for like 3 months why do i drink at all,does it affect the way i act,if the answer is not to your good them look for help i go to a.a.email me lcayote@yahoo.ca
yes you are, see you know this happens to you - blacking out etc and getting withdrawal symptoms and you still do it. Go get help. You really do not need to be drinking long to be an alcoholic.
calm down on the alcohol a little bit, if you continue it could lead to alcoholism. i dont see nothing wrong though with having a drink once a week, but once it get outta hand its considered alcoholism. good luck
i dunno what do you think. you drink alot, get drunk alot, HMMMMMMM, tough one.
According to the Institute of Alcohol Studies, a person is considered to be dependent on alcohol when they have experienced three or more of the following symptoms during a year.
A strong urge to drink, difficulty controlling how much they drink, or difficulty stopping.
Physical withdrawal symptoms, such as sweating, shaking, agitation and nausea when they try to reduce drinking.
A growing tolerance to alcohol - needing larger quantities to get the same effect.
Gradual neglect of other activities.
Persistent drinking even though it is obviously causing harm.
Alcohol abuse, or problem drinking, happens when a person is not dependent on alcohol, but is drinking enough to cause themselves actual physical or psychological harm.
Try an AA meeting! See what you think. Your obviously concerned and that is a good thing.
Best of Wishes.
I think you may have a problem. Anser these questions: Does it effect (your drinking) your life? Have you lost friends and family because of your drinking? Have you been performing poorly at work cause of your drinking binges? Has your financial situation been affected by your dringking? Have you encountered any health problems because of your drinking? Have you gotten any DUI's? If you answered No to all these than keep on what you doing becasue you have everything in control.
If you think you might have a problem drinking, chances are that you do! No offense. Subconciously you already know.
it depends why you are drinking
if you are drinking simply because you want to then you dont have a problem although its not good tod rink that much its not an actualy problem but if you are drinking because u feel you have to or are dependant on it to get through the day then yes you do hav a problem and should talk to your GP
yes, you are. Drinking is a choice. AA is a cult. You just have to choose not to drink.
If you've been drinking to the point of blacking out, you may well be an alcoholic. It doesn't matter how long you've been drinking. Some people can become one quite quickly.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Please help!?
Nowadays i feel i am losing my ability of learning things %26 my confidence %26 remembering thingdbecause of some people whom i can't avoid.I also feel alone as nodody is with me these days for me to help me come out of this problem.How can i come out of it alone %26 What should i do to solve my problems.Please help.Thank you.
hey you should keep your mind opened, and talk, just talk to everybody, then you should make sports and make friends and have fun with them, because that help your mind being fresh and strong, so you ll never forget things again and it will keep you selfconfident, if you need anything else i am here to help
the answer is within, not without.
Make an appointment with a psychiatrist and see what he says.
well u can always ask help from family members. they can really help. try overcoming your fears. u can also go 2 a guidance councilor...theres nothing bad about that ! or u can go 2 a psychiatrist. hope u can solve your problems! good luck!
aww dont feel tht wayy
i feel just the same as you!! i try to act happy and friendly
to everyone, but ppl take tht as an advantage and i hateee it!
people alwys giving me problems =/ urrghh anyways
i know, i lose confidence, i mean im not tht of a confident person and problems make me think and then at school, i dont really pay attention..hmm i think u should just leave the things behind for a second, or maybe talk to your parents...tell someone about your problems and then you`ll feel better!! its bad to keep it all inside, you can explode like tht!
I am not sure what is going on here. How old are you? Is there some situation that is going on here? If this seems to be a chronic thing going on here it sounds like depression. However.i would always first suggest that you check with your Dr. and make sure something physical is going on...the first thing that comes to mind is your thyroid may be off. Then barring that i would check in with a therapist (just google to find one) i wonder if you could benefit from some group counseling? Now get going and let's try to find some answers now. Best of luck to you.
hey you should keep your mind opened, and talk, just talk to everybody, then you should make sports and make friends and have fun with them, because that help your mind being fresh and strong, so you ll never forget things again and it will keep you selfconfident, if you need anything else i am here to help
the answer is within, not without.
Make an appointment with a psychiatrist and see what he says.
well u can always ask help from family members. they can really help. try overcoming your fears. u can also go 2 a guidance councilor...theres nothing bad about that ! or u can go 2 a psychiatrist. hope u can solve your problems! good luck!
aww dont feel tht wayy
i feel just the same as you!! i try to act happy and friendly
to everyone, but ppl take tht as an advantage and i hateee it!
people alwys giving me problems =/ urrghh anyways
i know, i lose confidence, i mean im not tht of a confident person and problems make me think and then at school, i dont really pay attention..hmm i think u should just leave the things behind for a second, or maybe talk to your parents...tell someone about your problems and then you`ll feel better!! its bad to keep it all inside, you can explode like tht!
I am not sure what is going on here. How old are you? Is there some situation that is going on here? If this seems to be a chronic thing going on here it sounds like depression. However.i would always first suggest that you check with your Dr. and make sure something physical is going on...the first thing that comes to mind is your thyroid may be off. Then barring that i would check in with a therapist (just google to find one) i wonder if you could benefit from some group counseling? Now get going and let's try to find some answers now. Best of luck to you.
Please help!!?
I think my friend may be depressed. She's sad almost all the time and is always tired. She is very stressed with school and sometimes panics for no reason. She's recently told me about how she's been feeling and I'm the only one she'll talk to. I tell her to talk to her parents but she's too afraid. I'm really worried and don't know what I should do for her.
Invite her to your loving home for dinner and bring it up at the dinner table, tell your parents in advance and let them be her parents for the evening.
it's hard to talk to our own parents, but a friend's parent is different,. you can trust your mom and dad can't you?
I mean if you could talk to them, then tell them and invite her over and let them be her family for the night.
be a good friend, and share your parents.
take her to the guidance councilor if she wont go talk to him/her your self tell him/her whats up and they will know where and how to proceed to help your friend.
Get her to the school counselor. Maybe she can talk to him/her easier than her parents.
i jus heard somthing on t.v about that take her to a doctor
She should know and be glad that she has a friend like you.
What you have to do is show her that her life is very important and that you and her family and other friends care alot about her.
i told this same thing to one of my friends, just talk to her, and dont be afraid to tell her parents. ok.
You could go around her and talk to her parent privately.
Tell them what you know and ask them not to tell her that it came from you.
Your friend might be mad in the beginging but if something is wrong, her parents need to be made aware of it.
you need to be a really go friend to here, it is very important. You must also try and perswade her to seek perfosional help, she really needs it!! Tell here that talking to her parents will make it much better for here because they will be able to help alot, they are there to help her not judge her!, and ask her if she would rater have you talk to them
This does sound like depression, Please get her to go to the doctor so he can prescribe something to help her. Whats the point in being depressed when you don't have to be. Also I have heard of anti deppresents being sold in health food stores. I am sur its an herbal product.
See if you can find a good youth pastor and his wife to talk to her.
She should talk to her parents and a doctor. There are anti-depressants that she could take. She needs to deal with whatever is depressing her so she can enjoy living life.
Invite her to your loving home for dinner and bring it up at the dinner table, tell your parents in advance and let them be her parents for the evening.
it's hard to talk to our own parents, but a friend's parent is different,. you can trust your mom and dad can't you?
I mean if you could talk to them, then tell them and invite her over and let them be her family for the night.
be a good friend, and share your parents.
take her to the guidance councilor if she wont go talk to him/her your self tell him/her whats up and they will know where and how to proceed to help your friend.
Get her to the school counselor. Maybe she can talk to him/her easier than her parents.
i jus heard somthing on t.v about that take her to a doctor
She should know and be glad that she has a friend like you.
What you have to do is show her that her life is very important and that you and her family and other friends care alot about her.
i told this same thing to one of my friends, just talk to her, and dont be afraid to tell her parents. ok.
You could go around her and talk to her parent privately.
Tell them what you know and ask them not to tell her that it came from you.
Your friend might be mad in the beginging but if something is wrong, her parents need to be made aware of it.
you need to be a really go friend to here, it is very important. You must also try and perswade her to seek perfosional help, she really needs it!! Tell here that talking to her parents will make it much better for here because they will be able to help alot, they are there to help her not judge her!, and ask her if she would rater have you talk to them
This does sound like depression, Please get her to go to the doctor so he can prescribe something to help her. Whats the point in being depressed when you don't have to be. Also I have heard of anti deppresents being sold in health food stores. I am sur its an herbal product.
See if you can find a good youth pastor and his wife to talk to her.
She should talk to her parents and a doctor. There are anti-depressants that she could take. She needs to deal with whatever is depressing her so she can enjoy living life.
PLEASE help! Is getting a therapist @ the age of 16 makes me a frealk/loser?
I've been through a lot and am damaged emotionally %26 dnt know how to deal with my problems/emotions. Can't talk to my parents about it cuz they are part of the problems. Friends don't help much...I'm not sure if I should get a therapist...
It makes you responsible and I'm proud of you for asking the question....... seeking help to cope with your emotions is a brave and very mature thing to do, especially when you cant talk to your friends or parents, don't ever feel like a freak or loser , you're the exact opposite of that .
no not at all. in fact i think its a very admirable and mature thing to do, if you need help then you need help doesn't matter how old you are.
You should definitely see a therapist before more damage is done. I'm 15 and I see a therapist and a psychiatrist. Only my close friends even know I see a therapist/psychiatrist. Therapists are good people to talk to, just to talk to. Many people see therapists. There's no need to be ashamed. Easy to say, I know. You need to worry about yourself, though. Try not to worry about what others will think of you and seek some guidance. It's your future, not there's.
Not in the least. I've known lots of teens to have therapists. Including me. A therapist can make all the difference in your life.
no. It makes you look weak. Who said life was easy? Suck it up, you can take it.
As a peson probubly your parents age. Of course not it does not make a loser. If anythig u will have a better view point on matters and in a few years be years ahead of yours friends. Good luck .
You do not need to fear being honest enough with yourself and caring about yourself and getting help with a therapist! Is it better to need one NOW or 30 years from now and have all those years of unhappiness built up in your mind and heart and soul? After you lost the love of your life because you could not function right? Losing jobs because of anger?
No. You go and get your help. Anyone that doesnt care for you enough is not WORTH their opinion! If they judge you, then you dont need THIER opinion, right?
I do not believe it is right to suffer, if there is valid help to be gained. I do not believe in selfishness, but I DO believe in caring for yourself! This is caring.
Go. Get your peace back. Love yourself and let NO ONE judge you for it! Peace be with you my dear!
No, it doesn't, and is the wisest thing to do. See a therapist, but first see http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris... on pages 1 %26 2, especially the 1-800-therapist and the tips at the mental-health-abc %26 conquering stress websites. Had you been more informative, I may have been able to advise you on a suitable type of therapy.
im 16 and im seeing a counselor and no one thinks im weird. i think its a fine thing to seek profesional or doctors help i do.
You should most definitely see a therapist. And, no it would not make you a freak or a loser. If anything it makes you a responsible, self aware woman. Many, many people need and want therapy, no ones life is perfect. I suggest you get help with your problems. Therapy helped me a lot.
On the contrary, it makes you quite courageous to step up and confront those issues that are affecting your life. Not a lot of people would do that so, do not worry what other people think because you are moving forward in your life, and that is all that's important. You are not a loser or a freak. No. You are simply a human being who chooses to make their life better. Good luck. The ride won't be easy, but when you look back on your life, going to therapist will not be one of the things you regret.
no it doesn't. actually, it makes you mature ('coz you're sensible enough to think of one) and actually helps you with your problems. and no, it doesn't make you look weak. in fact, you're actually strong enough to think rationally and have therapists come to mind.
some people might think you're a freak or a loser, but that is just plain immaturity (no matter how old they are) or stupidity on their part. but then again, why should you pay attention to what others think of you? are they going to help you up when you are totally damaged? it's your life, and if you want to make it better you have every right to do so.
(of course, you don't have to tell the world that you're getting a therapist. maybe a few trusted people.)
some other kids have gotten therapists at 16, some even younger! you're not the only one who's going through a tough time, many others do so, too. hmm.. i don't think those kids are freaks or losers, so it really isn't a reason for you to be one too.
good luck! (hope i helped)
I don't know if you want to hear from an "older" person but I don't think it makes you a loser or freak. I was in the hospital at the age of 12 with a bleeding ulcer that was found when I tried to O.D. At that time it was unheard of for a child to get help from counselors. Today it is a common thing. My parents were part of my problem well most of my problem so I couldn't talk to them. I wasn't able to make friends so I was there alone to fix my own trouble and went the wrong path.
So, back to your question, don't put it off. I wish I had been able to find a therapist to talk to. I wish I had been as strong then as you are now. Find someone to talk to and open up to them. Get it out of your system and live a healthy life. God bless
No offense, but young people never listen. the best way to fix an issue of yours is to g about it your own way. it doesn't matter if its healthy or not. your morals and values will determine the outcome.
If you feel it's necessary, then go to a therapist. You are not a loser or a freak if you talk to a therapist at 16. One of my friends had been seeing a therapist at 8 years old I believe... or something close to then, but she's just 13, so it's definitely younger than you. Maybe you should talk to your friends first. I don't know. I have MANY problems myself and my friends are constantly trying to help me. I never asked them to. They did it, and still do it automatically. Maybe if you talk to them, they will help you. But you may not want them to. You have to decide what's best for you. And if you'd like, you can e-mail me. Just go to my profile and e-mail me. =) Good luck.
It makes you responsible and I'm proud of you for asking the question....... seeking help to cope with your emotions is a brave and very mature thing to do, especially when you cant talk to your friends or parents, don't ever feel like a freak or loser , you're the exact opposite of that .
no not at all. in fact i think its a very admirable and mature thing to do, if you need help then you need help doesn't matter how old you are.
You should definitely see a therapist before more damage is done. I'm 15 and I see a therapist and a psychiatrist. Only my close friends even know I see a therapist/psychiatrist. Therapists are good people to talk to, just to talk to. Many people see therapists. There's no need to be ashamed. Easy to say, I know. You need to worry about yourself, though. Try not to worry about what others will think of you and seek some guidance. It's your future, not there's.
Not in the least. I've known lots of teens to have therapists. Including me. A therapist can make all the difference in your life.
no. It makes you look weak. Who said life was easy? Suck it up, you can take it.
As a peson probubly your parents age. Of course not it does not make a loser. If anythig u will have a better view point on matters and in a few years be years ahead of yours friends. Good luck .
You do not need to fear being honest enough with yourself and caring about yourself and getting help with a therapist! Is it better to need one NOW or 30 years from now and have all those years of unhappiness built up in your mind and heart and soul? After you lost the love of your life because you could not function right? Losing jobs because of anger?
No. You go and get your help. Anyone that doesnt care for you enough is not WORTH their opinion! If they judge you, then you dont need THIER opinion, right?
I do not believe it is right to suffer, if there is valid help to be gained. I do not believe in selfishness, but I DO believe in caring for yourself! This is caring.
Go. Get your peace back. Love yourself and let NO ONE judge you for it! Peace be with you my dear!
No, it doesn't, and is the wisest thing to do. See a therapist, but first see http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris... on pages 1 %26 2, especially the 1-800-therapist and the tips at the mental-health-abc %26 conquering stress websites. Had you been more informative, I may have been able to advise you on a suitable type of therapy.
im 16 and im seeing a counselor and no one thinks im weird. i think its a fine thing to seek profesional or doctors help i do.
You should most definitely see a therapist. And, no it would not make you a freak or a loser. If anything it makes you a responsible, self aware woman. Many, many people need and want therapy, no ones life is perfect. I suggest you get help with your problems. Therapy helped me a lot.
On the contrary, it makes you quite courageous to step up and confront those issues that are affecting your life. Not a lot of people would do that so, do not worry what other people think because you are moving forward in your life, and that is all that's important. You are not a loser or a freak. No. You are simply a human being who chooses to make their life better. Good luck. The ride won't be easy, but when you look back on your life, going to therapist will not be one of the things you regret.
no it doesn't. actually, it makes you mature ('coz you're sensible enough to think of one) and actually helps you with your problems. and no, it doesn't make you look weak. in fact, you're actually strong enough to think rationally and have therapists come to mind.
some people might think you're a freak or a loser, but that is just plain immaturity (no matter how old they are) or stupidity on their part. but then again, why should you pay attention to what others think of you? are they going to help you up when you are totally damaged? it's your life, and if you want to make it better you have every right to do so.
(of course, you don't have to tell the world that you're getting a therapist. maybe a few trusted people.)
some other kids have gotten therapists at 16, some even younger! you're not the only one who's going through a tough time, many others do so, too. hmm.. i don't think those kids are freaks or losers, so it really isn't a reason for you to be one too.
good luck! (hope i helped)
I don't know if you want to hear from an "older" person but I don't think it makes you a loser or freak. I was in the hospital at the age of 12 with a bleeding ulcer that was found when I tried to O.D. At that time it was unheard of for a child to get help from counselors. Today it is a common thing. My parents were part of my problem well most of my problem so I couldn't talk to them. I wasn't able to make friends so I was there alone to fix my own trouble and went the wrong path.
So, back to your question, don't put it off. I wish I had been able to find a therapist to talk to. I wish I had been as strong then as you are now. Find someone to talk to and open up to them. Get it out of your system and live a healthy life. God bless
No offense, but young people never listen. the best way to fix an issue of yours is to g about it your own way. it doesn't matter if its healthy or not. your morals and values will determine the outcome.
If you feel it's necessary, then go to a therapist. You are not a loser or a freak if you talk to a therapist at 16. One of my friends had been seeing a therapist at 8 years old I believe... or something close to then, but she's just 13, so it's definitely younger than you. Maybe you should talk to your friends first. I don't know. I have MANY problems myself and my friends are constantly trying to help me. I never asked them to. They did it, and still do it automatically. Maybe if you talk to them, they will help you. But you may not want them to. You have to decide what's best for you. And if you'd like, you can e-mail me. Just go to my profile and e-mail me. =) Good luck.
Please help with my anxiety...?
Somebody told me to answer these questions in order for people to help me...so here I go:
When did this start?
The anxiety has been going on for about two months, but I have just shrugged it off and moved on. Now it is far worse and sometimes I will just lay awake one morning shaking.
How often does it happen?
Now it has been happening for three days straight, no stopping. The big attacks happen around noon when I am by myself.
Is there something that triggers this?
Nothing that I know of for sure. The last thing that triggered an anxiety attack was somebody mentioning a doctor on one of my questions. I don't wish to go see a doctor, I am not in pain, I just have some little problems.
How long does it last?
Once it starts it continues for about two hours...or until I go to sleep.
Are you already on medication for this?
I am on no medication. And I do not wish to take any.
Some extra information:
Gender: Female
Age: 13
I am not going to tell my parents.
Dear Azooga
Thank you for posting a very detailed question which helps me to find out more about the problem in which you suffer, You sound very grown up for your age and I am pleased you used Yahoo to help yourself as most people your age would go to a grown up,
At the age of 13 I watched a program which scared me out of my wits which then triggerd a anxiety disorder inside of me
I too suffered from symptons such as
Stomach Aches
Biting Nails and Many more
I saw a counsellor for about a 1 year and continued seeing her every monday and friday whenever I felt bad, I used to worry about everything and I continue to worry even now,
I found that the when I felt anxious I had to think straight and think about what was making me anxious
1: If I didnt know what was, I would calm myself down and say this EXACT sentance
" I have nothing to be anxious about so I shall continue my day feeling better " and It did help me
If you realise what your anxious about then access it and say
" What is the WORST case scenario about this thought "
" What will I do if the worst case happens "
I really do hope this helps and you start to feel [ Not completely better] But on your way to feeling better
Thank you
don't hide this from your parents,you need professional help.
there are several medications that are wonderful. I had this same problem and now I lead a happy productive life
Whatever happened with or to you 2 months ago - YOU NEED TO DEAL WITH IT, WORK IT OUT WITH SOMEONE THAT CARES FOR AND ABOUT YOU !
Also, cut out the sugars in your diet for about a week AND replace it with cheese, nuts, and fruit (no yogart) . I have a sneaking suspicion your sugar levels are elevated or off in someway. When you get these "shakes" you speak of is, are you also hungry ?
Or, have you just eaten.
Please feel free to email me privately.
Well, sometimes a chemical imbalance causes this and you must have medication to correct it. Since you don't want to go that route here are some things to do that will really help educate you on what is happenning and some resources to help you conquer this on your own. First, try and get to a library and read everthing you can about anxiety and panic disorder. Educating yourself will help you to understand it's a flush of adrenaline that gives you the horrible panic feeling. You will also learn about different techniques to control it and find what works for you. Another great resource is www.pychcentral.com Here you will find support groups, tons of information, and can actually see the stories of people going through exactly what you are. I think you will be able to handle this on your own, but if it doesn't get better, please discuss with your parents. This is nothing to be afraid of or ashamed of. You want to be happy and worry free, especially at your wonderful age! Take are of yourself, and I wish you the very best with this!
calll anxiety line 1888 826 9438
first thing is you shouldnt be embarassed by your anxiety. everyone gets it from time to time. it is a chemical inbalance in your brain and you need medication. i know you dont want to take the medicine but it is the only thing thats going to get your brain functioning right again. also dont be embarassed to tell your parents, im sure they have felt the same thing you are feeling at one point or another in their life. you have to see a doctor if you are having "big" attacks because something seriously could be wrong both mentally and physically. to make sure you are ok the doctor will test your blood presuure and your heart because panic attacks are bad for your heart. i went to the doctor just last week for anxiety after being scared for so long to go. he put me on paxil and i feel much better and i have only been taking it a week. let your guard down tell your parents, seek help, and dont be afraid to take the medicine because if you are prescribed it then you need it.
Maybe the anxiety is caused by something that you are worried about. Think about your life right now and try and see if something is causing you to worry. Examples of things that might make you worry could be problems at school, at home, or with friends, among other things. I hope you will be feeling better soon. You should get a check-up to be sure that the anxiety is not being caused by a physical problem.
The web page at the following link has a lot of information about anxiety:
You dont necessarily need to go to a doctor...i have the same problem as you...and I'm 18.
Before I DID go to a doctor... (I can drive so it was easier for me and i didn't tell my mom about it until after the appt cuz i didnt want her to worry)
but before my doctor gave me a script...i just bought the drugs i needed from people.
Anti-anxiety meds are easy enough to find as weed.
Try xanax.
if you need a recommended dosage or how you should take it and when to take it and all that other crap, let me know.
It's a rather detailed and extensive amount of information so I dont want to write it all out if you arent interested in alternative forms of getting medication. Personally, i see nothing wrong with it. After all, doctors are glorified drug dealers themselves. You just have to be careful is all. But I know A LOT about it from personal experience and I have extensive knowledge in medications. So if you are interested...let me know.
I don't mean to sound cruel, but if you do not go to the doctor for help and medication, you will continue to feel like this. You need to tell your parents.
When did this start?
The anxiety has been going on for about two months, but I have just shrugged it off and moved on. Now it is far worse and sometimes I will just lay awake one morning shaking.
How often does it happen?
Now it has been happening for three days straight, no stopping. The big attacks happen around noon when I am by myself.
Is there something that triggers this?
Nothing that I know of for sure. The last thing that triggered an anxiety attack was somebody mentioning a doctor on one of my questions. I don't wish to go see a doctor, I am not in pain, I just have some little problems.
How long does it last?
Once it starts it continues for about two hours...or until I go to sleep.
Are you already on medication for this?
I am on no medication. And I do not wish to take any.
Some extra information:
Gender: Female
Age: 13
I am not going to tell my parents.
Dear Azooga
Thank you for posting a very detailed question which helps me to find out more about the problem in which you suffer, You sound very grown up for your age and I am pleased you used Yahoo to help yourself as most people your age would go to a grown up,
At the age of 13 I watched a program which scared me out of my wits which then triggerd a anxiety disorder inside of me
I too suffered from symptons such as
Stomach Aches
Biting Nails and Many more
I saw a counsellor for about a 1 year and continued seeing her every monday and friday whenever I felt bad, I used to worry about everything and I continue to worry even now,
I found that the when I felt anxious I had to think straight and think about what was making me anxious
1: If I didnt know what was, I would calm myself down and say this EXACT sentance
" I have nothing to be anxious about so I shall continue my day feeling better " and It did help me
If you realise what your anxious about then access it and say
" What is the WORST case scenario about this thought "
" What will I do if the worst case happens "
I really do hope this helps and you start to feel [ Not completely better] But on your way to feeling better
Thank you
don't hide this from your parents,you need professional help.
there are several medications that are wonderful. I had this same problem and now I lead a happy productive life
Whatever happened with or to you 2 months ago - YOU NEED TO DEAL WITH IT, WORK IT OUT WITH SOMEONE THAT CARES FOR AND ABOUT YOU !
Also, cut out the sugars in your diet for about a week AND replace it with cheese, nuts, and fruit (no yogart) . I have a sneaking suspicion your sugar levels are elevated or off in someway. When you get these "shakes" you speak of is, are you also hungry ?
Or, have you just eaten.
Please feel free to email me privately.
Well, sometimes a chemical imbalance causes this and you must have medication to correct it. Since you don't want to go that route here are some things to do that will really help educate you on what is happenning and some resources to help you conquer this on your own. First, try and get to a library and read everthing you can about anxiety and panic disorder. Educating yourself will help you to understand it's a flush of adrenaline that gives you the horrible panic feeling. You will also learn about different techniques to control it and find what works for you. Another great resource is www.pychcentral.com Here you will find support groups, tons of information, and can actually see the stories of people going through exactly what you are. I think you will be able to handle this on your own, but if it doesn't get better, please discuss with your parents. This is nothing to be afraid of or ashamed of. You want to be happy and worry free, especially at your wonderful age! Take are of yourself, and I wish you the very best with this!
calll anxiety line 1888 826 9438
first thing is you shouldnt be embarassed by your anxiety. everyone gets it from time to time. it is a chemical inbalance in your brain and you need medication. i know you dont want to take the medicine but it is the only thing thats going to get your brain functioning right again. also dont be embarassed to tell your parents, im sure they have felt the same thing you are feeling at one point or another in their life. you have to see a doctor if you are having "big" attacks because something seriously could be wrong both mentally and physically. to make sure you are ok the doctor will test your blood presuure and your heart because panic attacks are bad for your heart. i went to the doctor just last week for anxiety after being scared for so long to go. he put me on paxil and i feel much better and i have only been taking it a week. let your guard down tell your parents, seek help, and dont be afraid to take the medicine because if you are prescribed it then you need it.
Maybe the anxiety is caused by something that you are worried about. Think about your life right now and try and see if something is causing you to worry. Examples of things that might make you worry could be problems at school, at home, or with friends, among other things. I hope you will be feeling better soon. You should get a check-up to be sure that the anxiety is not being caused by a physical problem.
The web page at the following link has a lot of information about anxiety:
You dont necessarily need to go to a doctor...i have the same problem as you...and I'm 18.
Before I DID go to a doctor... (I can drive so it was easier for me and i didn't tell my mom about it until after the appt cuz i didnt want her to worry)
but before my doctor gave me a script...i just bought the drugs i needed from people.
Anti-anxiety meds are easy enough to find as weed.
Try xanax.
if you need a recommended dosage or how you should take it and when to take it and all that other crap, let me know.
It's a rather detailed and extensive amount of information so I dont want to write it all out if you arent interested in alternative forms of getting medication. Personally, i see nothing wrong with it. After all, doctors are glorified drug dealers themselves. You just have to be careful is all. But I know A LOT about it from personal experience and I have extensive knowledge in medications. So if you are interested...let me know.
I don't mean to sound cruel, but if you do not go to the doctor for help and medication, you will continue to feel like this. You need to tell your parents.
Please help me?
I am getting to a point where i just want to kill myself. My bf cant see me this week on our own (we wil see each other Wednesday but in a big group of people) and he cant because of commitments with work, family etc and i know thats fine but when he told me i completely flew off the handle! I started accusing him of not loving me and not caring and that he doesnt want to see me. He said that he does want to see me but he cant as he hs other things that he has already arranged. I know i am being totally unreasonable but i keep flying into these possessive rages and i fear i am drinving him away by being like this. I know he loves me and i know he cares so why am i always looking for constant reassurance? He is a swwt guy and has given me no reason not to trust him and i am being so awful to him! How do i stop this? I know it is down to my insecurities and i know that when i fly off the handle and start shouting at him i shouldnt but i cant stop myself. I feel so worthless. Wat do i do?
First, killing yourself is not an option, especially over a guy. I too have felt that way, but your life is much bigger than the troubles you are facing right now. It's natural to be insecure and to always feel that you're not good enough or that your mate is going to leave you. But you're giving him a reason to sway if you keep flying off like this over small things. He has a life, and he had one before he met you. So you need to realize that and be as flexible and understanding as possible. Don't hand-cuff your man to you...it will only make him resentful to the point where he breaks away. Spend the free time when you can't be with him to yourself and relax, do something you like to do and most importantly, learn to be okay with yourself. If you know that he loves you, then rest and be assured of that. I would really suggest some deep meditation and relaxation because it sounds to me like you're having anxiety...I've been there and done that. It makes you feel like you're going crazy. But you're not going crazy, you're just wound up. Try to relax and enjoy whatever amount of time you have with him. When you start to relax, he'll take notice and love you even more. Good luck!
Wow, you're one of those crazy girls that are the ex's of men I've dated. You are the stuff of legends. The kind of ex that make me look normal!! Thanks.
If he has a mind at all, he'll dump you, but that's what you want isn't it? If not, why not behave rationally since you clearly know your behaviour is irrational and driving him away. You need to seek out professional help if you can't seem to figure it out yourself.
You are totally confused. please do not confuse others. read your question and check if you have understood what you are asking?
You need to calm down and also work on your self esteem. From what you say, your bf is a responsible and caring guy with valid commitments this weekend. Your rage and insecurity are going to push people away, and then you'll feel worse and even more insecure. I think you need to see a doctor about these issues. They may very well be hormonal, or you may be depressed and need to be on antidepressants for a while while you talk to someone (professional) about what's behind all this insecurity so you can break the cycle and accept that people like your bf care about you because you're worthy of their love and care.
My advice to you would get involved with something else to occupy with time when he is busy. Take a fun class like dancing or art, join a book group or join a church group for young adults.
I know how it is when you fly off the handle when he tells you he is busy. Believe it gets no easier if ya'll get married then he'll have work, school, family and friends. I sometimes feel this way but I have learn to stop myself and just try to redirect my attention to something else or my kids.
Good Luck and know you aren't alone.
give him a little space and you take some for yourself. Yous are still young yet . Do you really truly trust him? Sounds like you don't
Honestly, SEE A DOCTOR!
If you're going into rages or emotional crashes, it could be depression, bi-polar, or some condition that's causing it.
i think you need time to think carefully (just for you) to clear your head,i understand why you cant meet on wednesday,but i cant see why you feel insecure when you know just how much he loves you.are you scared that the time apart could change his entire perspective.well it wont if he truly loves you he will find a way to settle things soon.when you fall into an insecure rage just tell yourself 'i love my man and he loves me too' i think your problem can be dealth with when you guys talk again though,and please try not to push him away because it usually occurs when they get stressed out! you wouldn't want that now would you?
always remember that mans r from mars and womans are from Venus. there is a yawning gap in thoughts and feelings and emotions of a man and a woman, as u told that u knows tht he loves you, then try to understand the philosophy behind the way mans shows their love. for mans love is to protect their loved ones from everything, secure their future, provide them everything. if he is committed to something else that doesn't mean that he doesn't want to see you or he doesn't love you, the only thing is that he is having a different way to show it. you both should talk to each other politely and should fix up the problems. say for example by talking you both can fix a day or two to meet in a week, or something like that. by this way you both will be able to finish your works also and meet also. conversation is the only way to solve your problem, good luck and keep your self calm, because other than you no body can help you, others can only give you the advices.;
Please know that you are not worthless and there are people around you that love and care about you. About 3 weeks ago my father committed suicide. I feel like I will never stop crying and and my family is still in shock. All I can say is please do not do anything to hurt yourself, I assure you it will not make things better for you and the pain you will inflict on your family is enormous. I know you are hurting but you are so young, just think about all the things you still have to experience in the long life ahead of you. As for your insecurities with your boyfriend, I cannot answer that for you, have you been cheated on in the past? All I could suggest is to go out more with your girlfriends, get some hobbies that do not involve him, do not let your life revolve around him. I am sure he is a great guy, and still do spend time with him, but sometimes take some time for yourself. In my experience the best relationships I had were ones where we spent time apart with friends, playing sports, etc and then when we saw each other it was even better because we had time to miss each other. And again, please if you are feeling suicidal, tell a friend or family member, see a counselor, call a hotline, anything. And please contact me if you need to talk, I would hate what happened to my family to happen to any others.
keeping yourself that way will make him bored from u, and he will make more excuses to stay away from u as long as he can...be mature and dont just act like a crazy girl who's ruining her bf's life without a reason...u have to appreciate his work his family all this...if u trust him as u say then dont worry...but it seems that u dont completely...don't ruin ur sweet relation, just have fun n enjoy ur time u're still young...
You are obviosly feeling lonely and are searching for someone or something to fill the void. It is important to realize the relationship that you put yourself into. If you date a guy that has to many responsibilities to pay you any piece of mind, it might be best to move on and find a better match.
Even if he is sweet and doesn't cheat, he isn't giving you the special time that you need together. It may help if you to talk to him about doing something together (just you and him). It is important to tell him how you feel and not scream it at him. Guys do have the tendency to practice selective hearing. As soon as a womans voice rises she become into nothing but a B****. You are not in a healthy relationship if your emotional needs are not being met. It is important to try to work it out but if things don't change it may be time to re-examine wether you want to live your life in constant dismay rather then be peaceful, happy, and secure.
First, killing yourself is not an option, especially over a guy. I too have felt that way, but your life is much bigger than the troubles you are facing right now. It's natural to be insecure and to always feel that you're not good enough or that your mate is going to leave you. But you're giving him a reason to sway if you keep flying off like this over small things. He has a life, and he had one before he met you. So you need to realize that and be as flexible and understanding as possible. Don't hand-cuff your man to you...it will only make him resentful to the point where he breaks away. Spend the free time when you can't be with him to yourself and relax, do something you like to do and most importantly, learn to be okay with yourself. If you know that he loves you, then rest and be assured of that. I would really suggest some deep meditation and relaxation because it sounds to me like you're having anxiety...I've been there and done that. It makes you feel like you're going crazy. But you're not going crazy, you're just wound up. Try to relax and enjoy whatever amount of time you have with him. When you start to relax, he'll take notice and love you even more. Good luck!
Wow, you're one of those crazy girls that are the ex's of men I've dated. You are the stuff of legends. The kind of ex that make me look normal!! Thanks.
If he has a mind at all, he'll dump you, but that's what you want isn't it? If not, why not behave rationally since you clearly know your behaviour is irrational and driving him away. You need to seek out professional help if you can't seem to figure it out yourself.
You are totally confused. please do not confuse others. read your question and check if you have understood what you are asking?
You need to calm down and also work on your self esteem. From what you say, your bf is a responsible and caring guy with valid commitments this weekend. Your rage and insecurity are going to push people away, and then you'll feel worse and even more insecure. I think you need to see a doctor about these issues. They may very well be hormonal, or you may be depressed and need to be on antidepressants for a while while you talk to someone (professional) about what's behind all this insecurity so you can break the cycle and accept that people like your bf care about you because you're worthy of their love and care.
My advice to you would get involved with something else to occupy with time when he is busy. Take a fun class like dancing or art, join a book group or join a church group for young adults.
I know how it is when you fly off the handle when he tells you he is busy. Believe it gets no easier if ya'll get married then he'll have work, school, family and friends. I sometimes feel this way but I have learn to stop myself and just try to redirect my attention to something else or my kids.
Good Luck and know you aren't alone.
give him a little space and you take some for yourself. Yous are still young yet . Do you really truly trust him? Sounds like you don't
Honestly, SEE A DOCTOR!
If you're going into rages or emotional crashes, it could be depression, bi-polar, or some condition that's causing it.
i think you need time to think carefully (just for you) to clear your head,i understand why you cant meet on wednesday,but i cant see why you feel insecure when you know just how much he loves you.are you scared that the time apart could change his entire perspective.well it wont if he truly loves you he will find a way to settle things soon.when you fall into an insecure rage just tell yourself 'i love my man and he loves me too' i think your problem can be dealth with when you guys talk again though,and please try not to push him away because it usually occurs when they get stressed out! you wouldn't want that now would you?
always remember that mans r from mars and womans are from Venus. there is a yawning gap in thoughts and feelings and emotions of a man and a woman, as u told that u knows tht he loves you, then try to understand the philosophy behind the way mans shows their love. for mans love is to protect their loved ones from everything, secure their future, provide them everything. if he is committed to something else that doesn't mean that he doesn't want to see you or he doesn't love you, the only thing is that he is having a different way to show it. you both should talk to each other politely and should fix up the problems. say for example by talking you both can fix a day or two to meet in a week, or something like that. by this way you both will be able to finish your works also and meet also. conversation is the only way to solve your problem, good luck and keep your self calm, because other than you no body can help you, others can only give you the advices.;
Please know that you are not worthless and there are people around you that love and care about you. About 3 weeks ago my father committed suicide. I feel like I will never stop crying and and my family is still in shock. All I can say is please do not do anything to hurt yourself, I assure you it will not make things better for you and the pain you will inflict on your family is enormous. I know you are hurting but you are so young, just think about all the things you still have to experience in the long life ahead of you. As for your insecurities with your boyfriend, I cannot answer that for you, have you been cheated on in the past? All I could suggest is to go out more with your girlfriends, get some hobbies that do not involve him, do not let your life revolve around him. I am sure he is a great guy, and still do spend time with him, but sometimes take some time for yourself. In my experience the best relationships I had were ones where we spent time apart with friends, playing sports, etc and then when we saw each other it was even better because we had time to miss each other. And again, please if you are feeling suicidal, tell a friend or family member, see a counselor, call a hotline, anything. And please contact me if you need to talk, I would hate what happened to my family to happen to any others.
keeping yourself that way will make him bored from u, and he will make more excuses to stay away from u as long as he can...be mature and dont just act like a crazy girl who's ruining her bf's life without a reason...u have to appreciate his work his family all this...if u trust him as u say then dont worry...but it seems that u dont completely...don't ruin ur sweet relation, just have fun n enjoy ur time u're still young...
You are obviosly feeling lonely and are searching for someone or something to fill the void. It is important to realize the relationship that you put yourself into. If you date a guy that has to many responsibilities to pay you any piece of mind, it might be best to move on and find a better match.
Even if he is sweet and doesn't cheat, he isn't giving you the special time that you need together. It may help if you to talk to him about doing something together (just you and him). It is important to tell him how you feel and not scream it at him. Guys do have the tendency to practice selective hearing. As soon as a womans voice rises she become into nothing but a B****. You are not in a healthy relationship if your emotional needs are not being met. It is important to try to work it out but if things don't change it may be time to re-examine wether you want to live your life in constant dismay rather then be peaceful, happy, and secure.
Please help me?
Sometime I will be walking or something and all of the suddent I will get really hot and dizzy and I will feel almost detached from my body, and I will just like鈥onder鈥hat is this? What is this ground that I am walking on? Am I real? How can everything be solid? What is everything? Are we real? And it is just so weird and I like freak out. It鈥檚 so unreal, like thinking on a whole new level. It鈥檚 like time just slows down and it so weird.
So what exactly is happening? This really freaks me out.
Something as important as this should be answered by a doctor:Please make an appointment, don't count on an answer from people you don't know that may not have a medical background.
Your body may be low on something. Like an iron defficincy. or something like that. go to your doc. and talk to him, he will prolly do a blood test to see if you have any defficincys or what no.
It def sounds like a physical problem that may be brain related or something other then that.See a doctor.
Get yourself to a doctor, or have your parents get you checked out. I don't know how old you are, but you should have that checked. Laack of oxygen makes people get fuzzy headed. Maybe there is a circulatory problem or something going on with your brain. That would freak me out too. It's worth a trip to the doc.
You may need to get checke dout for diabetes.
My grandmother kept feeling dizzy and then the doctor checked her and sure enough she had it.
i hope this helps you!!
Sounds to me like a panic attack, but you might want to get a complete physical and tell the doc about how you are feeling.
I don't get panic attacks, but a friend of mine does and she described those feelings as well. I faint sometimes from low blood pressure and some of the feelings you (and my friend) have described are similar to what happens to me before I faint...it's a difficult feeling to describe but you've done a pretty good job of it.
I suggest a complete checkup. Good luck to you.
Please consult a doctor. its serious!!! maybe physical weakness..Eat more too!!and Drink lots of water!!
well first of all dont panic it will just make you scared which can leave to a panic attack u can have a syndrome or diabetes, or ur just low on something dont worry
If it is accompanied by nausea, disorientation, hunger and a mild panic sensation it is probably low blood sugar.
Otherwise, your brain is a very powerful tool. You can fool yourself into all kinds of illusions. Remember that just because you have thoughts running through your head they aren't necessarily good thoughts. Control your mind. Nobody else will.
Good luck.
water or essential nutrient shortage
or toxic air /water
ear infection
poor vision incorrect glasses prescription
stress/worry fear of ? could cause it
Be Blessed and get professional help in those areas
Ps time slowing down ?? that's indicative of lack of sleep
drug reactions
or LOL u need
a new watch !
Go a doctor now. It might be just a deficiency that can be fix with suplement. But it might be brain cancer or something. GO TO A DOCTOR
I would go to the doctor, because that could be really serious, or it might not be. I would go and get it checked out though, just to be sure.
So what exactly is happening? This really freaks me out.
Something as important as this should be answered by a doctor:Please make an appointment, don't count on an answer from people you don't know that may not have a medical background.
Your body may be low on something. Like an iron defficincy. or something like that. go to your doc. and talk to him, he will prolly do a blood test to see if you have any defficincys or what no.
It def sounds like a physical problem that may be brain related or something other then that.See a doctor.
Get yourself to a doctor, or have your parents get you checked out. I don't know how old you are, but you should have that checked. Laack of oxygen makes people get fuzzy headed. Maybe there is a circulatory problem or something going on with your brain. That would freak me out too. It's worth a trip to the doc.
You may need to get checke dout for diabetes.
My grandmother kept feeling dizzy and then the doctor checked her and sure enough she had it.
i hope this helps you!!
Sounds to me like a panic attack, but you might want to get a complete physical and tell the doc about how you are feeling.
I don't get panic attacks, but a friend of mine does and she described those feelings as well. I faint sometimes from low blood pressure and some of the feelings you (and my friend) have described are similar to what happens to me before I faint...it's a difficult feeling to describe but you've done a pretty good job of it.
I suggest a complete checkup. Good luck to you.
Please consult a doctor. its serious!!! maybe physical weakness..Eat more too!!and Drink lots of water!!
well first of all dont panic it will just make you scared which can leave to a panic attack u can have a syndrome or diabetes, or ur just low on something dont worry
If it is accompanied by nausea, disorientation, hunger and a mild panic sensation it is probably low blood sugar.
Otherwise, your brain is a very powerful tool. You can fool yourself into all kinds of illusions. Remember that just because you have thoughts running through your head they aren't necessarily good thoughts. Control your mind. Nobody else will.
Good luck.
water or essential nutrient shortage
or toxic air /water
ear infection
poor vision incorrect glasses prescription
stress/worry fear of ? could cause it
Be Blessed and get professional help in those areas
Ps time slowing down ?? that's indicative of lack of sleep
drug reactions
or LOL u need
a new watch !
Go a doctor now. It might be just a deficiency that can be fix with suplement. But it might be brain cancer or something. GO TO A DOCTOR
I would go to the doctor, because that could be really serious, or it might not be. I would go and get it checked out though, just to be sure.
Please help me?
emotional numbness!! is there not some kind of pressure point on my body that i can push to just rid of this come on Im not paying 80 dollers a session to fix this!! someone how can i get rid of this???
need more information on your problem there,guy.you say emotional numbness,so why would there be a pressure point to solve it? I dont blame you for not wanting to seek out therapy,either!But,sometimes,i... works,if you use it and you work it right.Sounds like you are just in a rut maybe.broken relationship recently?
try pushing on the spot right between your eyebrows and slightly higher while you are relaxing. better if someone else does it, but still effective alone. and check out EMDR on the web.
I think you should take the money you would spend on "sessions" and take a vacation. Go somewhere tropical, sit on the beach with a good drink and do some serious soul searching to figure out the source of your problem. the ocean has serious healing properties. Prayer is also a good way to go. Best wishes!
Just growing pains. Accept that you are not always going to be happy and find an acceptable way of dealing with it. You are not unique in how you're feeling right now. Many of us have gone through the same thing.
need more information on your problem there,guy.you say emotional numbness,so why would there be a pressure point to solve it? I dont blame you for not wanting to seek out therapy,either!But,sometimes,i... works,if you use it and you work it right.Sounds like you are just in a rut maybe.broken relationship recently?
try pushing on the spot right between your eyebrows and slightly higher while you are relaxing. better if someone else does it, but still effective alone. and check out EMDR on the web.
I think you should take the money you would spend on "sessions" and take a vacation. Go somewhere tropical, sit on the beach with a good drink and do some serious soul searching to figure out the source of your problem. the ocean has serious healing properties. Prayer is also a good way to go. Best wishes!
Just growing pains. Accept that you are not always going to be happy and find an acceptable way of dealing with it. You are not unique in how you're feeling right now. Many of us have gone through the same thing.
Please help me?
i dont know what i am going through,i seem to be uncontrollably crying,being so sensitive,thinking of suicide all the time.i am starting to hate myself.i have been shouted at so many times,and words where all the same,telling how much they hate me,how sensitive i am,that i am gone weird to psycho
people tease me weird,but i dont mind,i always take it as a compliment.but i cant take psycho as a good thing
i have been always angry lately,i have major moodswings before these weeks,i seem to be depressed always. because i felt i was never good enough,i started a band,but as for now we dont have the lead and bass,but i made songs alreadybut i felt im not good.but im not really close to the bandmates,only to the music,sounds more stupid,i dont have friends im a loner(im a minor,pls do not report me,i have no one to talk to about this my mom are not that close,im still 12,i need help)
what am i going through?is it just a stage,or do i have manic depression or what?please give advice to
If you are doing certain drugs that would account for the mood swings, the uncontrollable crying which is depression, etc, etc, etc. If not You are most certainly depressed. If you can't talk to family or friends go to a church figure, find someone that will try to connect with you. You need a real face to talk to not this computer screen. Online your're going to meet 3 kinds of people. Those like me who really want to help but really can't from their computers, those who are afraid to help. And the rest don't care. Whoever you do find make sure that person is not someone who is going to judge you. If they do at anytime find someone else.
U need to drink more "red bull" eat twisties just b4 bed.
It worked for me,cant u tell ?
you could have chemical depression
which means that your hormones aren't working right
and try to ignore the people yelling at you
my mother yells at me every day calling me many unimaginable things
i just try to listen to the compliments people give me
and tune out the negatives.
find someone you can talk to
if you need to
i'm here
You need professional help.
Go to counseling and ask your doctor about anti-depressant medication.
i was also in ur stage.but now i am ok.
because of yoga.
do meditation ok.
u will yeild a better result.
If you feel so down you need to talk to a councellor, maybe at school, they may have a school psychologist there, try to talk to your mum she might help you through this, i know at your age parents arent the fisrt ppl you turn to but trust me they will always be concerned for their childs wellbeing, if you feel like you cannot talk to her then maybe an aunt or some relative you feel comfortable with. You have to look for help, you understand me, if you dont talk about this with someone they wont know, dont isolate yourself. You already share an interest with your bandmates, i applaud your proyect by the way, maybe ask them what they think of your songs, and how you could improve them that way you will all be working together.
YOu are not apsycho, you are human, we all get emotional, and feel alone even when in reality we arent. you are normal, normal ppl need help sometimes. Good luck to you.
my email is saminita23@yahoo.com.au, if u need to talk to someone.
It sounds to me more like you are a twelve year old that doesnt fit in well with others your own age. Mood swings , depression, and that sort of emotional stuff , all plays on each other and just gets worse.
You need to talk with a trusted adult , preferably a parent , and get their support to get you some professional help. A child phychologist would be a first step. They just have a chat with you and try to sort out what problems you might have and help you work out how to deal with them.
You are also at an age where major hormone changes are starting to occur. There are some tests to see if there is a physical cause for some of whats happening.
You may be a loner , but you can at least try to make friends . Your band members share some of your interests and that should give you something in common to talk about.
Dont let this continue any more, if no-one else talk with your Mom and make her understand you dont know what to do, you need help. Show her the question you posted .
Please listen carefully. You must seek professional help. Many people today experience depression. You are not the only one. You must either confide in your mom or tell someone who you trust that can get you help. Depression is treatable. But you need to get to a Dr. first. Left untreated it can worsten. You shouldn't have to suffer this way. Please get help a.s.a.p! If you need to, you can e-mail me at: hannahlilytlc@yahoo.com , I will help in any way I can.
people tease me weird,but i dont mind,i always take it as a compliment.but i cant take psycho as a good thing
i have been always angry lately,i have major moodswings before these weeks,i seem to be depressed always. because i felt i was never good enough,i started a band,but as for now we dont have the lead and bass,but i made songs alreadybut i felt im not good.but im not really close to the bandmates,only to the music,sounds more stupid,i dont have friends im a loner(im a minor,pls do not report me,i have no one to talk to about this my mom are not that close,im still 12,i need help)
what am i going through?is it just a stage,or do i have manic depression or what?please give advice to
If you are doing certain drugs that would account for the mood swings, the uncontrollable crying which is depression, etc, etc, etc. If not You are most certainly depressed. If you can't talk to family or friends go to a church figure, find someone that will try to connect with you. You need a real face to talk to not this computer screen. Online your're going to meet 3 kinds of people. Those like me who really want to help but really can't from their computers, those who are afraid to help. And the rest don't care. Whoever you do find make sure that person is not someone who is going to judge you. If they do at anytime find someone else.
U need to drink more "red bull" eat twisties just b4 bed.
It worked for me,cant u tell ?
you could have chemical depression
which means that your hormones aren't working right
and try to ignore the people yelling at you
my mother yells at me every day calling me many unimaginable things
i just try to listen to the compliments people give me
and tune out the negatives.
find someone you can talk to
if you need to
i'm here
You need professional help.
Go to counseling and ask your doctor about anti-depressant medication.
i was also in ur stage.but now i am ok.
because of yoga.
do meditation ok.
u will yeild a better result.
If you feel so down you need to talk to a councellor, maybe at school, they may have a school psychologist there, try to talk to your mum she might help you through this, i know at your age parents arent the fisrt ppl you turn to but trust me they will always be concerned for their childs wellbeing, if you feel like you cannot talk to her then maybe an aunt or some relative you feel comfortable with. You have to look for help, you understand me, if you dont talk about this with someone they wont know, dont isolate yourself. You already share an interest with your bandmates, i applaud your proyect by the way, maybe ask them what they think of your songs, and how you could improve them that way you will all be working together.
YOu are not apsycho, you are human, we all get emotional, and feel alone even when in reality we arent. you are normal, normal ppl need help sometimes. Good luck to you.
my email is saminita23@yahoo.com.au, if u need to talk to someone.
It sounds to me more like you are a twelve year old that doesnt fit in well with others your own age. Mood swings , depression, and that sort of emotional stuff , all plays on each other and just gets worse.
You need to talk with a trusted adult , preferably a parent , and get their support to get you some professional help. A child phychologist would be a first step. They just have a chat with you and try to sort out what problems you might have and help you work out how to deal with them.
You are also at an age where major hormone changes are starting to occur. There are some tests to see if there is a physical cause for some of whats happening.
You may be a loner , but you can at least try to make friends . Your band members share some of your interests and that should give you something in common to talk about.
Dont let this continue any more, if no-one else talk with your Mom and make her understand you dont know what to do, you need help. Show her the question you posted .
Please listen carefully. You must seek professional help. Many people today experience depression. You are not the only one. You must either confide in your mom or tell someone who you trust that can get you help. Depression is treatable. But you need to get to a Dr. first. Left untreated it can worsten. You shouldn't have to suffer this way. Please get help a.s.a.p! If you need to, you can e-mail me at: hannahlilytlc@yahoo.com , I will help in any way I can.
Please help me?
ok about 2 weeks ago.i lost all my memories in an car accedent. can yall tell me what i can do to help me remember stuff again?...thanks
The best thing to do is be with family and friends. If you follow your regular schedule something is bond to come back. Plus you can always see a psychiatrist. Hope it works out for you.
Look at photographs you have and see how many people you can remember without anyone telling you their names.
The best person to ask is your doctor.
Some people say to look at pictures and scrapbooks and have people explain them. Sometimes it can jump-spark memory, but not always...
If you lost all your memories you wouldn't know that you did so the best thing to do is contact a doctor.
ask your friends and family to tell you some things that happened
I would say dont get discourage! If you decide to look at picture make fun make like a game.
I saw on tv the other day about one soldier who lost all his short term memory so he had to keep a diary and write down exactly what he did and when. Then he could refer back to it. That could help if you have short term memory problems. But you should probably be getting some professional help. I hope your insurance is covering it.
I've also heard that doing everyday things will eventually bring back sparks of memory.
The best thing to do is be with family and friends. If you follow your regular schedule something is bond to come back. Plus you can always see a psychiatrist. Hope it works out for you.
Look at photographs you have and see how many people you can remember without anyone telling you their names.
The best person to ask is your doctor.
Some people say to look at pictures and scrapbooks and have people explain them. Sometimes it can jump-spark memory, but not always...
If you lost all your memories you wouldn't know that you did so the best thing to do is contact a doctor.
ask your friends and family to tell you some things that happened
I would say dont get discourage! If you decide to look at picture make fun make like a game.
I saw on tv the other day about one soldier who lost all his short term memory so he had to keep a diary and write down exactly what he did and when. Then he could refer back to it. That could help if you have short term memory problems. But you should probably be getting some professional help. I hope your insurance is covering it.
I've also heard that doing everyday things will eventually bring back sparks of memory.
Please help me...I'm so sad I can't function?
I don't know what's wrong with me. I know that I'm perfectly normal and attractive and fun and smart...but I feel so down. Like I can't do anything. Even walking into the store is cause for panic. I can't afford therapy, but I need help. Do you know what I can do? Is there a website where I can talk to someone? Any activities I can do at home? I just want to get better. Please...
First, try relaxing. Take a half hour everyday to yourself, find a quiet spot (no TV, no phone) and think about what the problem is. Next set one goal for yourself to accomplish that day. Something small, at first, like get bread and cat food at the store. Write it down, and go do it. When it is done, post it next to your quiet spot. If you feel like it, set a second goal for the day..
The panic is some sort of fear.maybe fear of failing, or something silly. Simply thinking about it on a daily basis, and accomplishing some small goal should make this disappear in just a few days.
Make sure you are eating and sleeping properly. A simple diet change can affect mood also...eat some veggies, and fruit every day for awhile...whatever you like, but try to include something with potassium in it like a banana. Get a little exercise everyday, and get your 8 hours of sleep.
Hope this helps,
p.s. my I-M on yahoo is i8thr2, but not on much anymore...too busy accomplishing things in my life to spend all day in front of my computer.
See the local Department of Social Services and they will guide you on how to see a psychiatrist at lowered cost or for free.
Start with what you eat. if these are you symptoms, you might have low blood sugar.
Fatigue, insomnia, mental confusion, anxiety, nervousness, mood swings, faintness, headaches, depression, phobias, heart palpitations, a craving for sweets, cold hands and feet, forgetfulness, dizziness, blurred vision, inner trembling, outbursts of temper, sudden hunger, allergies, crying spells
Go see your doctor, ask him if you can take lexa pro. It helped me.
You sound like you have depression my dear. Sometimes I liken depression as an irrational belief that I am not handsome or smart or of value when I know I am those things. I used to have depression for a long time before I was successfully treated by medication and psychotherapy. At my worst point in June 2000, I'd spend my day in an upstairs loft, in the dark, sleeping my life away, and living on coffee and potato chips - for one whole month. Please get some help and get better.
I*m not well versed in medical terminology...but I have been where you are at, and periodically still suffer with this. I found that my local *Mental Health Center* offers therapy BASED ON MY INCOME, and this has helped...just someone to talk to who is unbiased, but my greatest help has been all of the ByeDr.com family. All I do is go to work and come home, to be alone day after day. Seemed like there was never anyone to share a phone call with, a glass of tea, or even a walk around the park. I felt I was missing out on life, and had no reason to want to get up the next day and repeat the cycle. Although I don*t know anyone of you personally, just knowing that you will be here when I can get online has been an answer to prayer and offered the solution to my lonliness and despair. Writing letters to an unknown source that consists of what you are feeling helps. I sew alot of baby quilts (embroidered tops and hand quilted...or a animated top quilted)just because babies are such happy and joyous occassions. Eventually I*ll run across someone who is expecting and I*ll have a gift ready. My happiest moments come from giving others some happiness and joy.
The first thing to remember is that you are not alone. There are many support groups out there on the net if you do not feel ready to talk to family yet. Try depression alliance and mind - 2 excellent organisations who will send to you information on such feelings and will suggest ways to help you to improve at home - this may seem a bizarre thing to say but what you eat is so so so important in raising your mood. Avoid sugary food and caffeine - and alcohol. I know i is tempting to drink to escape yourself but it is serious mood depressor. You will also find that yahoo groups are an excellent way to get support regularly.
I use meditation to help me relax - I know - sounds hippyish- and I took an awful lot of convincing, but I swear by it. This costs nothing - use the net to find tips on simple breathing techniques and relaxation. Again organisations like mind can help with this.
Finally - write down exactly how you feel - warts and all!! No one has to read it but it could help in terms of getting the negative thoughts out of your system. I do this EVERY DAY and it does help.
Try to be kind to yourself - you are clearly having a rough time at the moment. And remember there are people who understand. you may be able to afford therapy but other sufferers are out there to talk to and help.
I wish you better soon and hope this has been some use.
Almighty God is your Helper. God loves you and you are precious to Him. Come to Him with genuine repentance of your sins, and faith. He can give you a wonderful life of joy, peace, and meaning, through Christ who died on the Cross to save us from condemnation and qualifying us to Heaven.
This life is short and uncetain; eternity is forever without end. Never, never, miss Heaven for anything of this troubled world. Best wishes for happiness and Heaven!
i am self have felt the way you have. you should go see a doctor about it, you might find it hard to tell a complete stranger what you are going threw but they have heard it before and it the best place to start. i just went to a doctor a month back and i told him want i was going threw and he gave me some medicine. the medicine help me control my emotions so i can function better and enjoy life a bit more.
Hott, It sounds like you have gotten all of the advice that you need and I have been in your shoes as well. I fight depression everyday myself and I have a great life. Listen to any advice that you get, not only will it keep you busy but it will put a useful smile on your face knowing that everyone cares enough to answer your question. Good luck and if you need a friend e-mail or I M me. I am here at least four hours a day throughout the day. I hope this helps and Smile god loves you! Claire
Relax and talk to friends. You probably have anxiety. Something in your life is bothering you.
First, try relaxing. Take a half hour everyday to yourself, find a quiet spot (no TV, no phone) and think about what the problem is. Next set one goal for yourself to accomplish that day. Something small, at first, like get bread and cat food at the store. Write it down, and go do it. When it is done, post it next to your quiet spot. If you feel like it, set a second goal for the day..
The panic is some sort of fear.maybe fear of failing, or something silly. Simply thinking about it on a daily basis, and accomplishing some small goal should make this disappear in just a few days.
Make sure you are eating and sleeping properly. A simple diet change can affect mood also...eat some veggies, and fruit every day for awhile...whatever you like, but try to include something with potassium in it like a banana. Get a little exercise everyday, and get your 8 hours of sleep.
Hope this helps,
p.s. my I-M on yahoo is i8thr2, but not on much anymore...too busy accomplishing things in my life to spend all day in front of my computer.
See the local Department of Social Services and they will guide you on how to see a psychiatrist at lowered cost or for free.
Start with what you eat. if these are you symptoms, you might have low blood sugar.
Fatigue, insomnia, mental confusion, anxiety, nervousness, mood swings, faintness, headaches, depression, phobias, heart palpitations, a craving for sweets, cold hands and feet, forgetfulness, dizziness, blurred vision, inner trembling, outbursts of temper, sudden hunger, allergies, crying spells
Go see your doctor, ask him if you can take lexa pro. It helped me.
You sound like you have depression my dear. Sometimes I liken depression as an irrational belief that I am not handsome or smart or of value when I know I am those things. I used to have depression for a long time before I was successfully treated by medication and psychotherapy. At my worst point in June 2000, I'd spend my day in an upstairs loft, in the dark, sleeping my life away, and living on coffee and potato chips - for one whole month. Please get some help and get better.
I*m not well versed in medical terminology...but I have been where you are at, and periodically still suffer with this. I found that my local *Mental Health Center* offers therapy BASED ON MY INCOME, and this has helped...just someone to talk to who is unbiased, but my greatest help has been all of the ByeDr.com family. All I do is go to work and come home, to be alone day after day. Seemed like there was never anyone to share a phone call with, a glass of tea, or even a walk around the park. I felt I was missing out on life, and had no reason to want to get up the next day and repeat the cycle. Although I don*t know anyone of you personally, just knowing that you will be here when I can get online has been an answer to prayer and offered the solution to my lonliness and despair. Writing letters to an unknown source that consists of what you are feeling helps. I sew alot of baby quilts (embroidered tops and hand quilted...or a animated top quilted)just because babies are such happy and joyous occassions. Eventually I*ll run across someone who is expecting and I*ll have a gift ready. My happiest moments come from giving others some happiness and joy.
The first thing to remember is that you are not alone. There are many support groups out there on the net if you do not feel ready to talk to family yet. Try depression alliance and mind - 2 excellent organisations who will send to you information on such feelings and will suggest ways to help you to improve at home - this may seem a bizarre thing to say but what you eat is so so so important in raising your mood. Avoid sugary food and caffeine - and alcohol. I know i is tempting to drink to escape yourself but it is serious mood depressor. You will also find that yahoo groups are an excellent way to get support regularly.
I use meditation to help me relax - I know - sounds hippyish- and I took an awful lot of convincing, but I swear by it. This costs nothing - use the net to find tips on simple breathing techniques and relaxation. Again organisations like mind can help with this.
Finally - write down exactly how you feel - warts and all!! No one has to read it but it could help in terms of getting the negative thoughts out of your system. I do this EVERY DAY and it does help.
Try to be kind to yourself - you are clearly having a rough time at the moment. And remember there are people who understand. you may be able to afford therapy but other sufferers are out there to talk to and help.
I wish you better soon and hope this has been some use.
Almighty God is your Helper. God loves you and you are precious to Him. Come to Him with genuine repentance of your sins, and faith. He can give you a wonderful life of joy, peace, and meaning, through Christ who died on the Cross to save us from condemnation and qualifying us to Heaven.
This life is short and uncetain; eternity is forever without end. Never, never, miss Heaven for anything of this troubled world. Best wishes for happiness and Heaven!
i am self have felt the way you have. you should go see a doctor about it, you might find it hard to tell a complete stranger what you are going threw but they have heard it before and it the best place to start. i just went to a doctor a month back and i told him want i was going threw and he gave me some medicine. the medicine help me control my emotions so i can function better and enjoy life a bit more.
Hott, It sounds like you have gotten all of the advice that you need and I have been in your shoes as well. I fight depression everyday myself and I have a great life. Listen to any advice that you get, not only will it keep you busy but it will put a useful smile on your face knowing that everyone cares enough to answer your question. Good luck and if you need a friend e-mail or I M me. I am here at least four hours a day throughout the day. I hope this helps and Smile god loves you! Claire
Relax and talk to friends. You probably have anxiety. Something in your life is bothering you.
Please help me with my BIG problem!! I just need a advice from you...it's about me being really angry,Thanks
I am a normal person you can say, but when any little problem comes up even something so small or me being jealous makes me really angry and that happens very often.I loose control and I do things I regret later...things like hurt the other person's feelings really badly because of something really "stupid"that happened,but when I get angry I don't realize how small and stupid those things are and I know those things are not worth me getting so mad about it.I need to know what can I do to make me more of a "normal"person and how can I control my anger??when you get angry what do you do?I am only 18 and I don't want any thing to do with getting professional help,I just want a advice from you!
If you desire to change this negative behavior then you have it within your very own reach to make that change. Try meditation, you can find how to do it on the Internet. It will help you to heal parts of your soul that need healing and it will help center yourself and give you a deep Spiritual understanding. My boyfriend is going through this journey right now because he also has anger issues. And you wouldn't believe how he was able to overcome this simply by meditating twice a day for 10 minute sessions. Mediation helps you to find your inner self or your unconscious self and therefore bring to the surface all these bad feelings, and learn to deal with them in more positive ways. It takes a lot of self control to overcome this and change the bad into good.
haha. sounds like ur BI-POLAR! (gets emotional easily)
ummm..be around the color blue. Theres test tht the color blue calms you down. and if ur not around blue, think of it.
breath in reath out too.
and when ur gettin mad, just VIRTUALLY in ur MIND slap urself. and say THATS A STUPID THING TO GET MAD BOUT
good luck =]
This has worked for me for years, when I get upset or angry about something, I get a pen and paper and write it down, What, Why , and how to handle it. This gives me time to consider my reactions to the situation. I still fly off the handle sometimes, but its a planed reaction....Nuf Said
It sounds like you might be bipolar. Look up a website on bipolar symptoms and see if you have a lot of the same symptoms. If you do then go to the doctor and explain your situation and see if their might be a medication you can take; a lot of people are bipolar without even realizing it. One thing I tend to do when I get really angry is walk away. If I know I’ll just end up hurting someone’s feeling I tell people “I’m in a very bad mood and I’m going to my room don’t bother me until I calm down or I could say something I’ll regret”. When you are by yourself you tend to calm down faster and rationalize with yourself. “Is this something I should really be mad about?” “Am I just overreacting?” You will be able to put your feelings and the situation into a better perspective and then you’ll know how the situation should be dealt with. Hope this was helpful and good luck.
Listen to Elo. Relax. Realize that you'll be on this earth for 80 years or so, so the little things really are LITTLE things.
Okay, it sounds like you have anger issues. You don't give nearly enough information to even begin to suggest bipolar disorder. I don't know what these people are talking about!! Plenty of people have anger issues who are not bipolar.
Try an anger management course or some self help to deal with your temper, your anger and the ways that you deal with it. Relaxation techniques, deep breathing, meditation, regular exercise and yoga can help you become a more relaxed person.
don't be worry..
actually, when you are getting angry just wash your face then count until 10. and say "relax" in your mind..
Or you must have a pray more often to calm your mind
you are really bi polar.and you said that you do not want to get professional help so i am going to tell you this find your closet friend or even a family member that you are real close to and talk to them and see it that helps to talk to some one that you can trust.
Even "normal" people get angry when the situation warrants it. I believe the difference is that most people can quickly distinguish situations that warrant instant anger and reaction from situations that maybe aren't too serious and don't require a strong or immediate reaction. Many times our first reaction to something is to lash out and hurt the other person as much (or more) than we were hurt...whether it's an insult, jealousy, etc. Some of this reaction may be justified...some may not. It has been my experience that some of this overreaction may be hormonal (I was a lot more reactionary as a teenager), and some overreaction is just inexperience in dealing with emotions, situations, and how to control them. The good news is that unless there is an organic problem that would require medication, chances are that you can learn to control your emotions %26 reactions to hurtful situations. While there's nothing wrong with seeking professional help, you may want to start with a library or bookstore's self-help section. There are a lot of books out there dealing with what you're talking about. Maybe also talk with an adult who has been through what you are going through now %26 see how they dealt with it. Also try keeping a journal %26 keep track of daily situations %26 how you reacted to them. Over time you may see a pattern %26 figure out how to change it. Good luck! There's definitely a sense of satisfaction when you learn how to control your emotions when needed!
Well, I have basically the same problem. I get really, really angry, really, really easily. Although no one answering this question can say whether or not you have bi-polar disorder, it could be a possibility. HOWEVER, bi-polar disorder usually involves many emotions, not just anger. I have been diagnosed with bordeline personality disorder, which is kind like a step down from bi-polar disorder, and like you, I don't like psychiatric help, I think it's nonsense. They don't know who you really are (like your friends and family do) and most of the time, they prescribe you whatever medication the pharmaceutical companies are pushing at the time. Your best bet is to talk to the people who know you best, because they can offer the most useful advice. As far as my advice goes, when I get really angry (the kind of anger I can feel roiling in my stomach) I either scream into a pillow or go out in the woods to do it, or I RUN. I RUN LIKE HELL. I'm still trying to learn how to walk away from whatever is making me angry, because when I do that, I can talk about it later to the person who made me angry (if it was a person) Another thing I do is close my eyes and breathe deeply in and out, and in my mind, I picture something expanding and contracting in time with my breathing. Also, if you have a place where you can safely (and legally) do it, try breaking glass bottles. Heave them as hard as you effing can, it's really liberating. I hope this has maybe helped you a little, if you need anything else, send me an email, I'll be glad to give you any other advice you need.
I used to have a temper and would fly off the handle, something I learned from my family because they did it when I was growing up. Problem is, some of them never changed.
You know when you are getting angry so when you feel that coming on, stop and take a deep breath and train yourself not to say anything. The first time is the hardest and you will slip up but each time you do, remember to pull yourself back in and get yourself under control.
And don't forget to apologize to those you have lashed out at no matter who was in the wrong ~ your anger definitely puts you in the wrong. What they do right or wrong reflects on them but your actions reflect on you.
since you're around 18, maybe it could be a homone thing. I'm 20 and still get real cranky sometimes, and if you're under stress, it makes it worse. if you're worried, maybe you should see a doc. and he/she can give you some pills to control hormone level. Just ask them and see.
Best of luck! Cheers
If you desire to change this negative behavior then you have it within your very own reach to make that change. Try meditation, you can find how to do it on the Internet. It will help you to heal parts of your soul that need healing and it will help center yourself and give you a deep Spiritual understanding. My boyfriend is going through this journey right now because he also has anger issues. And you wouldn't believe how he was able to overcome this simply by meditating twice a day for 10 minute sessions. Mediation helps you to find your inner self or your unconscious self and therefore bring to the surface all these bad feelings, and learn to deal with them in more positive ways. It takes a lot of self control to overcome this and change the bad into good.
haha. sounds like ur BI-POLAR! (gets emotional easily)
ummm..be around the color blue. Theres test tht the color blue calms you down. and if ur not around blue, think of it.
breath in reath out too.
and when ur gettin mad, just VIRTUALLY in ur MIND slap urself. and say THATS A STUPID THING TO GET MAD BOUT
good luck =]
This has worked for me for years, when I get upset or angry about something, I get a pen and paper and write it down, What, Why , and how to handle it. This gives me time to consider my reactions to the situation. I still fly off the handle sometimes, but its a planed reaction....Nuf Said
It sounds like you might be bipolar. Look up a website on bipolar symptoms and see if you have a lot of the same symptoms. If you do then go to the doctor and explain your situation and see if their might be a medication you can take; a lot of people are bipolar without even realizing it. One thing I tend to do when I get really angry is walk away. If I know I’ll just end up hurting someone’s feeling I tell people “I’m in a very bad mood and I’m going to my room don’t bother me until I calm down or I could say something I’ll regret”. When you are by yourself you tend to calm down faster and rationalize with yourself. “Is this something I should really be mad about?” “Am I just overreacting?” You will be able to put your feelings and the situation into a better perspective and then you’ll know how the situation should be dealt with. Hope this was helpful and good luck.
Listen to Elo. Relax. Realize that you'll be on this earth for 80 years or so, so the little things really are LITTLE things.
Okay, it sounds like you have anger issues. You don't give nearly enough information to even begin to suggest bipolar disorder. I don't know what these people are talking about!! Plenty of people have anger issues who are not bipolar.
Try an anger management course or some self help to deal with your temper, your anger and the ways that you deal with it. Relaxation techniques, deep breathing, meditation, regular exercise and yoga can help you become a more relaxed person.
don't be worry..
actually, when you are getting angry just wash your face then count until 10. and say "relax" in your mind..
Or you must have a pray more often to calm your mind
you are really bi polar.and you said that you do not want to get professional help so i am going to tell you this find your closet friend or even a family member that you are real close to and talk to them and see it that helps to talk to some one that you can trust.
Even "normal" people get angry when the situation warrants it. I believe the difference is that most people can quickly distinguish situations that warrant instant anger and reaction from situations that maybe aren't too serious and don't require a strong or immediate reaction. Many times our first reaction to something is to lash out and hurt the other person as much (or more) than we were hurt...whether it's an insult, jealousy, etc. Some of this reaction may be justified...some may not. It has been my experience that some of this overreaction may be hormonal (I was a lot more reactionary as a teenager), and some overreaction is just inexperience in dealing with emotions, situations, and how to control them. The good news is that unless there is an organic problem that would require medication, chances are that you can learn to control your emotions %26 reactions to hurtful situations. While there's nothing wrong with seeking professional help, you may want to start with a library or bookstore's self-help section. There are a lot of books out there dealing with what you're talking about. Maybe also talk with an adult who has been through what you are going through now %26 see how they dealt with it. Also try keeping a journal %26 keep track of daily situations %26 how you reacted to them. Over time you may see a pattern %26 figure out how to change it. Good luck! There's definitely a sense of satisfaction when you learn how to control your emotions when needed!
Well, I have basically the same problem. I get really, really angry, really, really easily. Although no one answering this question can say whether or not you have bi-polar disorder, it could be a possibility. HOWEVER, bi-polar disorder usually involves many emotions, not just anger. I have been diagnosed with bordeline personality disorder, which is kind like a step down from bi-polar disorder, and like you, I don't like psychiatric help, I think it's nonsense. They don't know who you really are (like your friends and family do) and most of the time, they prescribe you whatever medication the pharmaceutical companies are pushing at the time. Your best bet is to talk to the people who know you best, because they can offer the most useful advice. As far as my advice goes, when I get really angry (the kind of anger I can feel roiling in my stomach) I either scream into a pillow or go out in the woods to do it, or I RUN. I RUN LIKE HELL. I'm still trying to learn how to walk away from whatever is making me angry, because when I do that, I can talk about it later to the person who made me angry (if it was a person) Another thing I do is close my eyes and breathe deeply in and out, and in my mind, I picture something expanding and contracting in time with my breathing. Also, if you have a place where you can safely (and legally) do it, try breaking glass bottles. Heave them as hard as you effing can, it's really liberating. I hope this has maybe helped you a little, if you need anything else, send me an email, I'll be glad to give you any other advice you need.
I used to have a temper and would fly off the handle, something I learned from my family because they did it when I was growing up. Problem is, some of them never changed.
You know when you are getting angry so when you feel that coming on, stop and take a deep breath and train yourself not to say anything. The first time is the hardest and you will slip up but each time you do, remember to pull yourself back in and get yourself under control.
And don't forget to apologize to those you have lashed out at no matter who was in the wrong ~ your anger definitely puts you in the wrong. What they do right or wrong reflects on them but your actions reflect on you.
since you're around 18, maybe it could be a homone thing. I'm 20 and still get real cranky sometimes, and if you're under stress, it makes it worse. if you're worried, maybe you should see a doc. and he/she can give you some pills to control hormone level. Just ask them and see.
Best of luck! Cheers
Please help me out here! That'd be awesome. :)?
How can you make your voice sound hoarse? I really don't want to go somewhere, and I'm trying to sound sick. How do I do that in a short amount of time ( no more than an hour or two ). I know it sounds stupid, but if there are any ways to do that please tell me! thanks.
The way to do that is to be as adult about things as possible. If you do not want to attend an event, then politely decline. Say simply that you will not be attending, and that you do not care to discuss the matter any further. Lying (purposefully deceiving) is childish, and will come back to haunt you in the end.
Be a person of your word. Others will respect you for it. Lie, and others will learn never to trust you.
I dont that making your voice sound like that can be a good thing and im not sure theres any way to make it sound liek you sick that fast but i would say yelling really loud would be the only way i could think of.. i know after going somewhere loud like a party or concert that lataer on my voice sounds aweful.. but you could also try other ways of sounding sick if your really need to get out of something like a stuffy/runny nose, fake cough.. just try to sound like crap basically : ]
sry if that didnt help
thats just wrong!
You could also go the phlegmy route and drink some milk.
if you don't wanna go somewhere, why not just say so, and don't go..?? simple..
The way to do that is to be as adult about things as possible. If you do not want to attend an event, then politely decline. Say simply that you will not be attending, and that you do not care to discuss the matter any further. Lying (purposefully deceiving) is childish, and will come back to haunt you in the end.
Be a person of your word. Others will respect you for it. Lie, and others will learn never to trust you.
I dont that making your voice sound like that can be a good thing and im not sure theres any way to make it sound liek you sick that fast but i would say yelling really loud would be the only way i could think of.. i know after going somewhere loud like a party or concert that lataer on my voice sounds aweful.. but you could also try other ways of sounding sick if your really need to get out of something like a stuffy/runny nose, fake cough.. just try to sound like crap basically : ]
sry if that didnt help
thats just wrong!
You could also go the phlegmy route and drink some milk.
if you don't wanna go somewhere, why not just say so, and don't go..?? simple..
Please help me im suffering from withdrawl symptoms now that there is no footie what can i do to cure this ?
Why dont you take up another exciting sport like tiddlywinks, or ballroom dancing. It will help you while away the hours till the football season starts again!
Im planning to go into hibernation until August.
sleep all day that you are not at work
seems you have no life anyway
you only have to wait 3 days as there is an england match on wednesday!!
Go out and play it!
Take up masterbating every 10 - 15 mins, its about the only thing that takes the mind off football.
Start watching baseball. You'll appear cooler and whining due to lack of football will seem less annoying. :)
go to doctor.
You could come round to my house and talk about all the past matches with my husband and son. Remember the goals, reminisce, make your predictions for next season. And then sob quietly, thats what theyre doing.
Same here, my husband wants to talk to me !!
go buy a football managers game, everyone else seems to. (dont see the appeal myself)
sorry, ur having withdrawel sysmptoms because theres no footie? are you like that sad? there are real people on here with real problems! sounds like you need to get a life! i know i do but at least my problems are real!
tennis but smaller ball starting soon
get a woman failing that use your mate misses
go to myp2p.eu
you will find live football on there all the time
Please help me figure out what these things are.?
At night I will wake up and there will be these figures walking around the house.Please help me find a way for them to stay but i really want to know what they are.
A hallucination is a sensory perception experienced in the absence of an external stimulus, as distinct from an illusion, which is a misperception of an external stimulus. Hallucinations may occur in any sensory modality鈥攙isual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, or proprioceptive (sense of balance and position in space).
Are you saying like ghosts or spirits.? and you want them to stay? well it's not common that people are in your situation, and I know I have never been. Perhaps talk to a specialist in spirits or something..
they are the ghost of may 06, milk and cookies will work .
look for local mediums to check out your place to see if they are in fact ghost and then ask him/her if there's anything you can do to make them feel more welcome at home
A hallucination is a sensory perception experienced in the absence of an external stimulus, as distinct from an illusion, which is a misperception of an external stimulus. Hallucinations may occur in any sensory modality鈥攙isual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, or proprioceptive (sense of balance and position in space).
Are you saying like ghosts or spirits.? and you want them to stay? well it's not common that people are in your situation, and I know I have never been. Perhaps talk to a specialist in spirits or something..
they are the ghost of may 06, milk and cookies will work .
look for local mediums to check out your place to see if they are in fact ghost and then ask him/her if there's anything you can do to make them feel more welcome at home
Please help me about marijuana...users only?
yeah for all you stoners out there..have your friends ever put you in the "bubble"...if so please explain to me what the world it is and how they do it and how it effects your mind
Although I've now been clean for 2 years, this sounds like the procedure wherein we would place a grocery bag over someone's head, and when "shotgun" the bag full of smoke through a hole torn in the corner. Buy a "Dug-out"... it's much more conservative (at today's prices, short of quiting, it would be the way to go).
It makes u brain dead
what are you talkin about the bubble?
why.. are you planning to do it??
my friend did that once and he was basically messed up as hell.. don't do it..
just smoke you goddamn weed normally
Mental health is the right place for this question.
Hey i used to smoke up in the 80's and if the bubble messed you up worse than getting tired or the munchies... Dude see a doctor and find out what they did to you!
It sounds somewhat amazing. Contact me when you find out what this really is...
It mess's you up cause you're not getting any oxygen and are breathing carbon monoxide. You know basically starving your brain for what it needs to live. It's just a way of smoking that kids have come up with to make it 'exciting', this is the difference between people who smoke pot because of the way it makes them feel, or because it's 'cool' to do when your young. I guarantee that you won't find anyone over 20 doing it. Just get a big bong and smoke normally. Besides that kind of smoking is just plain wasteful of the pot. If you got pot to waste come see me, i can take care of it for you.
i don't know what that is, but i suggest the following (it will mess you up) ...inhale and exhale deeply and slowly for 10 times straight, then have some one grab your neck as if to choke you for a couple of seconds, trust me the effects are frikin awesome
PS, its better if you do this while or after you smoke the s hIt
Although I've now been clean for 2 years, this sounds like the procedure wherein we would place a grocery bag over someone's head, and when "shotgun" the bag full of smoke through a hole torn in the corner. Buy a "Dug-out"... it's much more conservative (at today's prices, short of quiting, it would be the way to go).
It makes u brain dead
what are you talkin about the bubble?
why.. are you planning to do it??
my friend did that once and he was basically messed up as hell.. don't do it..
just smoke you goddamn weed normally
Mental health is the right place for this question.
Hey i used to smoke up in the 80's and if the bubble messed you up worse than getting tired or the munchies... Dude see a doctor and find out what they did to you!
It sounds somewhat amazing. Contact me when you find out what this really is...
It mess's you up cause you're not getting any oxygen and are breathing carbon monoxide. You know basically starving your brain for what it needs to live. It's just a way of smoking that kids have come up with to make it 'exciting', this is the difference between people who smoke pot because of the way it makes them feel, or because it's 'cool' to do when your young. I guarantee that you won't find anyone over 20 doing it. Just get a big bong and smoke normally. Besides that kind of smoking is just plain wasteful of the pot. If you got pot to waste come see me, i can take care of it for you.
i don't know what that is, but i suggest the following (it will mess you up) ...inhale and exhale deeply and slowly for 10 times straight, then have some one grab your neck as if to choke you for a couple of seconds, trust me the effects are frikin awesome
PS, its better if you do this while or after you smoke the s hIt
Please Help I Need Advice no mean answers please?
well yesturday i wuz really really mad at my mom [[im 14]] and i dont like crying idk why itz jus not sumthing i do often ne wayz i wuznt only mad at hur itz jus all these thingz hav been going on ane ne wayz i cut myself and i did it again 2 day idk why but it jus makes me not want 2 cry about thingz but ne wayz ive seen a phsyciatrist before wen i wuz like 12 or sumthing cuz i wuz stressed out and also ive seem 2 find out that i dont believe in god ne more i think itz nuthing but bs iddk why i jus think itz all fake and i feel like ive fallen and im reaching out 4 help and every1 iz jus there laughing at me.and also this iznt a cry 4 attention i hate attention i dont like people being in my buisness and i stay in my room all day cuz i dont really talk 2 my family only friendz and if im not home and sum1 iz in my room i get mad like i had went 2 corpus and my mom came in my room 2 get my dirty cloths and i got mad at hur cuz she didnt ask 2 go in my room why am i being like this?
you sound a lot like me when i was 14. i know you hate crying but it sounds like thats what you need. seems to me that you see crying as a weakness. i use to think the same thing. i hated to cry. so instead of crying i got mad. would yell scream cut myself throw stuff curse and hurt people and break stuff. what we do when we are like this is we mask anger because we are in pain. so when we cut we take that emotional pain into physical pain. its like a distraction. i dont cut anymore i havent for awhile. you sound to me your in a lot of pain for what reason i am not sure only you can answer that. this is what i did to get over it. i wrote a lot. it was an escape for me. every time i felt angry sad hurt scared. i wrote about it. i remember i use to write suicide notes. to tell everyone what i wanted to say. and i mean they would 5 pages long sometimes longer. and i would let it all out. then i would burn the letter or shred it or something. because i felt better. i wrote poetry and stories. i use to get made fun at school. bullied kids threw full soda cans at my head push me down the stairs and then when i got home from school. i would be yelled at by my parents saying i was nothing be hit in the face thrown up the stairs be thrown down the hall way. there was never a way out. i wasnt safe at home i wasnt safe at school. i was safe no where. so i would act like this. until i discovered writing. i dont write as much anymore as i use to because i have left my parents house and dont have to deal with them. but i am still angry and mask my anger when i am in pain. but i find away to talk about it instead of acting out on it. finally one day i just starting crying and i mean i cried for hours. and it felt so good and it was such a release. all of that hurt and pain when i was a child was let out. since then i am a much happier person today. i smile more. and i realized i dont have to deal with anyones nonsense anymore. and i dont. i hope this helps you dear and if you wish to talk to me then send me an email anytime. my email is amative_unity@yahoo.com. take care dear.
I'm not trying to be mean, but it sounds like you're a typical teen. You didn't say one thing that would indicate a medical or mental problem. Things WILL get better if you train yourself to think in a more positive light.
P.S. I seriously mean no offense. I used to be the exact same way. We can all be very self-destructive when we're frustrated. You with cutting, others with drugs or eating disorders, or violence towards others. There comes a time when we have to face ourselves and admit that it's time for a change for the positive. We all have it within ourselves to make that change.
Hi, Just talk with your family and tell them whats wrong. I am sure they will help if you tell them . If you want to email me anytime to talk please email me at : need-helpw-with-life@hotmail. com. Think positive
First, stop the cutting. It only lets people stereotype you, and crying is healthier and better for you in the long run.
I have a messed up relationship with my parents, too, so I understand completely if you don't want them to know. Try going to a doctor, if you can do this by yourself, or asking a friend. I would also suggest talking to someone at your church.
When you're only fourteen, it's not worth it to have such a dramatic life. Take a breather and then figure out what YOU can do.
Hope I helped,
You're 14. It's an awkward time for just about anyone. You'll get over it, I promise. I didn't feel that great about myself at 14 either. But please stop the cutting! It is not a solution to anything. And if you don't believe in God...let's just say you're not the only one. I too feel no comfort in believing in/praying to something I can't see, so I feel the same way about it as you. Anyway, you haven't "fallen"--you sound like you might be depressed, but life is not over. Feel better soon!
You need to go back to the psychiatrist. Or a different one. Cutting yourself is NOT good at all. When you get angry try doing a physical activity. Also, your friends are temporary. Your family is forever. No one will ever love you as much as your family, aside from God. If you don't believe in God. That's your business. You need to learn self control ( for your anger and cutting yourself). You also might want to study and practice positive thinking. Disassociating is never good. I understand you are at an age you want your space from your family. However, you do need to get out, meet people and do things. Preferably people your own age. There are a lot of predators out there, as I'm sure you know. Also, when asking for help. It is better to speak or write in plain English. That way people understand you. GL
Well, being a teenager isn't easy. You've got alot of things going on physically---growing, hormones, girls stuff,..., emotionally, spiritually,... Not to mention trying to figure out who you are, who you want to be, getting along with friends, family, school, LIFE. Everyone handles these things differently.
But, when you are feeling this overwelmed that you are cutting yourself, avoiding friends %26 family, getting angry for small things.it is time to ask for help. Not JUST here at Yahoo. It's time to tell someone (parents, family member, friend, school teacher, school counsellor,...) that you WANT/NEED help. You need to go to your Psychiatrist, psychologist, or therapist. If the 1st one wasn't that helpful then you need to ask to see someone new.
This is your life. You do have control, even though I know it doesn't always feel like it. You have the option of cutting or not cutting, crying or not crying (though I DO recommend letting loose once in awhile, it is cleansing, healthy, and you will feel better. I know this is just another time that you don't feel in control. Like, if you start crying, what if you never stop? But, you will, eventually, and you will feel better when you just let it out!), telling someone you need some help or continuing on the path that you are on. If you already feel out of control on this path, why not TAKE control and get help...then you DO get some control.
And remember, you can only 'control' so much in this world. Some things you just have to realize that they are out of your control and all you CAN control is how you choose to handle it.
Your choice.
Good luck and please take care of yourself!
you sound a lot like me when i was 14. i know you hate crying but it sounds like thats what you need. seems to me that you see crying as a weakness. i use to think the same thing. i hated to cry. so instead of crying i got mad. would yell scream cut myself throw stuff curse and hurt people and break stuff. what we do when we are like this is we mask anger because we are in pain. so when we cut we take that emotional pain into physical pain. its like a distraction. i dont cut anymore i havent for awhile. you sound to me your in a lot of pain for what reason i am not sure only you can answer that. this is what i did to get over it. i wrote a lot. it was an escape for me. every time i felt angry sad hurt scared. i wrote about it. i remember i use to write suicide notes. to tell everyone what i wanted to say. and i mean they would 5 pages long sometimes longer. and i would let it all out. then i would burn the letter or shred it or something. because i felt better. i wrote poetry and stories. i use to get made fun at school. bullied kids threw full soda cans at my head push me down the stairs and then when i got home from school. i would be yelled at by my parents saying i was nothing be hit in the face thrown up the stairs be thrown down the hall way. there was never a way out. i wasnt safe at home i wasnt safe at school. i was safe no where. so i would act like this. until i discovered writing. i dont write as much anymore as i use to because i have left my parents house and dont have to deal with them. but i am still angry and mask my anger when i am in pain. but i find away to talk about it instead of acting out on it. finally one day i just starting crying and i mean i cried for hours. and it felt so good and it was such a release. all of that hurt and pain when i was a child was let out. since then i am a much happier person today. i smile more. and i realized i dont have to deal with anyones nonsense anymore. and i dont. i hope this helps you dear and if you wish to talk to me then send me an email anytime. my email is amative_unity@yahoo.com. take care dear.
I'm not trying to be mean, but it sounds like you're a typical teen. You didn't say one thing that would indicate a medical or mental problem. Things WILL get better if you train yourself to think in a more positive light.
P.S. I seriously mean no offense. I used to be the exact same way. We can all be very self-destructive when we're frustrated. You with cutting, others with drugs or eating disorders, or violence towards others. There comes a time when we have to face ourselves and admit that it's time for a change for the positive. We all have it within ourselves to make that change.
Hi, Just talk with your family and tell them whats wrong. I am sure they will help if you tell them . If you want to email me anytime to talk please email me at : need-helpw-with-life@hotmail. com. Think positive
First, stop the cutting. It only lets people stereotype you, and crying is healthier and better for you in the long run.
I have a messed up relationship with my parents, too, so I understand completely if you don't want them to know. Try going to a doctor, if you can do this by yourself, or asking a friend. I would also suggest talking to someone at your church.
When you're only fourteen, it's not worth it to have such a dramatic life. Take a breather and then figure out what YOU can do.
Hope I helped,
You're 14. It's an awkward time for just about anyone. You'll get over it, I promise. I didn't feel that great about myself at 14 either. But please stop the cutting! It is not a solution to anything. And if you don't believe in God...let's just say you're not the only one. I too feel no comfort in believing in/praying to something I can't see, so I feel the same way about it as you. Anyway, you haven't "fallen"--you sound like you might be depressed, but life is not over. Feel better soon!
You need to go back to the psychiatrist. Or a different one. Cutting yourself is NOT good at all. When you get angry try doing a physical activity. Also, your friends are temporary. Your family is forever. No one will ever love you as much as your family, aside from God. If you don't believe in God. That's your business. You need to learn self control ( for your anger and cutting yourself). You also might want to study and practice positive thinking. Disassociating is never good. I understand you are at an age you want your space from your family. However, you do need to get out, meet people and do things. Preferably people your own age. There are a lot of predators out there, as I'm sure you know. Also, when asking for help. It is better to speak or write in plain English. That way people understand you. GL
Well, being a teenager isn't easy. You've got alot of things going on physically---growing, hormones, girls stuff,..., emotionally, spiritually,... Not to mention trying to figure out who you are, who you want to be, getting along with friends, family, school, LIFE. Everyone handles these things differently.
But, when you are feeling this overwelmed that you are cutting yourself, avoiding friends %26 family, getting angry for small things.it is time to ask for help. Not JUST here at Yahoo. It's time to tell someone (parents, family member, friend, school teacher, school counsellor,...) that you WANT/NEED help. You need to go to your Psychiatrist, psychologist, or therapist. If the 1st one wasn't that helpful then you need to ask to see someone new.
This is your life. You do have control, even though I know it doesn't always feel like it. You have the option of cutting or not cutting, crying or not crying (though I DO recommend letting loose once in awhile, it is cleansing, healthy, and you will feel better. I know this is just another time that you don't feel in control. Like, if you start crying, what if you never stop? But, you will, eventually, and you will feel better when you just let it out!), telling someone you need some help or continuing on the path that you are on. If you already feel out of control on this path, why not TAKE control and get help...then you DO get some control.
And remember, you can only 'control' so much in this world. Some things you just have to realize that they are out of your control and all you CAN control is how you choose to handle it.
Your choice.
Good luck and please take care of yourself!
Please Help Give Me A Cure For Exiety?
I Have A Question I Have Exiety and it just started today i hate it im very young Cause Earlier I Was At The Movie theater Going TO See A movie that i really wanted to see And Then Soon As I Walk through The Door I Started Having So Now I cant see the movie until it comes out so please give me a cure besides inhaler,box breathing,and medicine.
Im Only 9 Years Old.
tell your mom and dad. im 13 i have the same thing. i know how hard it can be. what you have to do is calm down. fight through the anxiety dont just leave. take deep breaths. everything will be fine.
you really should talk to your parents if you are having problems with anxiety
Tell your mother what is going on. Ask her to help you google the following phrases and choose a few techniques to incorporate when you begin to feel anxious: "stress management techniques" ; "creative visualization" and "progressive muscle relaxation".
Talk to your mom and dad!
If the anxiety just started today how can you be sure that that's what it is? You're very young to be having anxiety attacks, but it can happen. The best thing for you to do is have your Mom or Dad make a doctor's appointment for you. Your family physician can give you the best advice and treatment. Good luck hon, hope everything works out.
Im Only 9 Years Old.
tell your mom and dad. im 13 i have the same thing. i know how hard it can be. what you have to do is calm down. fight through the anxiety dont just leave. take deep breaths. everything will be fine.
you really should talk to your parents if you are having problems with anxiety
Tell your mother what is going on. Ask her to help you google the following phrases and choose a few techniques to incorporate when you begin to feel anxious: "stress management techniques" ; "creative visualization" and "progressive muscle relaxation".
Talk to your mom and dad!
If the anxiety just started today how can you be sure that that's what it is? You're very young to be having anxiety attacks, but it can happen. The best thing for you to do is have your Mom or Dad make a doctor's appointment for you. Your family physician can give you the best advice and treatment. Good luck hon, hope everything works out.
Please Help !!?
I've been on Zoloft for about 1 1/2 months now. The first couple of weeks I was very dizzy and feeling sick to my stomach. When I went to my doctor the 3rd week in I told her this and she kept me on the same dosage instead of upping it for another month becuase she didnt want the side effects to get worse but also to see if they went away. The thing is they aren't im still feeling this way? Is this normal to still have the side effects ?? I was on effexor for a month and a bit and went into a serious depression so she switched to Zolft. Why am I having such a hard time with them? Please help!!
The first step is to sit down and talk to your doctor about your concerns. Ask if those side effects are normal, and tell her that you don't feel like you can deal with constantly feeling ill. If you don't feel like your doctor is being completely open with you about this matter, or if you worry that she doesn't have your best interests at heart, you should definitely get a second opinion, and possibly look for a new doctor.
If you are still having side effects then that means this is not the right drug for you. Call your doc and let her know that you are still not doing well on this med so she can try something different.
Is your doctor actually a psychiatrist? If not, then THIS is why you are having problems. You need to see a psych because they are really good at prescribing not only the right drug, but also the right DOSE - and this is vital.
Insist on being referred to a psychiatrist.
I am on Effexor and I felt terrible for the first four weeks; I wanted to stop taking it. But my psychiatrist told me I had to try adjusting the dose first - and though I was sceptical he was right!
God loves you, and you are precious to Him. Son of God died on the Cross to save us from condemnation. Just come to Jesus with genuine repentance and faith, and you will have a great life of joy, peace, hope and meaning. Life on earth is short and uncertain; Heaven is eternal without end and wonderful beyond descriptions. Never, never, miss Heaven for anything in this troubled world. Best wishes for happiness and Heaven!
Everyone is different.I've been on zoloft for 8 months now and i've had no problem at all with it.
You should go back to your doctor and explain this im sure she will change your medication there are alot of anti-depressants out there.
Once the medictaion has been changed ,if you still feel like this then you should get it checked out just incase you have a physical problem.Please try not to worry,good luck :)
I had the same problems when I started taking Zoloft...did your doctor wean you off of the Effexor gradually or did she just switch you from one to the other? I had to wean myself off the Effexor because when I didn't take it, I got dizzy (so bad I was almost falling down) and sick, and got these horrible shakes and "brain zaps." When I went off the Effexor it took me about 2-3 months to finally feel better again, and then that is when my doctor put me on Zoloft + Wellbutrin and they seem to be doing the trick for me. I would say don't give up on it yet, and talk to your doctor again because if you are still coming off the Effexor it could be some of that is left in your system. Effexor is HORRIBLE for withdrawals. Good luck to you I hope you start feeling better!
You don't say what dosage you are on for the zoloft or the effexor. I used to take effexor xr 150 mg (for 5 years) and am now on zoloft 100mg (for about 8 months now). I was dizzy, lightheaded and very tired for about 2 months when I first started taking the zoloft. If you have been going to a family physician, you might try a mental health clinic for another opinion. There are so many meds out there that help. Not every med can help every person so you do have to know where to start and go from there until you get the right med and dosage.
I have suffered from depression since a very young age and did not seek help until after multiple suicide attempts. I checked myself in to a mental health unit and it did wonders for me. Your case doesn't sound that severe, however, untreated, you never know where your mind will end up.
You will have to keep trying to find your med and dosage, but believe me, it is worth it in the long run. I have never felt so well in my life as I have the last 6 years or so. I am 38 now and consider myself mentally healthy.
Another thing to consider, what is your age? If you are a teen the side effects MUST be closely monitered. You should be able to check in with your doctor on a bi-weekly basis at the very least until you feel healthier.
Please remember also that you must take the meds consistantly; same time of day, every day.
You may not feel it right now, but you will get better. I hope this answer helps a bit and if you want, please email me at absolutelymehere@yahoo.com
P.S. Bipolar meds? You really need to get another opinion from an actual therapist. You didn't say you had manic episodes and effexor is not a bi polar treatment drug so I am not understanding why that would be the next step.
You should ask your doctor to give you a prescription for nausea, promethazine tab 25mg take 1 or 2 tablets by mouth every 4 to 6 hours as needed. They work just fine for me. Or try another depression medication, cymbalta 30mg taken at bedtime helps me.
The first step is to sit down and talk to your doctor about your concerns. Ask if those side effects are normal, and tell her that you don't feel like you can deal with constantly feeling ill. If you don't feel like your doctor is being completely open with you about this matter, or if you worry that she doesn't have your best interests at heart, you should definitely get a second opinion, and possibly look for a new doctor.
If you are still having side effects then that means this is not the right drug for you. Call your doc and let her know that you are still not doing well on this med so she can try something different.
Is your doctor actually a psychiatrist? If not, then THIS is why you are having problems. You need to see a psych because they are really good at prescribing not only the right drug, but also the right DOSE - and this is vital.
Insist on being referred to a psychiatrist.
I am on Effexor and I felt terrible for the first four weeks; I wanted to stop taking it. But my psychiatrist told me I had to try adjusting the dose first - and though I was sceptical he was right!
God loves you, and you are precious to Him. Son of God died on the Cross to save us from condemnation. Just come to Jesus with genuine repentance and faith, and you will have a great life of joy, peace, hope and meaning. Life on earth is short and uncertain; Heaven is eternal without end and wonderful beyond descriptions. Never, never, miss Heaven for anything in this troubled world. Best wishes for happiness and Heaven!
Everyone is different.I've been on zoloft for 8 months now and i've had no problem at all with it.
You should go back to your doctor and explain this im sure she will change your medication there are alot of anti-depressants out there.
Once the medictaion has been changed ,if you still feel like this then you should get it checked out just incase you have a physical problem.Please try not to worry,good luck :)
I had the same problems when I started taking Zoloft...did your doctor wean you off of the Effexor gradually or did she just switch you from one to the other? I had to wean myself off the Effexor because when I didn't take it, I got dizzy (so bad I was almost falling down) and sick, and got these horrible shakes and "brain zaps." When I went off the Effexor it took me about 2-3 months to finally feel better again, and then that is when my doctor put me on Zoloft + Wellbutrin and they seem to be doing the trick for me. I would say don't give up on it yet, and talk to your doctor again because if you are still coming off the Effexor it could be some of that is left in your system. Effexor is HORRIBLE for withdrawals. Good luck to you I hope you start feeling better!
You don't say what dosage you are on for the zoloft or the effexor. I used to take effexor xr 150 mg (for 5 years) and am now on zoloft 100mg (for about 8 months now). I was dizzy, lightheaded and very tired for about 2 months when I first started taking the zoloft. If you have been going to a family physician, you might try a mental health clinic for another opinion. There are so many meds out there that help. Not every med can help every person so you do have to know where to start and go from there until you get the right med and dosage.
I have suffered from depression since a very young age and did not seek help until after multiple suicide attempts. I checked myself in to a mental health unit and it did wonders for me. Your case doesn't sound that severe, however, untreated, you never know where your mind will end up.
You will have to keep trying to find your med and dosage, but believe me, it is worth it in the long run. I have never felt so well in my life as I have the last 6 years or so. I am 38 now and consider myself mentally healthy.
Another thing to consider, what is your age? If you are a teen the side effects MUST be closely monitered. You should be able to check in with your doctor on a bi-weekly basis at the very least until you feel healthier.
Please remember also that you must take the meds consistantly; same time of day, every day.
You may not feel it right now, but you will get better. I hope this answer helps a bit and if you want, please email me at absolutelymehere@yahoo.com
P.S. Bipolar meds? You really need to get another opinion from an actual therapist. You didn't say you had manic episodes and effexor is not a bi polar treatment drug so I am not understanding why that would be the next step.
You should ask your doctor to give you a prescription for nausea, promethazine tab 25mg take 1 or 2 tablets by mouth every 4 to 6 hours as needed. They work just fine for me. Or try another depression medication, cymbalta 30mg taken at bedtime helps me.
Please Help - Very Important!?
Hey Everyone...
I have just launched a new message board today. It's for people like you and I who just need a safe place to talk among like minded people who are going through the same thing.
I am trying to create a safe haven for anyone suffering from Anxiety, Stress and Depression and addictions.
Please visit and leave a post... it's free.
I am really hoping this new message board will become a wonderful knowledge base of support for all those suffering. Please visit and post. This is a great project that could help so many. Thank you.
Visit my website: http://www.attackanxiety.com
its good that your making a website like this that can help people, i think it will help alot of people, im one of the people who have some mental issues like the ones your talking about and maybe i can get some advice and stuff from your site too, its good to get more than one persons opinion and advice, what better way to do that then the internet? its the place the most people can meet and communicate, without having to be all in the same room, trying to have 500 different conversations at once, i think your website should be a good support for everyone with problems in there life, everyone has anxiety and feel depressed sometimes, even if its not an actually diagnosed problem for them, a pill cant always help these things either, talking to people who understand can. i'll go to your message board sometime and actually spend some time on it, i went on for about 1 minute and see alot of potential in it, good luck
I have just launched a new message board today. It's for people like you and I who just need a safe place to talk among like minded people who are going through the same thing.
I am trying to create a safe haven for anyone suffering from Anxiety, Stress and Depression and addictions.
Please visit and leave a post... it's free.
I am really hoping this new message board will become a wonderful knowledge base of support for all those suffering. Please visit and post. This is a great project that could help so many. Thank you.
Visit my website: http://www.attackanxiety.com
its good that your making a website like this that can help people, i think it will help alot of people, im one of the people who have some mental issues like the ones your talking about and maybe i can get some advice and stuff from your site too, its good to get more than one persons opinion and advice, what better way to do that then the internet? its the place the most people can meet and communicate, without having to be all in the same room, trying to have 500 different conversations at once, i think your website should be a good support for everyone with problems in there life, everyone has anxiety and feel depressed sometimes, even if its not an actually diagnosed problem for them, a pill cant always help these things either, talking to people who understand can. i'll go to your message board sometime and actually spend some time on it, i went on for about 1 minute and see alot of potential in it, good luck
Please Explain borderline personality disorder?
I am going through a tough separation from an abusive boyfiend and I want to go back
People with borderline personality disorder have overwhelming needs that they try to meet in relationships. A major defense mechanism used by these patients is "splitting" which means they fail to integrate positive and negative qualities in a person. They love and adore the positive things done by the other person but as soon as they receive any negative feedback or behavior, they immediately devalue the person and search for a new, positive relationship with someone else. They try to reattach as quickly as possible with another person. This results in unstable relationships. People with borderline personality disorder also have little tolerance for being alone - it's an intense fear of abandonment. Because of their inability to keep a steady relationship due to splitting and the need to constantly be with others, despair and self-mutiliation sets in. Self mutilation is a response to present or anticipated losses. These people really don't mean their actions to be lethal but they are impulsive and self-destructive. These behaviors are precipitated by threats of seperation or rejection. Chronic depression is also common along with anger. Patients display sarcasm, bitterness, or outbursts. Early childhood development plays a role in the development of borderline personality disorder. Kids who were abused, neglected, had hostility displayed to them or had parental losses are at the greatest risk.
In my personal opinion, seperation from an abusive boyfriend and wanting to go back is not a sign of borderline personality disorder. This behavior you are describing is common in many women who are being abused. Although the situation with your boyfriend was horrible and abusive, it was still a connection with another person. Please speak with a women's shelter in your area. They have many suggestions for seperating from abusive relationships that you may find helpful. Your safety is the most important. I hope this information helped.
BPD is a serious mental illness characterized by a pervasive instability in mood
this instability often disrupts family and work life
BPD suffer from a disorder of emotions regulations
BPD is more common affecting 2% of adults and mostly young women
good luck
People with borderline personality disorder have overwhelming needs that they try to meet in relationships. A major defense mechanism used by these patients is "splitting" which means they fail to integrate positive and negative qualities in a person. They love and adore the positive things done by the other person but as soon as they receive any negative feedback or behavior, they immediately devalue the person and search for a new, positive relationship with someone else. They try to reattach as quickly as possible with another person. This results in unstable relationships. People with borderline personality disorder also have little tolerance for being alone - it's an intense fear of abandonment. Because of their inability to keep a steady relationship due to splitting and the need to constantly be with others, despair and self-mutiliation sets in. Self mutilation is a response to present or anticipated losses. These people really don't mean their actions to be lethal but they are impulsive and self-destructive. These behaviors are precipitated by threats of seperation or rejection. Chronic depression is also common along with anger. Patients display sarcasm, bitterness, or outbursts. Early childhood development plays a role in the development of borderline personality disorder. Kids who were abused, neglected, had hostility displayed to them or had parental losses are at the greatest risk.
In my personal opinion, seperation from an abusive boyfriend and wanting to go back is not a sign of borderline personality disorder. This behavior you are describing is common in many women who are being abused. Although the situation with your boyfriend was horrible and abusive, it was still a connection with another person. Please speak with a women's shelter in your area. They have many suggestions for seperating from abusive relationships that you may find helpful. Your safety is the most important. I hope this information helped.
BPD is a serious mental illness characterized by a pervasive instability in mood
this instability often disrupts family and work life
BPD suffer from a disorder of emotions regulations
BPD is more common affecting 2% of adults and mostly young women
good luck
Please could those who read my previous question, re-read it - about going loopy?
Sorry folks, it got so long that I had to use the additional details option TWICE. What a nightmare!
i have just read your first question and no i do not think that you are going loopy i think that what you need is some support and to tell your husband how his moods are affecting you it sounds as if you have to do everything whilst he sits in a strop.your little girl may act as if she doesn't notice your husbands moods but it sounds to me as if he needs to realise that his little girl is growing up while he sits and does nothing and that as she starts to grow up she will be resent full of the fact that her father never spends anytime with her doing fun stuff,maybe your husband doesn't realise what affect he is having on family life so perhaps if you sit him down and talk to him and tell him that you would like it if you could do something at the weekends like take your daughter out somewhere and let her run about and burn off some of that energy that toddlers seem to have, and then have a nice meal somewhere just the two of you,if you can't get anybody to look after the little one put her to bed light some candles order a takeaway and spend the evening together .if this doesn't help i would suggest some marriage counselling. good luck.
i seroiusly dont think that your loopy, me, on the other hand, i am loopy, suiciadal too, and i cut..
i have just read your first question and no i do not think that you are going loopy i think that what you need is some support and to tell your husband how his moods are affecting you it sounds as if you have to do everything whilst he sits in a strop.your little girl may act as if she doesn't notice your husbands moods but it sounds to me as if he needs to realise that his little girl is growing up while he sits and does nothing and that as she starts to grow up she will be resent full of the fact that her father never spends anytime with her doing fun stuff,maybe your husband doesn't realise what affect he is having on family life so perhaps if you sit him down and talk to him and tell him that you would like it if you could do something at the weekends like take your daughter out somewhere and let her run about and burn off some of that energy that toddlers seem to have, and then have a nice meal somewhere just the two of you,if you can't get anybody to look after the little one put her to bed light some candles order a takeaway and spend the evening together .if this doesn't help i would suggest some marriage counselling. good luck.
i seroiusly dont think that your loopy, me, on the other hand, i am loopy, suiciadal too, and i cut..
Please can you answer?mental breakdown?
please can someone tell me what are the sypmtoms of mental exhaustion?i suffer with depression and have been ok up untill about 3 weeks ago when we had some trauma,s at home.since then i really feel poorly,pressure in head,crying all the time,lost interest in everything,just want to sleep all the time,no concentration and staring into space like im comatozed,i just can,t seem to get a grip of reality.don,t want to talk to anyone and if i do i want to cry,i want to do stupid things and just a feeling of low self asteem,no confidence,worthless.I,ve never reaaly felt like this and it frightens me.this don,t seem like the normal low periods i have.
im just so tired physically and mentally and i just want to go into a place of my own and scream it out.everything seems to be hurting me.if there are any professional dr,s out there please help me understand why i suddenly feel i don,t want to go on and why i just feel like im just exsisting.
If you are in UK, call NHS Direct on 08454647, or see a professional. People on here may not be what they say they are!
are you on any medication for your depression? it seems things have come to a head and you cant handle all the stress so feel pushed over the edge you need to speak to your gp tell him things are not going well and see what he suggests
everything you describes sounds like your heading for a breakdown so get help as soon as possible
You sound like you have a good grip on what's going on with you. Your symptoms sound like depression. Consider seeking professional help and perhaps getting temporary medication to help you get through this. The most important thing is to get the professional support to help you rebuild your thinking and re-create yourself if necessary. Don't wait.
Ohh wow.
You sound pretty miserable.
I suggest you get away from everything for a while.
I hope you're feeling better soon.
What I am happy about is you have managed to write this! I think that is very positive! Go to your Dr and explain how things have got worse, perhaps there is some medication you can go on ! You will get better don't worry, you just need treatment!
Sounds like Depression, stop drinking coffee/alcohol and see a doctor.
i know exactly how you feel.
I'm just getting over my third long term bout of depression. i've tried everything - counselling, psychologists, cognitive behaviour therapy etc.
finally i've found something that works called 'emotional freedom techniques' - EFT
the theory is that if you tackle the emotions that cause the depression then the behaviour that manifests itself wont occurr.
there's a great website - emofree.com
which includes a free handbook.
i'm still on medication and probably will be for a long time, but this has given me a light at the end of the very long tunnel.
but still, i think you should speak to your GP.
good luck
Hi I think you have depression and it would help you to go and see your GP and tell him/her how you have been feeling and he will give you something that will help. Lots of people suffer from depression. I have put a few websites for you to look at.
understanding depression:
those are 2 links to good info about depression on a forum i visit.
that is a test to score yourself on how depressed you are
i am just coming out of a similar situation.
How did i deal with it?
I just started picking at the things that i know i can do and the things i enjoy!
a) i like to golf. And always never made the time to go, So... feeling all crappy and all. I just took off for three days... and golfed! I hit rock bottom, i have nothing to lose! I played and enjoyed my time alone.
b) To do list. I have SO much things to do around the house. So... even if it took a week to do something that should have taken half a day! I still did it. I didn't care how long it took, as long as i did it. Finish my to do list. Who cares how long it takes.
When your list becomes half as long... (as it is now for me) The feeling of accomplishment is better than actually finishing your TO DO list.
c) I recently started eating healthier. Junk food and pop are a minority composition of my diet. And believe it or not... i function much better. Physically and Mentally. I know i am doing something better for my body and physically, i feel more alert and able.
d) Fitness. I couldn't believe it, but every morning i ride my bike. With this nice weather and all. Why not? Windy or rainy, i go for 30 minutes to the store and back! I cannot believe how much pumping your blood can make you feel so much better. Cardio everyday may seem excessive... but... its only 30 minutes and riding your bike... you can pick your own pace and your own route. I take a different route each day. But it seems everyday i get there sooner... and i am less tired! (I am actually, thinking of going further next month)
all in all, goal setting was tough.
Writing things down helped plan my day, my week, my month out. Even if i didn't finish something, I never crossed it out until it was 100% complete.
And if it wasn't completed, i never got stressed. I just kept at it until it was done.
The Redundant part is... as my list gets shorter... i have no problems adding more things to that list.
Now... i just get less stressed about it... and know i will have some time (down the road) to attack it.
anyways... hope that helps a little?
good luck
Get into some activity if you want to or not. This could be volunteering at your local hospital. Get out of the house by your self and drink some coffee at a fast food place. Look around at the flowers outside whenever you take a walk. You can not let people or any given situations get you down. This will all pass. You need to go take a walk by yourself and really look around as I said at the flowers and all the beautiful birds.Find you a small job and find people to talk with.You are never too old to take a college class. Go take a human resouce class at your local college.Human resource classes are really fun and informing. Play music that make you happy! Go get a manicure at the beauty college they are not all that expensive.You may want to talk with your doctor but I would not talk any meds. only if I had to. You sound fine! Just get out of the house by yourself and talk to people even if you do not want to.Go take a ride on the city bus, and look at the peoples clothing the styles such as their hair. Stay here and help other people with their questions. Some people may be rude but overlook them. We value your opinions!
i am not a dr but have been in your situation, it is because of the recent trauma in your life that has alot to do with your subconsious and things have come all at once through out your life. its like a tow truck carting bricks and it is now full and over flowing. tomorrow morning have a shower tell yourself you are going to have a good day. look in the mirror and tell youself this again, go for a light walk somewhere. and then return and have a little snack, you neeed to keep motivated to be able to pick yourself up. when u begin to feel like this and reconise ther eis a problem and your sick of it... this is when it is going to be a new beging for you.take that stand and tell yourself to bad i am not going to let things get me down... strom on ahead you have the will power there!
You feel awful because you very depressed; also sounds like some form of nervous fatigue.
If you haven't spoken to a doctor, you should. They will organise help for you, whether it's in the form of therapy, medication, or both.
Depression is truly awful, but there IS so much help available for you, do go and get it!
Don't continue to feel this way; you WILL get through this, with a little bit of help. Make an appointment with your doctor; make that phone call today!
And if for any reason at all you have an unsympathetic doctor, find a better one!
I think it may also help you to confide in a close friend or relative about how bad you're feeling. Have a good cry, too; better out than in!
I know how you feel. Just simply existing and only knowing that time passes because you have to shop everyweek, not getting anything done because you cannot concentrate, get motivated and move quickly.
I probably had a small breakdown, where all I could do one weekend was cry. I was so slow at moving, and when I wasn't crying I wanted to cry. I wouldn't talk to anybody, was extremely quiet and withdrawn, this was when I'd decided that I'd had enough and went to the doctor.
I have depression and was like that for ages. I really suggest that you see your doctor. If you are put on medication I suggest that you get somebody close to you that sees you often to keep an eye out for you and to give you lots of support. They often make you worse before you get better. My energy has only just started to pick up, though I feel like crying I am able to get up and out. My motivation and energy are up which helps, though my mood is still a little low I am able to get stuff done, which helps to improve your mood.
The very best of luck.
You are having a major depressive episode triggered by the trauma you said happened at home. And you are trying to get out of the the episode by yourself. It sounds like you are not on meds or have a therapist. If you have a therapist you need to get to him/her now. If you are on meds they may have to be adjusted or in some cases the meds you are on have "quit working". It's happened to me.
And "Yes", it does feel like you are existing. The feeling will pass and will pass quicker with some professional help. But remember . . . what you are experiencing is the illness of depression . . . no use in figuring out "why" . . . it's just the way the illness works Peace..
It sounds like classic burnout.
It's possible to live for years coping with everything until you reach a point where things get to be too much. Quite often that point is recognised as a type of trauma, often something apperntly minor, %26 it brings everyting crashing down on you.
Then depression hits. The worst thing is that nobody listens or understands, they think depression is no more than low mood, but now you know the full extent of what depression really is.
What has happened in your brain is that the synapse chemicals have got depleted by constant stress. Doctors often prescribe antidepressants to treat the symptoms %26 suggest you rest while you recover. The antidepressants will help, but it is the rest that really heals.
You need time to rest, cry, feel low %26 just not take responsibility - at least a month. Your brain is telling you not to do anything, which is why basically you can't. Don't try to get a good grip on things, just survive until you feel you can enjoy something again, by then you will be fairly well on the way to recovery.
you might get more help from someone who actually had a mental breakdown and has the descriptive powers to analyse it;i.e. my good self
claire weeks in her 'self help for your nerves' explains that a mental breakdown consists of mental,physical ,emotional and spiritual breakdown-sounds like you were getting worn down in each of these areas and that the recent event tipped you over the edge
you have normal low periods but on this occasion you probably need more than just talk-possibly treatmetn with cipramil anti depressant if you have depression with panic attacks or prothiaden with sleep disruption
take as much pressure off yourself as possible and go straight to your G.p
COME back to me if the problem goes on
You really need to talk to someone professional about how you are feeling. Have you got an understanding GP? If so, they will understand and maybe refer you to a counsellor or to the Local Mental Health team. I don't think you can get out of this spiral on your own. Have you got anyone that would go to the doctors with you? Please don't struggle through this on your own. It is a natural reaction to the traumas that you have been through lately. The mid is like a sponge, it can only absorb so much and when it is full, then it says, 'Hey, I need a while to cope with all of this, to process what has happened'. I know it doesn't feel like a natural reaction but it really is. Your mind is overloaded,. I found writing down how I felt was the best thing, just getting all of the rubbish out on paper, just scribble. I also used to draw pictures, I'm rubbish at drawing but just focusing on something really helped. I just got a packet of felt tips and some cheap paper. I also used to go and throw crockery at the shed outside when I couldn't express my anger any other way. I n=know that it feels like you're paralysed, like every effort takes all your effort, so please just try writing, it really does help. Take care.
this is something you must see you re Doctor about mental brake down can manifest its self in many way depending on the person and their circumstances please go and see youre doctor
please can someone tell me what are the sypmtoms of mental exhaustion?i suffer with depression and have been ok up untill about 3 weeks ago when we had some trauma,s at home.since then i really feel poorly,pressure in head,crying all the time,lost interest in everything,just want to sleep all the time,no concentration and staring into space like im comatozed,i just can,t seem to get a grip of reality.don,t want to talk to anyone and if i do i want to cry,i want to do stupid things and just a feeling of low self asteem,no confidence,worthless.I,ve never reaaly felt like this and it frightens me.this don,t seem like the normal low periods i have.
im just so tired physically and mentally and i just want to go into a place of my own and scream it out.everything seems to be hurting me.if there are any professional dr,s out there please help me understand why i suddenly feel i don,t want to go on and why i just feel like im just exsisting.
If you are in UK, call NHS Direct on 08454647, or see a professional. People on here may not be what they say they are!
are you on any medication for your depression? it seems things have come to a head and you cant handle all the stress so feel pushed over the edge you need to speak to your gp tell him things are not going well and see what he suggests
everything you describes sounds like your heading for a breakdown so get help as soon as possible
You sound like you have a good grip on what's going on with you. Your symptoms sound like depression. Consider seeking professional help and perhaps getting temporary medication to help you get through this. The most important thing is to get the professional support to help you rebuild your thinking and re-create yourself if necessary. Don't wait.
Ohh wow.
You sound pretty miserable.
I suggest you get away from everything for a while.
I hope you're feeling better soon.
What I am happy about is you have managed to write this! I think that is very positive! Go to your Dr and explain how things have got worse, perhaps there is some medication you can go on ! You will get better don't worry, you just need treatment!
Sounds like Depression, stop drinking coffee/alcohol and see a doctor.
i know exactly how you feel.
I'm just getting over my third long term bout of depression. i've tried everything - counselling, psychologists, cognitive behaviour therapy etc.
finally i've found something that works called 'emotional freedom techniques' - EFT
the theory is that if you tackle the emotions that cause the depression then the behaviour that manifests itself wont occurr.
there's a great website - emofree.com
which includes a free handbook.
i'm still on medication and probably will be for a long time, but this has given me a light at the end of the very long tunnel.
but still, i think you should speak to your GP.
good luck
Hi I think you have depression and it would help you to go and see your GP and tell him/her how you have been feeling and he will give you something that will help. Lots of people suffer from depression. I have put a few websites for you to look at.
understanding depression:
those are 2 links to good info about depression on a forum i visit.
that is a test to score yourself on how depressed you are
i am just coming out of a similar situation.
How did i deal with it?
I just started picking at the things that i know i can do and the things i enjoy!
a) i like to golf. And always never made the time to go, So... feeling all crappy and all. I just took off for three days... and golfed! I hit rock bottom, i have nothing to lose! I played and enjoyed my time alone.
b) To do list. I have SO much things to do around the house. So... even if it took a week to do something that should have taken half a day! I still did it. I didn't care how long it took, as long as i did it. Finish my to do list. Who cares how long it takes.
When your list becomes half as long... (as it is now for me) The feeling of accomplishment is better than actually finishing your TO DO list.
c) I recently started eating healthier. Junk food and pop are a minority composition of my diet. And believe it or not... i function much better. Physically and Mentally. I know i am doing something better for my body and physically, i feel more alert and able.
d) Fitness. I couldn't believe it, but every morning i ride my bike. With this nice weather and all. Why not? Windy or rainy, i go for 30 minutes to the store and back! I cannot believe how much pumping your blood can make you feel so much better. Cardio everyday may seem excessive... but... its only 30 minutes and riding your bike... you can pick your own pace and your own route. I take a different route each day. But it seems everyday i get there sooner... and i am less tired! (I am actually, thinking of going further next month)
all in all, goal setting was tough.
Writing things down helped plan my day, my week, my month out. Even if i didn't finish something, I never crossed it out until it was 100% complete.
And if it wasn't completed, i never got stressed. I just kept at it until it was done.
The Redundant part is... as my list gets shorter... i have no problems adding more things to that list.
Now... i just get less stressed about it... and know i will have some time (down the road) to attack it.
anyways... hope that helps a little?
good luck
Get into some activity if you want to or not. This could be volunteering at your local hospital. Get out of the house by your self and drink some coffee at a fast food place. Look around at the flowers outside whenever you take a walk. You can not let people or any given situations get you down. This will all pass. You need to go take a walk by yourself and really look around as I said at the flowers and all the beautiful birds.Find you a small job and find people to talk with.You are never too old to take a college class. Go take a human resouce class at your local college.Human resource classes are really fun and informing. Play music that make you happy! Go get a manicure at the beauty college they are not all that expensive.You may want to talk with your doctor but I would not talk any meds. only if I had to. You sound fine! Just get out of the house by yourself and talk to people even if you do not want to.Go take a ride on the city bus, and look at the peoples clothing the styles such as their hair. Stay here and help other people with their questions. Some people may be rude but overlook them. We value your opinions!
i am not a dr but have been in your situation, it is because of the recent trauma in your life that has alot to do with your subconsious and things have come all at once through out your life. its like a tow truck carting bricks and it is now full and over flowing. tomorrow morning have a shower tell yourself you are going to have a good day. look in the mirror and tell youself this again, go for a light walk somewhere. and then return and have a little snack, you neeed to keep motivated to be able to pick yourself up. when u begin to feel like this and reconise ther eis a problem and your sick of it... this is when it is going to be a new beging for you.take that stand and tell yourself to bad i am not going to let things get me down... strom on ahead you have the will power there!
You feel awful because you very depressed; also sounds like some form of nervous fatigue.
If you haven't spoken to a doctor, you should. They will organise help for you, whether it's in the form of therapy, medication, or both.
Depression is truly awful, but there IS so much help available for you, do go and get it!
Don't continue to feel this way; you WILL get through this, with a little bit of help. Make an appointment with your doctor; make that phone call today!
And if for any reason at all you have an unsympathetic doctor, find a better one!
I think it may also help you to confide in a close friend or relative about how bad you're feeling. Have a good cry, too; better out than in!
I know how you feel. Just simply existing and only knowing that time passes because you have to shop everyweek, not getting anything done because you cannot concentrate, get motivated and move quickly.
I probably had a small breakdown, where all I could do one weekend was cry. I was so slow at moving, and when I wasn't crying I wanted to cry. I wouldn't talk to anybody, was extremely quiet and withdrawn, this was when I'd decided that I'd had enough and went to the doctor.
I have depression and was like that for ages. I really suggest that you see your doctor. If you are put on medication I suggest that you get somebody close to you that sees you often to keep an eye out for you and to give you lots of support. They often make you worse before you get better. My energy has only just started to pick up, though I feel like crying I am able to get up and out. My motivation and energy are up which helps, though my mood is still a little low I am able to get stuff done, which helps to improve your mood.
The very best of luck.
You are having a major depressive episode triggered by the trauma you said happened at home. And you are trying to get out of the the episode by yourself. It sounds like you are not on meds or have a therapist. If you have a therapist you need to get to him/her now. If you are on meds they may have to be adjusted or in some cases the meds you are on have "quit working". It's happened to me.
And "Yes", it does feel like you are existing. The feeling will pass and will pass quicker with some professional help. But remember . . . what you are experiencing is the illness of depression . . . no use in figuring out "why" . . . it's just the way the illness works Peace..
It sounds like classic burnout.
It's possible to live for years coping with everything until you reach a point where things get to be too much. Quite often that point is recognised as a type of trauma, often something apperntly minor, %26 it brings everyting crashing down on you.
Then depression hits. The worst thing is that nobody listens or understands, they think depression is no more than low mood, but now you know the full extent of what depression really is.
What has happened in your brain is that the synapse chemicals have got depleted by constant stress. Doctors often prescribe antidepressants to treat the symptoms %26 suggest you rest while you recover. The antidepressants will help, but it is the rest that really heals.
You need time to rest, cry, feel low %26 just not take responsibility - at least a month. Your brain is telling you not to do anything, which is why basically you can't. Don't try to get a good grip on things, just survive until you feel you can enjoy something again, by then you will be fairly well on the way to recovery.
you might get more help from someone who actually had a mental breakdown and has the descriptive powers to analyse it;i.e. my good self
claire weeks in her 'self help for your nerves' explains that a mental breakdown consists of mental,physical ,emotional and spiritual breakdown-sounds like you were getting worn down in each of these areas and that the recent event tipped you over the edge
you have normal low periods but on this occasion you probably need more than just talk-possibly treatmetn with cipramil anti depressant if you have depression with panic attacks or prothiaden with sleep disruption
take as much pressure off yourself as possible and go straight to your G.p
COME back to me if the problem goes on
You really need to talk to someone professional about how you are feeling. Have you got an understanding GP? If so, they will understand and maybe refer you to a counsellor or to the Local Mental Health team. I don't think you can get out of this spiral on your own. Have you got anyone that would go to the doctors with you? Please don't struggle through this on your own. It is a natural reaction to the traumas that you have been through lately. The mid is like a sponge, it can only absorb so much and when it is full, then it says, 'Hey, I need a while to cope with all of this, to process what has happened'. I know it doesn't feel like a natural reaction but it really is. Your mind is overloaded,. I found writing down how I felt was the best thing, just getting all of the rubbish out on paper, just scribble. I also used to draw pictures, I'm rubbish at drawing but just focusing on something really helped. I just got a packet of felt tips and some cheap paper. I also used to go and throw crockery at the shed outside when I couldn't express my anger any other way. I n=know that it feels like you're paralysed, like every effort takes all your effort, so please just try writing, it really does help. Take care.
this is something you must see you re Doctor about mental brake down can manifest its self in many way depending on the person and their circumstances please go and see youre doctor
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